N.AES v1.10d (1996-04-30)(-)(Disk 3 of 3)[cr Vectronix][Disk 1 and 2 missing]
N.o.B.I. - Brainstorm (1994)(Joy Trick)(en-de)(PD)
N.o.B.I. - Racing (1994)(Joy Trick)(PD)
Naarjek 4 (1993-10-04)(Hafner, Carl J.)(PD)
Nanjing v2.0 (1996-04-26)(Hagedorn, Dirk)(de)(SW)[monochrome]
Napalm Quest v0.5 (1998)(Hahn, Marshall)(PD)
Napoleon (19xx)(Landler, Juergen)(de)(PD)[monochrome]
Napoleon I (1991)(Storm Computers)(Disk 2 of 2)
Napoleon I (1991)(Storm Computers)(Disk 1 of 2)
Napoleon I - The Campaigns 1805-1814 (1991)(Storm Computers)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Atarilegend]
Napoleon I - The Campaigns 1805-1814 (1991)(Storm Computers)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Atarilegend]
Narc (1989)(Ocean)
Narc (1989)(Ocean)[cr Empire]
Narc (1990)(Ocean)[cr Medway Boys][t]
Narco Police (1990)(Dinamic)[!]
Narco Police (1990)(Dinamic)[cr Dee Nasty]
Narco Police (1990)(Dinamic)[cr Empire][t +2]
Narco Police (1990)(Dinamic)[cr Empire][t +2][a]
Narco Police (1990)(Dinamic)[cr Empire][t +2][a2]
Nautilus (19xx)(-)[cr Elite]
Navy Moves (1989)(Dinamic)[cr Replicants][m EMT][t]
Navy Moves (1989)(Dinamic)[Hit Squad version][!]
Navy Seals (1990)(Ocean)[cr Replicants][t]
Navy Seals (1990)(Ocean)[cr Replicants][t][a]
Nebulus (1988)(Hewson)[cr Atarilegend]
Necromancien, Le (1989)(UBI Soft)[b]
Necron Aptor Quest (19xx)(16-32 Editions)(fr)[cr][m Atariforce]
Neighbours (1991)(Grundy Television Pty. Ltd.)[cr Elite][t]
NEOchrome Master v2.24 (1991-04-29)(Chaos Inc.)
NEOchrome Master v2.28 (1992-03-24)(Chaos Inc.)[cr Delte Force]