Download Wolverine - Feral Instinct ROM Hack

Wolverine - Feral Instinct Game
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Parameter Info
Console: SNES
Original Game: Super Mario World
Type: Complete
Genre: Action > Platformer
Modifications: G,S,L,T,GP
Creator: BillyTime! Games
Date Created: 05/18/2020
Last Modified: 05/19/2020
Parameter Info
File Name: Wolverine - Feral Instinct
Downloads: 536
Requirements: Header (SNES)
Version: 4.0

Wolverine - Feral InstinctDescription

Don’t think this is gonna be a 100% Gold Remake, it’ll have its differences. Extra battles (some’ll be optionals, tough but rewarding), Hoenn Pokemon (in every area, and hard to find) New areas, Remapped some dungeons (so your old guides wont work) , Extra recurring characters (some’ll hate you, some’ll help you)

Note that the hack is incomplete but feel free to enjoy the hack as-is.

Wolverine - Feral InstinctRead Me

Wolverine - Feral Instinct v4
May 18th, 2020
Billy Time! Games

Special thank you to Johnichu and Self-made Island 
for their help beta testing this creation! You guys rule! <3

How to Patch:
1.Grab a headered copy of Super Mario World (U)
2.Grab Floating IPS (
3.Patch you rom with the included BPS file

Slash your way across five levels of exciting action! 

Uncover the mystery unfolding at the Weapon X facility 
and show your enemies exactly why you're the best at what you do.

Resource Credits:

Factory/Industrial FG and BG - leictreon
Jelly Boy 2 Beta - Wonder Space Factory BG - Hadron
Industrial FG - Gamma V
The Smurfs 2 - Snow BG - Ayami
Super Mario Maker - Super Mario World - Ghost House FG - Dan
Tetrimino Hills FG - Gamma V
Doraemon 3: Nobita to Toki no Hougyoku - Spider Boss BG - Ayami
Super Princess Peach - Shriek Mansion (Inside) BG - Idol
Mecha-Bowser's Revenge - Ice FG - Gamma V
Freedom Planet - Fortune Night BG - Ayami
Mega Man Zero 2 - Forest of Dysis BG - Rykon-V73
Wolverine GFX and Comic Panels - Marvel Comics

Waterworld - Mission Theme 3 - KevinM
Waterworld - Mission Theme 2 - KevinM
Shinobi 3 - Solitary - Nicoke42
Castlevania: Dracula X - Opus 13 - KevinM
Last Bible 3 - Ancient Warrior - Dispace
Shiny Crystals - Maxodex
Fester's Quest - Underground Sewer - Yuzu
Alexander Brandon - Repression - worldpeace
The King of Fighters '94 - Esaka (Japan Stage) - Bak Sangwoo
Mega Man Zero 4 - Blackheart Beat - Ultima
Streets of Rage - Round Clear - Nameless
Mega Man Zero 2 - Departure - tcdw
Kururin Paradise - Castle Land - Dispace
Mega Man X - Stage Select 2 - Wakana
Chrono Trigger - Black Omen - KevinM
Kyuuyaku Megami Tensei - Jakyou 1 - Samantha
Tower of Heaven - The Lonely Tower - Lui
Magic Sword - Onslaught - Samantha


(May 18th, 2020)
*Time Attack mode added (Race against the clock and reach the finish line!)
*Survival Mode Added (Last 3 minutes against Mysterio's danger room to win!)
*Wrong audio in Juggernaut intro fixed for 80s wolverine

(May 13th, 2020)
*Addition costumes have been added, beat the game to learn how to access them
*Several level layout bugs have been addressed
*New Boss Rush mode has been added to the game select menu

(May 10th, 2020)
Initial Release