Rival Schools Evolution [U] ISO[SLUS-00771] ROM herunterladen

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Parameter Info
Dateiname: Rival Schools - United by Fate (USA) (Disc 2) (Evolution Disc).7z
Region: US Country (US)
Konsole: PS 1 (Get Emulator)
Dateigröße: unknown
Downloads: 14349
Rival Schools Evolution [U] ISO[SLUS-00771] ROM Online Spielen

Über das Spiel Rival Schools Evolution [U] ISO[SLUS-00771]

We used to love this game as soon as we tried our hands on it. Great 3D Fighting game that is easy to play, with the convenience to execute the characters' Specials just by pressing the R1, R2, L1, L2. Cute Animations too!!!

Geschrieben von Dr.K & The Bots