Scarica Super Castlevania IV - Other Castle Rom Hack

Super Castlevania IV - Other Castle Gioco
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Parametro Informazioni
Console: SNES
Gioco Originale: Super Castlevania IV
Tipologia: Complete
Genere: Action > Platformer
Modifiche: G,L,GP,Other
Ideatore: bogaabogaa
Data di creazione: 04/11/2017
Ultima modifica: 10/06/2017
Parametro Informazioni
Nome file: Super Castlevania IV Other
Downloads: 713
Requisiti: No-Header (SNES)
Versione: 0.9

Descrizione Super Castlevania IV - Other Castle

Don’t think this is gonna be a 100% Gold Remake, it’ll have its differences. Extra battles (some’ll be optionals, tough but rewarding), Hoenn Pokemon (in every area, and hard to find) New areas, Remapped some dungeons (so your old guides wont work) , Extra recurring characters (some’ll hate you, some’ll help you)

Note that the hack is incomplete but feel free to enjoy the hack as-is.

Leggimi Super Castlevania IV - Other Castle

	     Super Castlevania IV Other Castle

1. How to use this Patch
- There are tow difficultys of the hack. Easy is for casual player providing a similar difficulty like the orinal game has. Normal will challange you. 
- Applay this patch with the xdelta patcher to your orginal rom. ( )
- You need to have a copy of the Ortinal Rom.
	Super Castlevania IV (USA) - no-intro
	MD5: 094F035993E9724647B61DDCBA1E9A7A
	Size: 1,048,576 bytes
2. About this Hack
This is a complete hack of Super Castlevania IV. With a very view graphicle changes.
It has new levels and a new power-up that let?s you move in ways not seen before, opening new shortcuts and pathways.
Other Castle is a bit more challenging than the original game. Prepare for these new challenges if you play the normal game.

The main focus is level design. Other Castle lets you explore Castlevania IV all over again. 
Learn a lot more about Dracula and Simon. Those who survive Other Castle once, more pain awaits on the 2nd loop 

- who can become the hero for this challenge?

Version 0.9
The hack resived some updates in the past but got to a point where I lose intresst to put more time into.
What is left to do is costomize the story. I was also thinking of tweaking the bosses here but I might do that in my next project.
Also I don't have the skills and I need to learn a lot to get it to that point where I would call it finished. 

3. Tools used to Creat this hack
-SC4ed (
-The intro needed manual tilemap editing with a hex editor.
-Tile molester (

Redguy made some patches for me. He is the real hacker and the guy who made hacks like this possible.
(speed-potion, less bubbles, lessbones, Puwexill_mentos, bad_entrance_fix (and I bet i missed something)

It needed some pation to learn all this since it was my first romhacking project.
And I used to work as a builder for lifing. Just saying if you like to start a hobby and
you have some time to spear the community could need some people ^^

Just say "Hello" here to start.
or look me up on discord

4. If you need to contact me for some reason

You can contact me by email at 
or at the Speedrun discord
