Parameter | Info |
Console: | NDS |
Original Game: | Pokémon: Black Version |
Type: | Improvement |
Genre: | Role Playing |
Modifications: | Other |
Creator: | Moltz |
Date Created: | 06/21/2019 |
Last Modified: | 06/23/2019 |
Parameter | Info |
File Name: | Pokemon BW - Complete Unova Pokedex Edition.rar |
Downloads: | 1561 |
Requirements: | No Special Requirements |
Version: | 1.1 |
Rating: |
Don’t think this is gonna be a 100% Gold Remake, it’ll have its differences. Extra battles (some’ll be optionals, tough but rewarding), Hoenn Pokemon (in every area, and hard to find) New areas, Remapped some dungeons (so your old guides wont work) , Extra recurring characters (some’ll hate you, some’ll help you)
Note that the hack is incomplete but feel free to enjoy the hack as-is.
;;;;;;;Movepool Changes/Additions;;;;;;; -Spinarak & Ariados Can now learn X-Scissor by TM. -Purrloin & Liepard Can now learn U-Turn by TM. -Simisage Learns Torment at level 25. Learns Grass Knot at level 31. Learns Recycle at level 36. Learns Natural Gift at level 40. Learns Crunch at level 43. -Simisear Learns Amnesia at level 25. Learns Fire Blast at level 31. Learns Recycle at level 36. Learns Natural Gift at level 40. Learns Crunch at level 43. -Simipour Learns Taunt at level 25. Learns Brine at level 31. Learns Recycle at level 36. Learns Natural Gift at level 40. Learns Crunch at level 43. -Musharna Learns Yawn at level 1. Learns Imprison at level 1. Learns Nightmare at level 24. Learns Future Sight at level 31. Learns Psychic at level 37. Learns Calm Mind at level 43. Learns Stored Power at level 47. -Leavanny Learns Bug Buzz at level 54. Learns Flail at level 59. -Whimsicott Learns Stun Spore at level 1. Learns Poison Powder at level 1. Learns Gust at level 16. Learns Charm at level 19. Learns Giga Drain at level 26. Learns Tailwind at level 28. Learns Helping Hand at level 35. Learns Hurricane at level 46. Learns Endeavor at level 53. Learns Cotton Guard at level 61. -Lilligant Learns Sleep Powder at level 1. Learns Stun Spore at level 1. Learns Teeter Dance at level 16. Learns Aromatherapy at level 19. Learns Giga Drain at level 26. Learns Quiver Dance at level 28. Learns Helping Hand at level 35. Learns Petal Dance at level 46. Learns After You at level 53. Learns Leaf Storm at level 61. -Cincino Learns Wake-Up Slap at level 34. Learns Charm at level 40. Learns Captivate at level 40. Learns Hyper Voice at level 45. Learns Last Resort at level 49. Learns Encore at level 53. -Escavalier Learns Endure at level 1. Learns Flail at level 1. Learns Double Edge at level 56. Now learns Giga Impact at level 60. -Kling, Klang and Klinklang. Can now learn Wild Charge by TM. -Eelektross Learns Thunderbolt at level 44. Learns Acid Spray at level 49. Learns Coil at level 54. Learns Gastro Acid at level 59. Learns Zap Cannon at level 64. Learns Thrash at level 74. -Chandelure Learns Memento at level 45. Learns Curse at level 45. Learns Shadow Ball at level 53. Learns Imprison at level 58. Learns Pain Split at level 61. Learns Overheat at level 69. Learns Inferno at level 76. -Accelgor: Learns Bide at level 1. Learns Yawn at level 1. Learns Guard Swap at level 60. ;;;;;;;New Hold Items;;;;;;; -Wild Relicanth has a 50% chance of holding Cover Fossil. -Wild Swanna has a 50% chance of holding a Plume Fossil and a 5% chance of holding a Pretty Wing. ;;;;;;;New Wild Encounters;;;;;;; -Version exclusive pokemon from the opposite version -excluding exclusive legendaries- as of version 1.0- are found in both games but at a lower encounter rate. -Mienfoo, Pawniard, Rufflet, Vullaby and Deino have a 1% encounter chance to appear in the first areas they show up. -Illumise (Black) / Volveat (White): 10% encounter rate in the Dreamyard Underground. -Parasect (Black) / Breloom (White): 2% encounter rate in Route 12. -Mightyena (Black) / Houndoom (White): 5% encounter rate in Route 13. -Minum (Black) / Plusle (White): 20% of the time in Village Bridge (shaking grass only). -Zoroark: 20% encounter rate in Abundant Shrine (shaking grass only). -Servine: 20% encounter rate in Route 12 (shaking grass only). -Dewott: 30% encounter rate in Undella Bay save for winter where's only an 1% chance (surfing spots only). -Pignite: 20% encounter rate in Challenger's Cave (shaking dust only). -Thundurus (Black) / Tornadus (White): 30% of the time in Village Bridge (surfing spots only). The version exclusive counterpart has also a 5% chance to be found in those same spots as well. -Zekrom (Black) / Reshiram (White): 5% encounter rate in Challenger's Cave 3F (shaking dust only). -Keldeo: 5% encounter rate in Route 14 (surfing spots only). -Meloetta: 5% encounter rate in Village Bridge (shaking grass only). -Genesect: 5% encounter rate in Route 15 (shaking grass only). ;;;;;;;Modified Trainers I can remember (NO SPOILERS);;;;;;; -Some lategame areas have trainers with slighly different pokemon. -Trainers in most gyms use a bigger variety of pokemon. -Opelucid City's Gym Leader now uses 4 pokemon. -Cheren and Bianca now use 5 pokemon in their penultimate battles. -The Elite Four now use 5 pokemon during their first match. -A few important trainers might have pokemon with slighly altered movesets and held items. ;;;;;;Q&A;;;;;;; -Where's Victini? Why didn't you add it in a wild area just like the others? Mostly because he's already catchable in an event-only area that can be accesed by inserting Liberty Ticket's Wondercard manually via PkHex. For more info in the matter please check the following link: -I didn't like how yoy did "X"/ I found an oversight/ there's something it could have been done better. Feel free to send me a PM. This is my first pokemon romhack I've publicly released, so any sort of feedback and criticism is highly appreciated.