Download ReCast FF3: War of the Magitek ROM Hack

ReCast FF3: War of the Magitek Game
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Parameter Info
Console: SNES
Original Game: Final Fantasy III
Type: Complete
Genre: Role Playing
Modifications: G,L,T,GP
Creator: C-Dude
Date Created: 08/30/2020
Last Modified: 08/30/2020
Parameter Info
File Name: ReCast FF3
Downloads: 40
Requirements: No-Header (SNES)
Version: 2.0

ReCast FF3: War of the MagitekDescription

Don’t think this is gonna be a 100% Gold Remake, it’ll have its differences. Extra battles (some’ll be optionals, tough but rewarding), Hoenn Pokemon (in every area, and hard to find) New areas, Remapped some dungeons (so your old guides wont work) , Extra recurring characters (some’ll hate you, some’ll help you)

Note that the hack is incomplete but feel free to enjoy the hack as-is.

ReCast FF3: War of the MagitekRead Me

ReCast FF3: War of the Magitek
> ReCast FF3 (UH).ips - Overhaul patch for an unheadered US 1.0 Rom of FF3(SNES).
> ReCast FF3 (H).ips - Overhaul patch for a headered US 1.0 Rom of FF3(SNES).
> ReCast Readme.txt - This document.
Patches were made with LunarIPS and Headerizer

ReCast is a 'stand on shoulders' vanillish hack.  Basically, I took a bunch of things
that other modders developed and put as many of them together as I could.

> Bug Fixes
> NPC Changes
> Script Changes
> Mechanic Tweaks
> Character and Enemy Graphics

Of the things mentioned above, there are four tent poles I used as a base:

> Ted Woolsie's Uncensored Edition 2.01 
	(by Rodimus Primal)
> Divergent Paths
	(by Power Panda)
> C.V. Reynold's Comprehensive Bugfix Compilation
	(Which will be credited below)
	[Only to C3:FFFF]
> FF6 Hacking Sprite Database 2017
	(by Madsiur, itself a compilation of dozens of graphic artists, who will be credited later)
So what?  What's different between what they did and what I'm presenting here?  Why bother?

For starters, I've changed magic, restructuring all the player spells in the game.
Thanks to the member Everything of for pointing me in the right direction within the ROM,
and to Assassin and Novalia Spirit for the disassemblies used.  I also expanded a patch by GrayShadows to
give six unique level-based learning sets, as opposed to the original two of Terra and Celes.
So I changed the spells.  A ReCast.  Whoop-dee-doo, there's nothing really great about that.
What else have I got?

Well, I've changed some party members too.  ReCast them.  I ripped off Shadow's shrouds and turned
him into Clyde, had Setzer Gabbiani swap places with Darryl Scherwil, adjusted Cyan, dropped Gogo for Banon,
and made moderate changes to several other characters including Terra, Celes, Cid, Mog, Sabin, and Umaro.
Additionally, a second scenario split was added at the start of the World of Ruin, and early recruit
options were added for Mog and Umaro.
The plot is still vanillish, though, so maybe this isn't what you're looking for either.
Where am I going with this?

The big one, that's where.  I poured most of the enemies into new molds and ReCast them in a new
artistic vision.  ...What the heck am I talking about?
Has it ever bothered you that the first 6 Final Fantasy games basically feature stick figure heroes
fighting Romance-era paintings?  Probably not, but it drives me crazy!
I've sought to reduce the art clash, using assets from Sprite Database 2017 and other sources to
convert the game into stick-figures versus stick-figures.  Many enemies are reimagined, more of
them are humans (to explain the mysterious absence of Vector forces in the World of Balance), and
some of them are downright hilarious (Test Rider's a good example).  It's basically a
creative re-censoring of the enemies.
Now, not all enemies have been de-Romanced.  Those that reflect mythical creatures, as well as Kefka's Climb remain unchanged.
Most, however, from the stately Tonberry to the lowly Brainpan have been changed extensively.
If for no other reason, the graphics changes are why you should consider playing this hack.

Version Notes
1.01: fixes a softlock bug (runaway fixable)
with the monster script that occurred between
Figaro Castle and South Figaro if the player did not use Magic.

1.02: fixes a softlock bug at the imperial banquet
which occurs if Biggs is recruited but is not an attendee at the banquet.

1.03: fixes a relic bug that prevented the Earrings, Armlet, and
Hero Ring from having any effect.  Gambling weapons also received a buff.

1.04: makes certain physical commands correctly get
a back-row nerf, including Retort.

1.05: fixes a menu layout issue in item descriptions.

1.06: corrects a treasure typo that tells the player they got "Inviz Edge"
instead of the changed item "Refractor", and similar typos in that vein.
Additionally, it adds an event subroutine to average levels on Locke, Banon, and Biggs,
who were overlooked by the Thamasa level averaging.
Additionally, Palettes appropriately break when used as items now.

