Download SoE - 2 Player Edition ROM Hack

SoE - 2 Player Edition Game
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Parameter Info
Console: SNES
Original Game: Secret of Evermore
Type: Improvement
Genre: Role Playing
Modifications: GP
Creator: FuSoYa’s Niche
Date Created: 05/25/2009
Last Modified: 07/30/2014
Parameter Info
File Name:
Downloads: 21
Requirements: Header (SNES)
Version: 1.02

SoE - 2 Player EditionDescription

Don’t think this is gonna be a 100% Gold Remake, it’ll have its differences. Extra battles (some’ll be optionals, tough but rewarding), Hoenn Pokemon (in every area, and hard to find) New areas, Remapped some dungeons (so your old guides wont work) , Extra recurring characters (some’ll hate you, some’ll help you)

Note that the hack is incomplete but feel free to enjoy the hack as-is.

SoE - 2 Player EditionRead Me


 Secret of Evermore : 2 Player Edition (SNES)
 2-Player Enhancement Patch
 May 25, 2009
 Version 1.02

 FuSoYa's Niche


 1. Credits
 2. Introduction
 3. What's New
 4. Known Issues
 5. Legal Notice
 6. Contact Information


 1. Credits

 ROM Modifications:     FuSoYa (Defender of Relm)

 Beta Testing:          Zero-G

 Tools:                 ZSNES debugger, Snes9x tracer, Jeremy Gordon's
                        65816 assembler (custom build)


 2. Introduction

 Secret of Evermore...  like many people back in the SNES days, when I
 tried this game out I was expecting a game of the same caliber as
 Secret of Mana.  And like many, I was rather disappointed.  But the
 one major thing that really irked me about the game was the lack of 2
 player support.  I mean really, if you're going to give it a name
 similar to SoM, and you're going to use the same battle system, and
 the same ring menu system, and use the same method of switching the 
 character you're in control of using Select, then why in the world
 would you stop there and not make it multiplayer like SoM!?

 Anyway, fast forward to the end of 2003.  I was trying to choose a
 multiplayer console RPG Zero-G and I could play together, when I
 remembered SoE and its annoying lack of 2 player support.  It then
 occured to me that if it still bothered me so much, why not just
 do something about it?

 So I did.  -_^

 And this patch is the result.  Now you can finally have a proper 2
 player game of Secret of Evermore!  You can hit start on the first
 or second controller to enter/withdraw from the game, and either
 player can control either character, just like in SoM.  There's
 even a controller indicator number that will appear beside the
 character you're in control of.

 One difference from SoM though is that one character will have the
 camera focus, while the other won't be restricted to the viewable 
 screen area.  Only the character with the camera focus can leave an
 area and activate a few other events.  However, either player can
 switch the camera focus using Select.

 There are a few minor quirks which have been noted below, and I
 would imagine that there are a few more, given that the game just
 wasn't originally designed for this.  But we've been able to play
 through the entire game pretty easily.

 Note that this patch is only intended for use on the US Evermore
 ROM with a header.  If you need a patching utility, you can get
 Lunar IPS from my page.

 Have fun!  ^^


 3. What's New

Version 1.02 May 25, 2009

-fixed a minor issue with the question asking if you wanted to return 
 to the space station, where it always thought the dog was the one 
 that initiated the action so the player controlling the dog was 
 always the one that had to answer.  Thanks goes out to Skeud for
 pointing this out.

Version 1.01 February 23, 2008

-fixed issue with skeleton in boat, where it always thought the dog
 was the character talking and hence wouldn't offer you a ride if you
 wanted to skip the long desert walk and had the amulet.

Version 1.00 February 9, 2004

-First release


 4. Known Issues, Limitations and Quirks

-Only the character with the camera focus can perform certain actions,
 such as exiting an area.
-Only the character with the camera focus will flash while charging
 to 100%.
-Switching the camera focus to another character while charging may
 cause charge progress to pause at the current value until released.
-The character without the camera focus may occasionally be trapped
 behind an invisible exit tile when entering a new area (Inn at Fire
 Eye's village, Inn at Nobilia, pyramid area entrance, and a couple
 other places).  You can usually get around this by pressing start to
 let the AI take over for a moment.
-When trying to enter the locked colosseum, the game will move back
 the last character that talked to someone, which may not necessarily
 be the character trying to enter.
-At the pyramid, the first time you switch the camera focus the other
 character will become frozen until they get the camera focus back. 
 This is normal...  in the original game this was intended to prevent
 the AI character from moving off the switch.
-It's possible to take control of the dog with the second controller
 during some of the demo sequences at the start of the game.
-The game locks out select when the boy goes beneath the desert in
 the spin secret, which can be a problem if the dog has the camera
 focus since then the boy can't get out and the dog is frozen.  The
 player controlling the dog can hit start to resolve this, since
 withdrawing from the game will switch the camera focus back to the
-Select will work on both controllers even when you aren't in the


 5. Legal Notice

 The Secret of Evermore 2 Player Edition Patch (hereafter referred to
 as the "Patch") is not official or supported by Nintendo, Square, or
 any other commercial entity.

 The Patch is freeware thus it can be distributed freely provided the
 following conditions hold:(1) This document is supplied with the
 Patch and both the document and Patch are not modified in any way
 (2) The Patch is not distributed with or as part of any ROM image in
 any format, and (3) No goods, services, or money can be charged for
 the Patch in any form, nor may it be included in conjunction with any
 other offer or monetary exchange.

 The Patch is provided AS IS, and its use is at your own risk. Anyone
 mentioned in this document will not be held liable for any damages,
 direct or otherwise, arising from its use or presence.


 6. Contact Information

   www: (was
   ???:   06942508
