Download Megaman in the Mushroom Kingdom ROM Hack

Megaman in the Mushroom Kingdom Game
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Parameter Info
Console: NES
Original Game: Mega Man
Type: Complete
Genre: Action > Platformer
Modifications: G,L,T
Creator: AlexAR
Date Created: 03/16/2006
Last Modified: 01/23/2016
Parameter Info
File Name:
Downloads: 928
Requirements: No Special Requirements
Version: 1.0

Megaman in the Mushroom KingdomDescription

Don’t think this is gonna be a 100% Gold Remake, it’ll have its differences. Extra battles (some’ll be optionals, tough but rewarding), Hoenn Pokemon (in every area, and hard to find) New areas, Remapped some dungeons (so your old guides wont work) , Extra recurring characters (some’ll hate you, some’ll help you)

Note that the hack is incomplete but feel free to enjoy the hack as-is.

Megaman in the Mushroom KingdomRead Me


	Mega Man in the Mushroom Kingdom Version   1.0    (With some room for improvement)

  Dr. Wily finally concedes that Mega Man may be too much for his evil robotic creations. Determined to get the best of the blue bomber, Dr. Wily contacts another famous villian, Bowser! Having combined their forces, Dr Wily and Bowser unleash their new destructive creations upon the Mushroom Kingdom. After hearing  news of Wily's new plan, Mega Man decides to travel to the Mushroom Kingdom himself to stop Wily again. Mega Man now finds himself in a strange new world filled with obstacles and locales very foreign to him. Fearless, Mega Man presses on to Super Mario's old stomping grounds to defeat these new foes.

  Mega Man in the MK is set in various classic Mario games. Including Super Mario Bros1, 2, 3 and World. Megaman faces off against Wily's Bosses as well as Bowser's minions. This being Super Mario's World, he gladly helps out Mega Man by increasing his jumping power as well as outfitting the Blue Bomber with some of his old garbs.


    * The 6 main starting levels have had extensive level design and graphics modifications.

    * Every single enemy graphic had been changed in to a Mario themed bad guy.

    * Megaman can jump higher.

    * Every boss has been made easier, their shots do less damage, Megaman's do more.

    * The first 2 of 4 Wily stages have had extensive graphic modifications but only minor level design tweaks 		(Game engine Constraints)

    * The last  2 of 4 Wily stages only undertook minor tweaks to make them less utterly frustrating. (Made 		easier)

    * Minor title screen edit, minor text edits here and there.

    * Symbols representing their respective powers have been put in place of letters in the pause/power menu.
	 ( A bomb symbol instead of a "B", Fire ball instead of" F")

    Super Ultra Cool Mega Features:

    * The Classic too cool for this engine. Really, you should savestate before entering, when you 			have full HP, and definitely before you jump in the water. Its THAT cool.

    * The SKY almost as cool, but not quite. It may slow down a bit, but only because your computer is 	obviously not cool enough for it. Save again.

    * Don't DIE!..that's not cool. Because sometimes(90% of the time) when you respawn at the halfway mark of 			some levels ...every single bad guy within 4 screens will spawn right next to you as punishment for 			dieing. Also, if you die fighting a boss...the game might (40%) reset automatically...that's not a 			bug..its a feature..k guys.

	How to Play:
	In the zip file you downloaded from either

	there should be 3 files: MegamanMushroimKingdom.ips
				  and this Readme.txt

	Using a file patcher program, patch the ips file to a clean Megaman(U).nes rom 
	Then after you load the rom into your emulator, load the .pal file to make the game colors look right.

	You can get a simple to use file patcher program here:

	 and a great NES emulator here:

	I hope you enjoy my hack, feedback is greatly  appreciated as well.