1.07: deals with some player confusion issues.  Celes does a more thorough
job explaining Runic (or at least a longer one), someone at the auction house says
that Golem is for sale (implying Zonezeek is not), and Siegfried will be less aggressive
on the Veldt (only switching to boss mode if your average level is 32+).
This update also changes the second RiverStep move from Flash (which wasn't working for Mog)
to Borealis. 

1.08: makes more bosses immune to poison element and poisoned status, to cut down
on the cheese in late-game bosses.  World of Balance bosses remain mostly vulnerable
(Suplex the train at your own peril! MWAHAHAHA), but World of Ruin bosses are now mostly
immune to the poison element and poison status, save those where that is their intended strategy
(like stooges) or those where poison is the safety strategy (like tentacles).
Additionally, most bosses immune to poison won't let you debilitate that immunity away anymore
(the only exception being Dullahan, as debilitation is the intended strategy there).

1.09: makes a dialogue change in Cyan's dream.  The original line felt awkward
and there was a little space left in the dialog script, so I threw in some backstory.

1.10: fixes some typos and some spell problems.
Hound's damage is now equivalent to Step Mine instead of half of it.
Aurora now works more like Efflux, doing Pearl damage to all enemies equal to the caster's HP
and redirection healing equal to the sum.
TetraSlice is changed to OniBlade, which does MP damage; it's like a multi-target Rasp.
On new save files, Clyde will have more Magic Power, Magic Defense, Magic Evade, and MP,
but slightly less Battle Power and Stamina.

1.11: fixes an event crash if Cyan is not used during the Narshe esper defense.
Saves and savestates before starting the battle will work, but savestates during
the defense until the north cliff loads will still have the bug.
Lowers Siegfried's boss-mode trigger to level 29 and up.

2.00: Big changes, so save files from v1 patches won't be compatible.
* Used some code by Catone to give Terra a new unique command "Imbue", which works similarly to Aether but has its own animation.
  If she is dual-wielding, Imbue strikes twice.
* Added SilentEnigma's excellent SoftReset and Continue? features.
  Thank you SilentEnigma for these wonderful quality-of-life options!
  [For Modders] As a result, ZoneDoctor can no longer be used for event script text dumps.
  To make it compatible, make a copy and use a hex editor to change the values at
  CC/E5D8 and CC/E5FF to "FE".
  Then open the copy in ZoneDoctor and export the event dump.
  Finally, go to those two addresses within said event dump
  and replace the FE return lines with this:  
  CCE5D8: {66}                  {SilentEnigma} - Process Save Count (subroutine C0D728)
  CCE5FF: {67}                  {SilentEnigma} - Soft Reset (subroutine C0/D73B)
  Failing to "return" out the two commands will cause ZoneDoctor to crash when opening the event viewer.
  This is because it does not recognize the custom commands, and tries to parse them as something else.
* Reworked the Veldt formations so that Rage-yielding leapables come more often.
  Reset or Soft-Reset to re-randomize if Siegfried is in your way!
* Drew inspiration from Synchesi and BtB's Brave New World to improve some menu functionality, such as auto-run and Rage/Dance descriptions.
  I reverse-engineered them, so I don't know who is responsible for what work.  GrayShadows, Seibaby, Bropedio... that
  whole team is very talented and their code was very useful.
* Restructured the Lore list to further evoke the themes of the three schools of magic.  It does not sort with Mag.Order, though, sorry.
