Descargar The Legend of Zelda: Fourth Quest ROM Hack

The Legend of Zelda: Fourth Quest Juego
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Parámetro Info
Consola: SNES
Juego Original: BS Zelda no Densetsu: Map 2
Tipo: Complete
Género: Role Playing > Action RPG
Modificaciones: G,S,L,T,GP
Creador: Con
Fecha de creación: 01/20/2009
Última modificación: 12/05/2015
Parámetro Info
Nombre del archivo:
Téléchargements: 556
Requisitos: Header (SNES)
Versión: 1.0

Descripción de The Legend of Zelda: Fourth Quest

Don’t think this is gonna be a 100% Gold Remake, it’ll have its differences. Extra battles (some’ll be optionals, tough but rewarding), Hoenn Pokemon (in every area, and hard to find) New areas, Remapped some dungeons (so your old guides wont work) , Extra recurring characters (some’ll hate you, some’ll help you)

Note that the hack is incomplete but feel free to enjoy the hack as-is.

Información de The Legend of Zelda: Fourth Quest

BS Zelda Map 2 Fourth Quest patch


This is LOZ - Fourth Quest (complete) patch, 
which purpose is to transform BS Zelda into an old fashion Legend of Zelda game. 

Rom to apply:

Original dump of BS Zelda Map 2


+ English Translation patch by Duke Serkol
+ Complete patch by Roto
  - chance to play the game from beginning to end the way it was meant to be (with all scheduled events) 
  - a save ram feature 
  - music 
  - the choice between the mascot and the girl 
+ Upgrade patch by Dreamer_Nom
  - prevents the game from crashing when creating a new game 
  - saves and loads the Magic Shield, Sword and the Bomb Bags correctly 
  - makes the correct week objectives show up 
  - adds a name entry feature 
  - generally improves the code 
+ LOZ - Fourth Quest patch by by Con, Dreamer_Nom, Mottzilla, DaMarsMan, TeRRaBiTe88, Vel
  - disable the timer and hide it 
  - advance the game triforce related 
  - Classic characters tile set  
  - Triforce tile set 
  - Magic Key & Red Ocarina patch 
  - Zelda-style title screen and item screens 
  - End Screen with Death Counter 
  - Quick Save with Red Heart 
  - enable Magic Shield unused frames 
  - restore the red spots marking dungeons in previous weeks
  - make the heart red in the continue screen 
  - make the mascotts skriek in his/her voice  
  - fix the music in the final area  
  - ring color in the menu 
  - Save Subscreen Dungeon Maps 
  - Week 3 objective fix patch