Download Super Mario Bros. 2: 2nd Run ROM Hack

Super Mario Bros. 2: 2nd Run Game
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Parameter Info
Console: NES
Original Game: Super Mario Bros. 2
Type: Complete
Genre: Action > Platformer
Modifications: L
Creator: Recovery1
Date Created: 12/08/2001
Last Modified: 11/25/2015
Parameter Info
File Name:
Downloads: 183
Requirements: No Special Requirements
Version: 1.0

Super Mario Bros. 2: 2nd RunDescription

Don’t think this is gonna be a 100% Gold Remake, it’ll have its differences. Extra battles (some’ll be optionals, tough but rewarding), Hoenn Pokemon (in every area, and hard to find) New areas, Remapped some dungeons (so your old guides wont work) , Extra recurring characters (some’ll hate you, some’ll help you)

Note that the hack is incomplete but feel free to enjoy the hack as-is.

Super Mario Bros. 2: 2nd RunRead Me

-The Super Mario Bros. 2 - Second Run        - 

This is a hack of the original SMB2 game with new levels. The idea
behind this hack is that it's the same SMB2 game we all love, but
with entirely new levels. Game difficulty is easy to moderate but
rises from moderate to nightmare for worlds 6 and 7. Ain't that nice?

If you have suggestions and comments you can e-mail me at the
following address.

If you request roms, your e-mails will be filed under "G".

Known bugs:

Doors! You go through some and fall off the top of your destination
screen. Even Max's_Evil_Brother couldn't help me figure them all out,
so I edited in many cases to take this into account.

There's a strange bug in 5-1. If you take the potion and return to
the location you started from, sometimes a door will open when in
subspace that remains when you return to normal. It leads back a few

I also spent some time restoring the 4 players' attributes and
abilities after a bug in the editor mucks them up every time it
saves. Everything seems normal but if something is just not right, do
let me know. 

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Thanks to:

The Great and almighty powerful Acmlm, who created the editor and has
been putting my hacks on his website. Now everyone chant with me..
We're not worthy! We're not worthy!

Max's_Evil_Brother, He has been helping me understand hacking. He's
been more then helpful with showing me how to hack.

Curtis, Slugger and 6 year old Brandon Williams, the testers. Hi

Anyone who is reading this and plays it. Spending months editing a
game is fun, but it's even more fun when you know others will be
enjoying it.

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Secrets. Shhh.

Mushrooms in the early parts of the game force you to have to
backtrack to find, for example the first one is found just about a
screen back of where you pick up the potion.

Lives are plentiful in the early worlds. May I suggest grabbing as
many as you find
if you aren't using save states. After 5-1 there are no more free
lives, very few coins that can be harvested, and some of the levels
don't even offer mushrooms past this point.

1-3 if you have Luigi, you can reach the top of the cloud for the
free 1-up

In 3-3 there is a section of wall that you can go through to avoid a
few baddies. 
Also, in the same world there is a hidden room where you can get a

The Princess can reach a special room in one of the screens in World

Fall over the crack at the bottom of the waterfall in 5-1. It's worth