* Buffed Banon's stats: he felt too soft to use in V1.
* Celes now learns Purify, whereas Terra learns Soothe.  Other spell learnsets have been adjusted, such as Strago never learning Cure.
* Renamed the Homecoming "The Nostos", which means "the returns".
  Homecoming was meant to evoke soldiers returning from battle, but the audience at large took it as a joke.
* Renamed the Falcon "The Faro" to keep with the card motif of the ships.
  I did this for reasons that are totally not because I needed space in the dialog script!
  Faro was played in the Wild West and was supplanted in popularity by Poker.
  ...I considered calling it "The Poker", but that would have the same problems Homecoming did.
* Floored the magic defense of the enemies in the Magitek Research Facility.
  Magic should feel appropriately powerful there now, particularly in Natural Magic runs.
* Added enemy resistances!  All enemies now have the option to halve certain elements, and so do Gau's rages!
* Hound now does Pearl-based damage, so that bosses can resist or block it.  The two dog counters are also now Pearl-type.
* A new status "Fearful" has been added, which halves the output of damage and healing for the sufferer.
  Someone who is fearful will only inflict half damage to their enemies, and their healing spells will only heal others for half as much.
* Added a new consumable "Brave Apple" to remove Fearful status.
* Added a new consumable "Coffee Bean" to remove Sleeping status.
* All consumables now remove "Muddle" status.
* Those with the Runic status will now pulse with a pink outline, as was formerly the Stop display.  Freeze has taken the place of Stop in all instances.
* Runic can now be dispeled.  It will be canceled if the runicker is moogled.
* Gau now has a rage that toggles Runic on himself.
* Moogle status now removes Cover and Retort.
* Reflect no longer has a timer and must be dispeled.
* Wall Change now gives resistance to elements instead of immunity.
  All elements except the absorb and weaken will deal half-damage instead of 0.
  This was done to make the move viable as a Terra ability without being broken.
  It also makes the three WallChange bosses less tedious.
* All items now remove Muddle when used on a confused target.
* Boss scripts have been adjusted; bosses have fewer counterattacks to keep them from following their normal attack route.
  This surprisingly makes them MORE dangerous.
* Bosses are more often immune to Seizure and Poison.
* You can't fight Tsepmet during Relm's scenario anymore, to properly mirror the protection against fighting Ekauq.
  Yes, their names are backwards.  Yes, it's silly.  The dragons got a huge buff, though, and I don't want players tripping on that fight too early.
  I recommend a party at level 30 minimum to attempt these fights.
* The Mobliz "Light of Judgment" flashback has been cut, to parallel the cut of Ramuh's "Phantom Village" flashback.
  The scene runs smoother without it.
* Animations have been tweaked in an effort to reduce lag.  ShadowBox was a big culprit of this, hopefully there isn't any weirdness.
* The Chocobo Flicker has been fixed!
* "Purple Intro" remains a bug-at-large and may never be fixed.
* Recruiting Strago in the World of Ruin was putting Banon back into the shops.  Oops!  This has been fixed.
* A half dozen enemies have had their graphics adjusted.  They were formerly rapid shrinks from an earlier bugfix.
  The new graphics are much more appropriate.
* Tyrannosaurs had an attack that made them untargetable.  This attack now destroys them on use, fixing the bug.

