Parametro | Informazioni |
Console: | GEN |
Gioco Originale: | Shining Force II |
Tipologia: | Complete |
Genere: | Strategy > Turn Based |
Modifiche: | G,T,GP,Other |
Ideatore: | Dark Claw |
Data di creazione: | 09/30/2018 |
Ultima modifica: | 10/01/2018 |
Parametro | Informazioni |
Nome file: | Shining Tactics Steam Edition 21.rar |
Downloads: | 60 |
Requisiti: | BIN Format (GEN) |
Versione: | Final 2.0 |
Valutazione: |
Don’t think this is gonna be a 100% Gold Remake, it’ll have its differences. Extra battles (some’ll be optionals, tough but rewarding), Hoenn Pokemon (in every area, and hard to find) New areas, Remapped some dungeons (so your old guides wont work) , Extra recurring characters (some’ll hate you, some’ll help you)
Note that the hack is incomplete but feel free to enjoy the hack as-is.
Character Changes: Each character has had their sprite changed to reflect that each character has been adjusted. Basically each character is now more or less equal. Below is a brief explanation of each class, if you wish to see specific stats of each character open up SFEdit. Hero [spoiler]Hero has had his HP and ATK raised and his DEF very slightly lowered. As the game progresses however his DEF evens out to where he is a very powerful fighter, just not very versatile. HERO 50% BOLT Resist 150% Crit 1/8 of the time 1/8 Double Attack 1/8 Counter Ultimate Weapon: Chaos Breaker[/spoiler] Cleric [spoiler]Cleric's are different in Vicars in that they have very high DEF, HP, and MP. They are the ultimate support units and no matter which character you choose each Cleric is a credit to the force. CLEC 50% BLAST Resist 50% BOLT Resist 25% BLAZE Resist 25% FREEZE Resist Chance of causing SLOW when they attack 1/32 Double Attack 1/16 Counter Ultimate Weapon: Ice Rod[/spoiler] Master Monk [spoiler]This class is a bit like a flipped Cleric in that they double as fighters and support units. What hampers this is that they make for somewhat squishy units, but that can be ameliorated by their accessories. MMNK 150%Crit 1/4 of the time 1/4 Double Attack 1/8 Counter Ultimate Accessory: Black Belt[/spoiler] Magic Knight [spoiler]The Magic Knight is characterized by their stable stats and minor use of magic. These characters will rarely be top of any one stat, but they enjoy the benefit of having fairly even distribution. Combined with their use of magic and they make for a very helpful unit. MGNT 50% BLAZE Resist 50% FREEZE Resist 125% Crit 1/4 of the time 1/16 Double Attack 1/16 Counter Ultimate Accessory: Shield of Valor[/spoiler] Pegasus Knight [spoiler]The Pegasus Knight can be one of the most deadly units in the game. Due to the fact that they are flying units they are some susceptible to being stranded and ganged up on. They do have very high ATK and HP combined with high MOV. PGNT Weakness to BLAST 25% BOLT Resist 150% Crit 1/4 of the time 1/4 Double Attack 1/4 Counter Ultimate Weapon: Mist Javelin[/spoiler] Brawler [spoiler]This class is the replacement of the Gladiator and in many ways is the reverse of them. These units have some of the highest ATK in the game, and they make for somewhat high AGI units as well. They equip gloves like the Master Monk. In fact one could observe that the Brawler is much like the Master Monk minus the support aspect. BWRL 25% resist to all elements Chance of STUN when they attack 1/16 Double Attack 1/16 Counter Ultimate Weapon: Mage Masher[/spoiler] Soldier [spoiler]The Soldier is a renamed Baron. The Soldier trades some of the ATK that the Brawler has for more DEF and HP. They also have the benefit of equipping swords which offer some increased versatility that gloves may not. SLDR 125% Crit 1/4 of the time. 1/4 Double Attack 1/4 Counter Ultimate Accessory: Combat Boots[/spoiler] Wizard [spoiler]The Wizard has not been drastically changed from the vanilla version. The spells they learn are different, but other than that there is little to be said. Their