Resident Evil 2 [CD1] [U] ISO[SLUS-00421] ROM herunterladen

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Parameter Info
Dateiname: Resident Evil 2 (USA) (Disc 1).7z
Region: US Country (US)
Genre: Action-Adventure
Konsole: PS 1 (Get Emulator)
Dateigröße: unknown
Downloads: 49668
Resident Evil 2 [CD1] [U] ISO[SLUS-00421] ROM Online Spielen

Über das Spiel Resident Evil 2 [CD1] [U] ISO[SLUS-00421]

Two months after the events of Resident Evil, most of Raccoon City citizens have been turned into zombies by a leak of Umbrella's T-Virus.[2][3] At a gas station outside town, rookie police officer Leon S. Kennedy meets college student Claire Redfield, who is looking for her brother Chris. After being separated in Raccoon City, Leon and Claire agree to meet up at the Raccoon police department. The building is infested by zombies, and other monsters including the T-00,[b] or "Tyrant", dispatched to hunt down and kill any survivors. The creatures and various obstacles prevent Leon and Claire from actually reuniting as they are forced to find a way to escape Raccoon City.

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