Parameter | Info |
Console: | SNES |
Original Game: | Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals |
Type: | Improvement |
Genre: | Role Playing |
Modifications: | G,T,GP,Other |
Creator: | Artemis |
Date Created: | 01/01/2019 |
Last Modified: | 01/01/2019 |
Parameter | Info |
File Name: | |
Downloads: | 221 |
Requirements: | Header (SNES) |
Version: | 4.0 |
Rating: |
Don’t think this is gonna be a 100% Gold Remake, it’ll have its differences. Extra battles (some’ll be optionals, tough but rewarding), Hoenn Pokemon (in every area, and hard to find) New areas, Remapped some dungeons (so your old guides wont work) , Extra recurring characters (some’ll hate you, some’ll help you)
Note that the hack is incomplete but feel free to enjoy the hack as-is.
****************************************************** * * * First of all I want to thank the following people: * * * ****************************************************** relnqshd for making all the stuff he did including his great tutorials and of course all his patches which were a great inspiration. And without his Expansion patch I wouldn't even have been able to start things like Kureji Lufia. Heavyarms525 who worked together with relnqshd on the "Four Master" patch which gave me some inspiration for especially the Sinistral battles. Jigglysaint who discovered a lot of data regarding Lufia like for example the location of the chest data. kWhazit for his effort in translating the original Japanese script and helping me with some questions. suicune girl & for translating item, spell and enemy names. pokeeiyuu SinReVi who provided a lot of useful information. Gunty for information regarding the Iris Items and fixing bugs like the spell shop bug. Superdreuzel who helped me a lot while making these patches i.e. testing some battles and making a list of attack names and battle animations. Krastin_Klasko & for telling me about a major bug. Quelex Volt for telling me about some errors as well. r0xm2n for information regarding the Safety Hat. The n00b Avenger for a link to the Japanese monster data. vivify93 for telling me about a bug as well as some translation suggestions and testing the whole Frue Lufia patch. Cirne for translation suggestions as well. PaD for his great Lufia Editor LEdit which was helpful especially for map issues. Biquinho for some testing as well. drcossack also for some testing. Shadow_of_Deth for pointing out another bug. Wunderknabe for pointing out another mistake. Guard Daos for some dialogue suggestions. DarkMaster2101 for some dialogue suggestions as well. Universal for some ideas about some German enemy names. Iron Knuckle for his great Lufia FAQ. LandonRay for doing regular enemy buff to Kureji Lufia. ti83magic & for helping convert and in general creating the Foomy image. SinclairC Swordmaster for some more translation suggestions. Antoids for some more translation suggestions as well. Martze for revising the item names and creating the comparison list. rainponcho for fixing A LOT of stuff. And everyone else who helped me or others to make these patches. ****************************************************** * * * * * Frue Lufia * * * * * ****************************************************** Frue Lufia is a modified version of Lufia 2 - Rise of the Sinistrals where a lot of bugs are fixed and texts are changed. Look into the file "About_the_projects.txt" for further details. ****************************************************** * * * Version history: * * * ****************************************************** 4.0 - 2018/12/09 - changed some dialogue as well as item and monster names - changed Excerion into Excelion to get the excellent+lion pun 3.0 - 2018/01/16 - thanks to rainponcho a lot of stuff is fixed - changed the name of some equipment pieces - fixed the Mega/Bort Shield and Gusto's Air Attack - revised some dialogues - changed Capsule Monster feeding lists - changed some enemy names and one attack name - changed some used sprites on some maps - fixed some IP costs and changed some IP move belongings 2.16 - 2016/10/03 - changed some IP move names 2.15 - 2016/09/25 - changed some attack names - Gold Dragons now have their correct HP!!! 2.14 - 2016/02/28 - changed little dialogue stuff 2.13 - 2015/05/03 - changed little dialogue stuff 2.12 - 2015/04/23 - changed little dialogue stuff 2.11 - 2013/07/18 - changed little grammar stuff 2.10 - 2013/06/19 - changed little grammar stuff 2.9.8 - 2012/02/05 - changed a little dialogue inconsistency - a very little dialogue thingie ( 2.9.7 - 2011/05/01 - thanks to Gunty the church menu bug is fixed now - fixed Daos being not completely ailment protected ( 2.9.6 - 2011/03/21 - thanks to Gunty the spell shop bug is fixed now 2.9.5 - 2011/02/07 - fixed Egg Dragon's speech bubble sound 2.9.4 - 2011/01/25 - a very minor dialogue change - added earpick patch 2.9.3 - 2011/01/07 - fixed a bug at the Ancient Cave exit 2.9.2 - 2010/11/26 - nothing changed/just for consistency 2.9.1 - 2010/11/15 - a very minor dialogue change 2.9 - 2010/09/12 - changed some item names 2.8 - 2010/09/01 - changed some dialogues 2.7 - 2010/08/16 - fixed some IP moves 2.6 - 2010/05/23 - fixed some dialogue mistakes 2.5 - 2010/03/08 - fixed the escape from Ancient Tower glitch 2.4 - 2010/03/01 - fixed a description text and Nosferatu 2.3 - 2010/01/13 - fixed a small thing about the tank battle 2.2 - 2009/12/28 - fixed things regarding healing and changed a few descriptions 2.1 - 2009/11/17 - replaced the priests with their Japenese version 2.0 - 2009/11/07 - fixed the north dungeon bomb puzzle bug 1.5 - 2009/09/22 - fixed some dialogue mistakes and changed some enemy names 1.4 - 2009/08/26 - fixed some more bugs and changed some enemy names 1.3 - 2009/07/14 - changed something regarding the Daos battle 1.2 - 2009/06/06 - correctly removed Jessy at Parcelyte and some text/dialogue changes 1.1 - 2009/05/26 - fixed a bug and some text/dialogue changes 1.0 - 2009/05/19