Patches Used (And Credits)
Ted Woolsie's Uncensored Edition 2.01 
	(by Rodimus Primal) - Used as reference for the Script only
Divergent Paths
	(by Power Panda)
C.V. Reynold's Bug-Fix Compilation and Script Fix 1.15
	[To C3:FFFF only, no event fixes included]
	(by C.V. Reynolds, containing...)
			1-Way Status Immunity (Assassin)
			Agoraphobic Leader (Novalia Spirit)
			Allergic Dog (Novalia Spirit)
			Amnesic Cursor (Novalia Spirit)
			Anchors Aweigh! (Imzogelmo/Lenophis)
			Anonymous Attack (Leet Sketcher)
			Auction Chocobo Fix (Madsiur)
			Auto Swordless Runic  (Assassin)
			Auto-expiring statuses don't reset their timers with manual removal (Assassin)
			Backstabu (Leet Sketcher)
			Backwards Jump (Leet Sketcher)
			Bad Decoration (Lenophis)
			Banon Riding (Leet Sketcher)
			Banquet Guards Go Back to Their Places (mblock129)
			Bird Bars (Leet Sketcher)
			Bland Entrance (Leet Sketcher)
			Blitz Tutorial Fix (C. V. Reynolds)
			Blush Disease (Novalia Spirit)
			Border Crossing (Imzogelmo, Lenophis, Novalia Spirit)
			Bottomless HP and MP Well (Assassin)
			Bridge Correction (Gi Nattak)
			Broken Gate (Novalia Spirit)
			Bye Bye Breath (Leet Sketcher) (modified for FF3usME compatibility, and maybe compatibility with Blitz Tutorial)
			Can't lose for winning (Lenophis)
			Caravaggio (Leet Sketcher)
			Carve Stone (Leet Sketcher ver) (Imzogelmo)
			Castle Party (Leet Sketcher)
			Cave to the Sealed Gate Basement 3 Event Megafix (Assassin)
			Celes' Rushing (Djibriel)
			Chain of Command (Leet Sketcher)
			Chance Offering (Leet Sketcher)
			Coin Flip Fix (Gi Nattak)
			Control Attacks Ignore MP Cost (Assassin)
			Control Menu Responds Poorly to MP Change (Assassin)
			Dead Hare (Leet Sketcher)
			Dead in the Air (Leet Sketcher)
			Deceptive Tapir (Assassin)
			Disrespectful Zombie (Assassin)
			Doom Darts and Trump name fix (Assassin)
			Double Block (Leet Sketcher)
			Duncan Stays Put (mblock129)
			Duplicate Enemy Names (Assassin)
			Dusk Requium (SP) (C. V. Reynolds)
			Equip Anything fix (Kejardon/Lenophis/Imzogelmo)
			Equip wrong item to slot via event (Assassin)
			Esper Battle Menu (Lenophis)
			Evade (Terii senshi)
			False Knight (Leet Sketcher)
			FC 05 enemy command (Master ZED)
			Flaky True Knight protection (Assassin)
			Flight of Storm Drgn (Novalia Spirit)
			For What Ails Ya (Lenophis/Imzogelmo/Kejardon)
			Frozen Mosaic (Novalia Spirit)
			Frozen Terra Fix (Madsiur)
			Game Over (Leet Sketcher)
			Genji Glove damage reduction (Assassin)
			Gogo and the Cursed Shield (Imzogelmo {with additional fixing by Leet Sketcher})
			Gold Wrexsoul (mblock129)
			Grand Stairway (Imzogelmo)
			Half Knife (Leet Sketcher)
			Hasty T-Rex (Leet Sketcher)
			Homesick Gau (Djibriel)
			I condemn thee to hell! (Lenophis)
			Ignore Kamog (Drakkhen)
			Imp Skimp (Leet Sketcher)
			Imp's Call (Leet Sketcher)
			Imp's Rage (Leet Sketcher)
			Imp's Retort (Leet Sketcher)
			Imp's Retort Compatibility (Leet Sketcher)
			Incoherent Gungho dialogue (Assassin)
			Instant Airship (Novalia Spirit)
			Invert Damage if Undead (Leet Sketcher ver) (Master ZED)
			Ironic Metamorph Pack (Assassin)
			Item Magic Counter (Leet Sketcher)
			Jewel Ring Description (Assassin)
			Jump Megafix (Version A) (Assassin)
			Jump-Launcher and Jump-Super Ball (Assassin)
			Killer Life 3 (Leet Sketcher)
			Life 2 Description (Imzogelmo)
			Lens Cap (Leet Sketcher)
			Loud Music (Leet Sketcher)
			M-Tek Vehicle in Cyan's Soul event (Imzogelmo)
			Magic Sorting (Novalia Spirit)
			Magicite - Strength to Vigor (C. V. Reynolds)
			Magitek Madness (Leet Sketcher)
				Map Mishap (Leet Sketcher)	[Conflicted with DivergentPaths, patched out]
			Menu Malarky (Leet Sketcher)
			Mine Cart (Imzogelmo)
			Miraculous, Death-Defying Always-Left-Facing Jumps in Zozo (mblock129)
			Miscolored command names (grayed version) (Assassin)
			Misplaced Cursor (Novalia Spirit)
			Missing Dialogue (Novalia Spirit)
			Missing Light (Novalia Spirit)
				Morph Mayhem (Leet Sketcher) [Conflicted with SPELL18, patched out]
			Muddle-Mantra (Assassin)
			Muddle-Palidor (Assassin)
			Multi-Steal (Imzogelmo {with additional fixing by Leet Sketcher})