AGI and DEF are higher and give them more sturdiness in battles. WZRD 25% Resistance to BOLT and BLAST 50% Resistance to BLAZE and FREEZE Chance to cause SLEEP on attack 1/32 Double Attack 1/32 Counter Ultimate Weapon: Dragon Rod[/spoiler] Warlock [spoiler]For those of you who are familiar with my previous hacks this is the evolution of the SAGE class. For those of you who are not familiar; the Warlock is granted with the ability to use Warlock Rings of which there are only a few in the whole game. Warlock Rings offer a myriad of stat bonuses and cast useful spells and Warlock Rings will never break when they are used. Warlocks are also granted some of the most powerful spells in the game. The trade off is that they have lower stats, and sacrifice the ability to equip any accessories or weapons other than said Warlock rings only one of which is sold in stores. Warlocks start with Desoul as their first spell. WRLK 25% Resistance to all Elements Chance of Muddle when they attack. 1/16 Double Attack 1/16 Counter Ultimate Weapon: Fairy Ring[/spoiler] Ninja [spoiler]The Ninja's claim to fame is versatility. The have high AGI and MOV with decent ATK, and a varied spell selection. While working on this class it seemed prudent to stay true to what Ninja's are known for and thus gave him Sleep and Dispel to help stay true to a Ninja's versatility. NNJA Chance of Muddle when they attack. 1/4 Double Attack 1/4 Counter Ultimate Accessory: Ninja Suit[/spoiler] Monster [spoiler]The Monster is the epitome of Tank. While he does not have the highest ATK or HP he does have the greatest DEF in the game, and is surprisingly fast. Also with the fixed Flame Breath this unit is a welcome defensive unit to any team. MNST Weakness to BOLT 50% resistance to all other elements Chance of Stun when they attack. 1/16 Double Attack 1/16 Counter Ultimate Weapon: Gentle Soul[/spoiler] Phoenix [spoiler]The Phoenix is honestly, probably about as broken as before, but in a different way. The Phoenix is broken in the sense that he is something of a beefed up Red Mage. He's good at everything, but no the best at anything. He's also slightly squishy. Hint: If you give him a Running Pimento, he's probably even better than he is in the vanilla game. PHNX Weakness to BLAST 50% resistance to all other elements Chance of Sleep when they attack. 1/16 Double Attack 1/16 Counter Ultimate Weapon: Phoenix Fury[/spoiler] Bow Knight [spoiler]The Bow Knight differentiates itself from Sniper or Gunner class in that it is more defensive. Other than that like any ranged unit use them to slowly incapacitate the enemy, this unit is different in that they can be maneuverable while taking a hit or two. BWNT Chance of Poison when they attack. 25% resistance to BLAST, BLAZE, and FREEZE 1/16 Counter 1/4 Double Attack Ultimate Accessory: Archer's Hairpin[/spoiler] Fenrir [spoiler]The Fenrir is the replacement of the Wolf Baron. The Fenrir is not a glass cannon, the Fenrir is a purely combative unit that has balanced stats except for ATK which is where the class exceeds. End game this class has the highest base ATK, however with equipment accounted for the Brawler will tend to out class him in ATK with sacrificed MOV and in some cases DEF. FNRR 25% Resistance to BLAST and FREEZE 150%Crit attack 1/4 of the time 1/4 Double Attack 1/32 Counter Ultimate Weapon: Full Moon[/spoiler] Sky Warrior [spoiler]Sky Warriors are very strong jack of all trades, they have good ATK, and can travel the battle field quite efficiently. SYWR Weakness to BLAST 50% resistance to BOLT 150%Crit 1/4 of the time 1/4 Double Attack 1/8 Counter Ultimate Weapon Engulf Sword[/spoiler] Sniper [spoiler]The Sniper is characterized by very high ATK. These are essentially glass cannons and tear through units with impunity. Other than that honestly not much to say they have better MOV than Gunners or the Bow Knight, but other than that little to say. SNIP 50% Blast Resistance 150% Crit 1/4 of the time 1/4 Double Attack 1/32 Counter Ultimate Accessory: Elven Gauntlet[/spoiler] Gunner [spoiler]The Gunner isn't that much a transition from Sniper the difference being they favor DEF over ATK and AGI. Not dissimilar to the BWNT they can take a few hits before the succumb to the enemy assault. GUNR 50% Resistance to BOLT and BLAZE Chance of Stun when they attack. 