Download Mega Man II - Proto Man Mode ROM Hack

Mega Man II - Proto Man Mode Game
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Parameter Info
Console: NES
Original Game: Mega Man 2
Type: Improvement
Genre: Action > Platformer
Modifications: G,T
Creator: Riffman81
Date Created: 12/09/2011
Last Modified: 06/14/2017
Parameter Info
File Name:
Downloads: 145
Requirements: No Special Requirements
Version: 1.2

Mega Man II - Proto Man ModeDescription

Don’t think this is gonna be a 100% Gold Remake, it’ll have its differences. Extra battles (some’ll be optionals, tough but rewarding), Hoenn Pokemon (in every area, and hard to find) New areas, Remapped some dungeons (so your old guides wont work) , Extra recurring characters (some’ll hate you, some’ll help you)

Note that the hack is incomplete but feel free to enjoy the hack as-is.

Mega Man II - Proto Man ModeRead Me

Megaman 2/Rockman 2: Proto Man Patch Ver. 1.1

About The patch:

These patches will replace Megaman (Rockman) with Protoman (Blues) to enable him as a playable character. Text has also been changed when applying the patch to the Mega Man 2 (U) ROM.

New Features In Version 1.1

-Proto Man Sprite Fixed
-Minor Palette changes to Intro and Title screens
-Altered Stage Select Graphics
-Altered Items 1,2, and 3 sprites
-New password screen graphics and palette
-New Wily castle Intro palette
-Fixed weapon energy capsule sprite
-Modified/fixed text during intro  

The ending sprites have all been changed to Protoman as well. This is the most complete Protoman hack so far. It is to serve as a base for anyone wishing to hack Megaman 2/Rockman 2 using Protoman as the main playable character.

The patch also works with the various Megaman 2/Rockman 2 hacks, replacing Megaman with Protoman. 

Future releases:

In future releases I plan on adding Proto man's whistle intro at the start of every stage as seen in Megaman 9 and 10. I also plan on modifying Protoman's HP's. Making him weaker to certain enemie attacks then Megaman was in the original game.

I'm also working on a full hack using this patch. The hack will feature new levels, graphics, palettes, and I also hope to get new music in there as well. 

Beware of the other so-called Protoman patches out there for Mega Man 2. I released version 1.0 of this patch about a year ago and several "hackers" stole it and claimed it as their own. I don't mind it being used, thats why I made it. Just credit me if you do make a hack with it, as I'd also like to play your hack. I do plan on updating this patch down the road... so check at Rom Hacking dot net for future releases. 

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