				Multiple Events Fix (Leet Sketcher) [Conflicted with DivergentPaths, patched out]
			Mute Steals Rage Statuses (Assassin)
				Naming Shadow (Novalia Spirit) [Overwritten by DivergentPaths]
			Narshe's Door (Leet Sketcher)
			Narshe's Secret Entrance Tile (Novalia Spirit)
			No X In Fight (Leet Sketcher)
			Off Death Row (Leet Sketcher)
			Off the Hook (Leet Sketcher)
			Opened Eyes Terra Alt (Madsiur)
			Overhead (Leet Sketcher)
			Persistent Whistle (Novalia Spirit)
			Petrified Rebel (Novalia Spirit)
			Phantom Train Chests (darkmage) {modified by Leet Sketcher}
			Phoenix Chest (Leet Sketcher)
			Pincer + Row (Assassin)
			Pink Gogo (Imzogelmo)
			Precious Jewels (Leet Sketcher)
			Premature Continuation (Assassin)
			Psycho Cyan (Terii senshi)
			Rage (Terii senshi)
			Rage addendum (C. V. Reynolds)
			Randomosity monster encounter (Assassin)
			Recapture the Glory (Assassin)
			Reflect barrier shown on bodyguards (Assassin)
			Reflectable Magitek Beams (Assassin)
			Reflections (Leet Sketcher)
			Regulation Dice (mblock129)
			Returner's Day Off (Leet Sketcher)
			Rock Bottom (Leet Sketcher)
			Save Point Switch (Leet Sketcher)
			Self Sneeze (Leet Sketcher)
			Setzer Bandana (C. V. Reynolds)
			Shadow Chupon (Novalia Spirit)
			Shadow Copy (Leet Sketcher)
			Shadow Gone (Leet Sketcher)
			Shadow is Not a Girl (mblock129)
			Shadow's Shadow (Madsiur)
			Shadow's Status (Leet Sketcher)
			Shop Menu (Novalia Spirit)
			Sketch Bug (Assassin)
			Slightly lagged battle event timer display (Assassin)
			Smoke and Mirrors (Leet Sketcher)
			Solar Wind (Leet Sketcher)
			Some MP changes don't update menus (Assassin)
			Soul Saved B (Leet Sketcher)
			SrBehemoth (Dragonsbrethren)
			Stackable Immunities and Permanent Statuses (Assassin)
			Status Unknown (Leet Sketcher)
			Step Mine MP cost (Assassin)
			Step Mine's Missing Digit (Assassin)
			Stepping Out (Leet Sketcher)
			Stone Cold (Leet Sketcher)
			Stone Faced (Leet Sketcher)
			Stuck in a Pose (SilentEnigma)
			Suplex wrongfully splits damage (Assassin)
			That Damn Yellow Streak (Assassin)
			The Cowardly Dog (Novalia Spirit)
			The Echoing Waters (Novalia Spirit)
			The Magic Bridge (Novalia Spirit)
			The Peninsula of Death (Novalia Spirit)
			The Phantom Diary (Novalia Spirit)
			The Sealed Door (Novalia Spirit)
			The Sleazy Lender (Novalia Spirit)
			The Unilateral Blockade (Assassin)
			The Wild Cat (Djibriel/Lord J)
			There can be only one! Single-target (Lenophis/Imzogelmo)
			Throw down (part of) the Gauntlet (Assassin)
			Throwback (Leet Sketcher)
			Transportation Device (Novalia Spirit)
			Trigger Happy (Leet Sketcher)
			Tritoch Animation Fix (bydoless)
			Turn Around (Leet Sketcher)
			Ultimate Damage (Leet Sketcher)
			Unaffected Rows (Assassin)
			Unequipium (Leet Sketcher)
			Upside Down (Leet Sketcher)
			Vanish Doom (Terii senshi)
			Vanish Runic (Leet Sketcher)
			Vanishing Magicite (Novalia Spirit)
			Various Texts' (Imzogelmo)
			Vector's Cure-Castin' Kid no longer heals the dead (Imzogelmo)
			Verdant Respite (Novalia Spirit)
			Walk This Way (Leet Sketcher)
			Wrong Way, Idiot! (Gi Nattak)
			Zombie Rippler A (Leet Sketcher)
			Zombie Tapir A (Leet Sketcher)
			Zoneseek No Thanks (mblock129)
			Zozo Sign Petty Fix (Madsiur)
Natural Ability Extension
	(by GrayShadows) - Modified to add more natural spell lists
Step Dance
	(by Hatzen08)
Fair Hit with Tweaks
	(by Hatzen08)
SwordTech Ready Stance
	(by Hatzen08)
Runic Forever 2.0
	(by Hatzen08)
Y Equip Relics
	(by Leet Sketcher)
Color Wheel
	(by Leet Sketcher)
Blitz Screen
	(by Leet Sketcher)
Gerad and Sabin
	(by Leet Sketcher)
FF3Dash TypeA
	(by Master ZED)
Functional Umaro & Equippable Umaro
	(by GI Nattak)
Lost Third Digit
	(by GI Nattak)
Multi-Steal Fix
	(by Assassin)
Aquatic Caves
	(by Power Panda)
255 Hours on Timer
	(by Leviathan Mist)
Wilder Randomness
	(by Hatzen08)
Informative Miss
	(by Bropedio)
Equip Relic Screen [Brave New World, hex harvested]
	(by GrayShadows)
Gogo Magic Learning
	(by GrayShadows)
Class Names in Menu [Tweaked]
	(by Angelo and Madsiur)
Martyrdom Cover [Tweaked]
	(hex by B-Run)
Minimap Generator [Utility patch]
	(by Madsiur)
Soft Reset and Continue Prompt
	(by SilentEnigma)