1/16 Double Attack 1/16 Counter Ultimate Accessory: Carbon Shield[/spoiler] Robot [spoiler]The Robot is a very interesting unit in that with it's one equip item it can go from being total defense unit to total offense unit. RBT 50% Resistance to all elements 150% Crit 1/32 of the time 1/32 Double Attack 1/32 Counter Ultimate Weapon: Old Circuit[/spoiler] Greater Devil [spoiler]The Greater Devil is what one gets when trying to have a unit that exceeds in most statistics. The Greater Devil does not equip weapons and is one of the more balanced units in the game. Hopefully people who play this will appreciate the class. GRDV Chance of SLEEP when they attack 25% resistance to all elements 1/16 Double Attack 1/16 Counter Ultimate Weapon: Ragnarok[/spoiler] ????? [spoiler]The final class is a secret. I'm sorry, but this class is something I want the player to appreciate for themselves. This class is sort of a re-imagination of the Hero class minus the spells. ????? 25% Resistance to BLAZE and BOLT 150% Crit 1/4 of the time 1/4 Double Attack 1/32 Counter Ultimate Accessory: Auracite[/spoiler] Equipment Changes: As is the norm with my hacks all classes have access to accessories that can be bought in stores. As the game goes on characters get access to a more options. This allows the player to choose how they want to build the individual units that make up their team. Blacksmith Changes The blacksmith now operates somewhat differently now. Rather than four weapons for each class grouping he now makes two for each class grouping. The distribution is as follows: 1. For the HERO and SLDR he makes the: Levanter and Calevsol 2. For the MGNT and PGNT he makes the: Trident and Gungir 3. For the NNJA he makes the: Masamune and Gisarme 4. For the BWLR and MMNK he makes the: Fist of Atlus and God's Hand 5. For the WZRD he makes the: Staff of Apollo and Arcane Scepter 6. For the SNIP, BWNT, and GUNR he makes the: Running Arrow and Poisoned Arrow 7. For the WRLK he makes the: Holy Ring and Demonic Ring 8. For the CLEC he makes the: Staff of Gaia and Arcane Scepter 9. For the SYWR and ????? he makes the: Levanter, Calevsol, Masamune, and Gisarme Story Changes SPOILERS! The story changes are slight in that the Lemon we know left on an adventure a short time ago. Recently a new man has been commanding the Galam army... if you talk to NPCs throughout the world they will make a reference to seeing the Red Baron, and some in the Galam Army express unease with their new commander. For those that don't care explore the game with the Caravan and SFEdit, for that do try and ignore it and play the game. Errors The only errors that have been noticed have been slight text errors... There are also some very, very minor graphical errors as well. Miscellaneous -Peter is now controllable as soon as he joins. -All stats caps have been removed and the three digit hack is implemented. -The 10% poison patch is implemented as well -Search in battle is also implemented as well -All characters gain EXP when they heal another unit -Finally when you get to Creed's house all of his character's are accessible after you talk to the evil spirit. -All characters must be promoted at level 20 and cannot be leveled beyond that. Hint -Try not to double up on classes. For instance if you have a SNIP on your team and you want another archer try a Gunner or a Bow Knight. -Throughout the game your characters will level up a little bit faster the enemy stats reflect this and characters that join your party will be at a higher level.