Descargar EarthBound Beginnings Uncut ROM Hack

EarthBound Beginnings Uncut Juego
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Parámetro Info
Consola: NES
Juego Original: Mother
Tipo: Improvement
Género: Role Playing
Modificaciones: G,T,Other
Creador: Luffym17
Fecha de creación: 09/20/2015
Última modificación: 02/27/2019
Parámetro Info
Nombre del archivo:
Téléchargements: 144
Requisitos: No Special Requirements
Versión: 2.1

Descripción de EarthBound Beginnings Uncut

Don’t think this is gonna be a 100% Gold Remake, it’ll have its differences. Extra battles (some’ll be optionals, tough but rewarding), Hoenn Pokemon (in every area, and hard to find) New areas, Remapped some dungeons (so your old guides wont work) , Extra recurring characters (some’ll hate you, some’ll help you)

Note that the hack is incomplete but feel free to enjoy the hack as-is.

Información de EarthBound Beginnings Uncut

I just completed the 2nd version of the Earthbound Beginnings/Mother 1 uncut patch.
I have many thanks to give as I did not do just about almost all the work here.
Thanks to Mato, DragonDePlantino for the translation modified for M25th and wyatt8740 For 
making a patch to put the translation in regular EarthBound Beginnings, as well as 
having the Mother title screen in there as well! More Thanks to Ness-Ninten-Lucas for the sprite 
uncensor and wyatt8740 for including it in your patch. A special thanks to ThePoltergeist for fixing 
the cross issues, and having Ninten's Moms hair look how it was suppose to at the end. Last but not least
Thanks to Mato and Andrew/Q for the font. :D
Edits I did my self was like two. In a hex editor, I had to change two teleport text strings
that still where not right. I had a limited space to work with, but I named Mothers Day Mother,
and Valentines Day Valen for the teleport text strings. :D 

*Update for version 2.1* I edited Giegue to Giygas for consistency. Version 1 of the patch had this edit, but I didn't do this edit for version 2 orginally because I thought the retranslation patch already had the edit. Thanks to a reviewer for pointing that out!

I'm including 3 different patch folders, and 2 different patches each type in each folder.

1 Proto for people that have the (prototype) rom

2 Demiforce for people that have the (Demiforce v1.01 Hack-2) (U) rom

3 Japanese Version for those that have the Japanese version (Japan) and want an English patch for there Retron 5 or there Japanese rom in general. Great news is that you can get it here! ;) 

The two versions of the patch in each folder are Mother Normal, and Mother Easy. 
Mother Easy has the easy patch on it, but still has the normal Mother title screen so you wont get
an embarrassing screen that says Easy on it. Normal is the game without The Easy patch.

I did it this way so people could choose what they have for their rom instead.
I highly recommend you to use lunar ips to patch the games if you can. You can use what you want,
but if you run into problems with what your using, then lunar ips should work for you!

I really hope Everyone who plays this version likes it! :D