Bug/Balance Reports
	Lockirby2, Alby4t5, GI Nattak, Fathlo23
There may have been others.  If I missed crediting yours, I apologize.
[If you redistribute this package or build on it, you MUST include this patches used section in your readme]

Graphics Used (And Credits)
Custom Spritework
"Beyond Chaos" collection
"Eternal Crystals" collection
"Rise of the Dark Sorcerer" collection

Sprite Ripwork

[If you redistribute this package or build on it, you MUST include this graphics used section in your readme]

Questions and Answers
Q: My hack crashes/goes to black screen.  Why?
	A: I'm unaware of any emulator incompatibility, but the hack was made for SNES9X.  Try playing it on that.
	   Alternatively, it's possible you've applied a headered patch to an unheadered ROM or vice-versa.
	   It is important to note that this hack is build off of the US 1.0 version of FF3SNES, the one
	   that doesn't have the Sketch bugfix from later releases.  If you try to apply this patch
	   to the japanese version of the game or to the US 1.1 version, it WILL NOT WORK.

Q: There's this pause at the end of battles, and my characters are trying to attack nothing.  Why?
	A: One of the battle mechanic features added in this patch requires an invisible enemy to manage it.
	   When all other enemies are defeated, this enemy enters an action in the battle queue to self-terminate.
	   Any actions queued before that termination will go through, using MP and items and doing basically nothing.
	   You can use this little pause at the end of battle to toss a healing ability or revive a fallen ally.
	   If your CONFIG is set to WAIT mode, you can also menu at the end of battle to equip/unequip someone,
	   which might be useful if your equipment is sparse and you're passing it from party to party.

Q: There's purple text in the intro.  What's with that?
	A: This is a bug I am currently unable to fix.  It will only happen if you let the intro start on its
	   own.  That is, if you start a new game by pressing the button, the text will be white.
	   This bug is strictly graphical and has no impact on gameplay.

Q: Locke is stealing over and over from enemies.  Is this intentional?
	A: Yes, enemies now have an inexhaustable amount of their common steal item.
	   This is so that Locke can "save criticals" by stealing items and throwing them later.

Q: Edgar's doing crazy damage to birds.  Why?
	A: Spears are wind element so that they're effective against flying enemies.
	   This is Edgar's specialty.

Q: Locke's doing crazy damage to mechs.  Why?
	A: Daggers are earth element so that they're effective against machines.
	   This is Locke's specialty.

Q: Biggs is changing clothes when I talk to him.  What's going on?
	A: If you told Biggs to keep his uniform after the banquet, he will put it on before he speaks with you
	   on the airship.  If you told him he could take it off, he won't do this.

Q: Is Zonezeek in the auction house?
	A: No, you get Zonezeek automatically later in the scenario.  You can't miss him.
	   Golem is still for sale.

Q: Siegfried is attacking me from behind!  Why?
	A: Your party has an average level of 30 or higher.
	   If you're on the Phantom Train, well, good for you for reaching that level!
	   You're probably going to want to forgo triggering the cutscene.
	   If you're on the Veldt, it's a sign you should move on and power up
	   before accumulating more rages.
Q: I'm worried about missing rages! Where are they?
	A: There are a few rages that can be missed in the World of Balance.
	   As long as you've encountered a rage enemy (even if you ran away), it will be on the Veldt.
	   If you're up to the floating continent, it might be time to start looking for rages.
	   Conejo is known on recruit.
	   Lobo is known on recruit.
	   Oso is encountered during the Narshe attack.
	   Grajo is in the forests outside Narshe.
	   Wrencher is encountered in the caves of Narshe
	   Brawler is in the cave interiors on Mount Kolts.
	   Templar is in the Imperial Camp and must be fought.
	   Hazer is on the Phantom Train and (rarely) in the Narshe secret passage.
	   Zilla is first encountered on the floating continent, and is on the world map in the World of Ruin.
	   Rhinotaur is in the fields around South Figaro and Nikeah.
	   Anguiform is in the Serpent Trench.
	   Gigantoad is in the World of Ruin, near Albrook.
	   Humpty is in the World of Ruin, in South Figaro Pass.
	   Ninja is in the Cave of Phantom Beasts and on the Floating Continent.
	   Samurai is in the World of Ruin, in Cyan's Dream and other places.
	   Slicer is in the World of Ruin, in the first room of Setzer's Tomb.
	   Adamanchyt is in Troika's sacred mountain interiors, while searching for the espers.
	   Coeurl is on the Floating Continent.
	   Dragon is on the Floating Continent.
	   Fenixi are found in the World of Ruin, in the Narshe secret passage and snowfield.
	   Enuo is in the World of Ruin, in the ancient caves below Figaro.
	   Tanuki is in the World of Ruin, in the Fanatic's Tower.
	   Siegfried is on the Phantom Train, and also can be found in the World of Ruin in Phoenix Cave (event). 
	   Vargas is fought many times, but only Vargas 3 counts as a rage.  He is found in Dino Forest in the World of Ruin.

Q: Wait, so which of those are missable rages?
	A: Grajo, Rhinotaur, Ninja, Adamanchyt, Coeurl, and Dragon are missable.
	   Brawler, Hazer, and Anguiform are hypothetically missable, but it's extremely unlikely.
Q: I'm worried about missing lores! Where are they?
	A: The only lore that can be missed is Meteor, which is learned in the Hidon fight.
	   Keep Strago alive!  Use Thaumium and Cherub Down if you have to.
	   All other lores can be learned from Dark Force in Kefka's Tower, if missed elsewhere.

Q: I'm stuck in ruined Mobliz.  Why?
	A: Terra said she's going to go hunting.  Leave the village and fight some battles, then come back.

Q: I'm stuck in ruined Doma.  Why?
	A: Go into the barracks and take a nap.

Q: I'm stuck in Dragon's Neck Colosseum.  Why?
	A: Talk to everyone.  You'll need to bet a specific something to move on.
	   You can get what you need for the betting chain from the general store.

Q: I'm stuck at the bottom of the Art Gallery Stairs.  Why?
	A: Turn the lights on!

Q: Mount Zozo's rusted shut.  Where do I go?
	A: Makes sure you spoke to Lola and sent her reply via carrier pigeon.
	   She will not ask you unless you've acquired Starlet.
	   You then need to talk to the merchant and buy the rust rid.

Q: I'm stuck in Mount Zozo.  Why?
	A: Open the locked chest.  The key can be found on the cliff.

Q: The raiders won't leave Nikeah Bar.  Why?
	A: You need to finish the events in Tzen first, and then make sure
	   to talk to ALL of the raiders in the bar.
Q: I can't leap on the Veldt!  Why?
	A: Unequip Gau's Cummerbund.
Q: I keep running into a boss I can't beat on the Veldt!  What do I do?
	A: Either leap the boss to skip it, or soft-reset.
	   Soft resetting with L+R+Start+Select will change the veldt battle index.

Q: Chasm is so unfair!  Why?
	A: It's to create a sense of urgency during certain fights.  To be fair, there are only
	   a few spots 'of airship height' at which a chasm attack can occur...
	   The IAF sequence (if a certain enemy is left alone on screen)
	   The Floating Continent (if a certain enemy is left alone on screen)
	   The Falcon's deck (Doomgaze fight)
	   The Fanatic's Tower (L100 Magic fight)
	   The Opera (Ekauq fight)
Q: Meteor is so unfair!  Why?
	A: Meteor has a chance to inflict instant death.  Stack magic evade to increase your chances.
Q: Doomgaze is so unfair!  Why?
	A: Inflict some statuses on him!  His attacks can be limited by being blinded, burned, or slowed.

Q: What do CzarinaRing and CzarSignet do?
	A: If you get to critical health, they will fully heal and remove some status effects.
	   This can only happen once per fight. It WILL trigger and do nothing if a lit fuse
	   reaches 0, so Soothe that counter!

Q: What does the Offering do?
	A: Gives Terra double-cast, makes her absorb Fire (unless she wallchanges), and halves magic costs.
Q: What does the MoogleCharm do?
	A: Gives Mog double-cast, makes him absorb Bolt, halves magic costs, and halves the encounter rate.
Q: What does PrismPaint do?
	A: Gives Relm double-cast, makes her absorb Water, and halves magic costs.

Q: What does the IceHeart do?
	A: Gives Celes double-cast, makes her absorb Ice, and halves magic costs.
Q: What does the MagiBrooch do?
	A: Among other things, gives Strago x4 attack.
Q: What does the Train Ticket do?
	A: Changes Banon's "Command" to "Phantom", and makes him immune to instant death attacks.
Q: What does Dragoonite do?
	A: Changes Edgar's "Cover" to "Jump".
Q: What does the Cummerbund do?
	A: Protects Gau against a lot of statuses, and changes "Rage" and "Leap" to "Fight" and "Jujitsu".  Unequip it on the Veldt to leap.

Major Features
SPELL18 adds Water as a basic elemental spell and redistributes
the three spell types (Attack, Effect, Healing) so that each has an equal
count (18 spells, hence the name).
It also removes some of the spells I found annoying or overpowered, such
as X-Zone and Merton.

>Poison is gone.  The Poison element is used for darkness attacks, but is still called 'poison'.
>Water spells were added to black magic.
>Aero spells were added to black magic.
>Geo spells were added to lores.
>No black magic spell inflicts status effects now, it is the exclusive purview of gray magic.
>Bio is now a lore.
>Blind is a new Gray magic spell, and inflicts Darkness.
>Smoke is a new Gray magic spell, and applies Mirage.
>Moogle replaces Imp, but is otherwise identical.
>Shell is now White Magic and roughly halves magical damage.
>Protect is now White Magic and roughly halves physical damage.
>Mirror replaces Reflect and is White Magic, but is otherwise identical.
>Purify replaces Antidote, and removes ailments of the body.  Ironically, this includes all out-of-battle ailments except Moogle.
>Soothe replaces Remedy, and removes ailments of the mind.  None of the ailments it removes persist after battle, so its menu use is a tease.
>Dispel is now White Magic and heals the target slightly (a drawback to counteract its ability to remove start-of-battle statuses).
>Relm and Mog learn spells at rates similar to Terra and Celes, and the spells learned by all have been adjusted for the new spell list.
>Strago and Clyde learn spells in bursts.  Clyde has a large level gap between his initial spells and his later set
>Zonezeek is NOT in the auction house.  Golem can still be found there, and should have higher priority of appearing sooner.

UnZombie reworks the Zombie status to distinguish it from muddle and berserk.

>Zombie status is no longer fatal, and will not count as death until the character hits 0 HP.
>A dead zombie cannot be revived by Phoenix Downs.  Life2 will work, though, as will Phoenix.
>A zombied character will turn purple and will not display status auras like Haste (but may still have them).
>A zombied character will be hurt by healing magic.
>The lore "Offrenda" will revive a target with full HP, but with Zombie status.  When cast on a zombie, it will full-heal them.
>Zombies can be given commands, but occasionally will disobey as if muddled.
>If a zombie is forced to retarget an attack (such as using "Fight" on a monster that dies before their turn), they will pick the new target randomly, even from their allies.
>Purify, Soothe, and a remedy will remove Zombie status.
>Psyche's "Overcast" inflicts Zombie status, but also does 9999 damage to any character on the ground.  Wear those hiking boots!

Locke's dissident friend is now a fully playable character in both the World of Balance and World of Ruin.

>You get to name Banon when you meet him.
>Banon uses "Command", which works like vanilla Control.
>>Banon is slow.  It will be a while before he can issue an order to the monster, so pick one you're not attacking.
>>Command has a very high success rate, and works like a free muddle.  Using it on a strong monster can stop it from pummeling you.
>>Command doesn't work on bosses.
>Banon is recruited in the Cave on the Veldt in the World of Ruin.  You will need Locke to unlock the door.
>Banon missed his train.  Give him the "Train Ticket" to change "Command" to "Phantom".

GP to Jujitsu
Jujitsu is a new battle command.

>Jujitsu replaces GP Rain and is granted by the relic "Cummerbund", but to Gau in place of Leap.
>>You must take the Cummerbund off to leap on the Veldt.
>Jujitsu makes two attacks chosen at random from any known rage.
>"Cummerbund" protects from most status ailments to compensate for the random nature of Jujitsu's rage selection.
>The rage list is truncated, but the Veldt encounter table is not.  It will take a dedicated effort to fill in the Rage menu.

Martyrdom Cover
Idea based on B-Run's Runic -> Cover
Makes Edgar a chivalrous king.

>Replaces the Possess command.
>Cover user will protect the target until death, or until a new target is selected.
>>Selecting self removes the Cover.
>Guardian Knight will 'Retort' all physical attacks.
>Using cover on self will turn off Retort.
>"Dragoonite" changes Cover to Jump
>Cover is more effective if Edgar is in the back row, though his Retorts will suffer for it.
>Retort inflicts sleep on applicable targets.

Two-Turn Morph
Changes how Terra's "Trance" works.

>"Trance" restores MP to Terra based on her level.
>After Zozo, Terra's Imbue command "Trance" will put her in Esper form for two actions.
>The green meter shows how many actions Terra has left in Esper form.  When empty, she'll revert after queueing another move
>Queing a Trance on her second turn isn't a good idea, as it will not refresh the revert count.
>Trance can be used as many times as you want during a battle, but applies Mirror status.
>Trance damage boosts apply to Terra's elemental Teks, but not to HealBlade or healing magic.

Palette and Paint
Relm's gear has been changed to give her a unique attack mechanic.

>Palettes may cause a surge of paint to cross the battle, stealing MP from all enemies based on their average level.
>Palettes will cast an elemental attack on occasion based on their color.  This can happen repeatedly from one attack.
>While Relm can equip two paintbrushes, you're going to lose out if you aren't using a palette with her.
>Relm is vulnerable to magic because she can't use shields.  Palettes mitigate this slightly with MEvade.
>Relm can also equip two palettes if you're clever.  Fingerpainting is a powerful strategy; good thing Relm's got all that water magic to clean up!

Monster Status
There's a mechanic in most fights to help you tell when a monster has a status

>Soon after you meet Edgar, you will start seeing spells pop up.
>A warded enemy has Shell, and glows green
>A protected enemy has Safe, and glows yellow
>A mirrored enemy will glow blue
>A hastened enemy will glow red
>A slowed enemy will glow white
>A stunned enemy is stopped, and will glow pink
>A sleeping enemy will have pillow feathers flutter around them
>A blinded enemy sees dancing lights
>A berserk enemy sees red chocobos
>A muddled enemy sees regular chocobos
>A muted enemy is sometimes surrounded by magic seals
>A miraged enemy has the Smoke spell protecting it, and is hidden by eyes
>An undead enemy will target randomly, sometimes attacking its own allies.  Use a tonic on these guys!
>There will be a brief pause at the end of battle while the mechanic that handles this system cleans itself up.
	(If you're fast, your last commands in a fight will go through.  This can be a waste of MP or a chance to heal/revive, plan ahead!)

The contents of these patches are presented as-is.
I am not responsible in the event they are used incorrectly and damage to save files, files, or your computer results.
If you redistribute this package or build on it, you MUST include the "Patches Used" and "Graphics Used" sections in
your readme to properly credit the creators of this content, and inform others they must do the same (basically, copy this disclaimer).