Wizardry 1st Trilogy Rebalancing Mod ROM Hack herunterladen

Wizardry 1st Trilogy Rebalancing Mod Spiel
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Parameter Informationen
Konsole: SNES
Original Spiel: Wizardry I-II-III: Story of Llylgamyn
Typ: Improvement
Genre: Role Playing
Veränderungen: T,GP
Ersteller: Gideon Zhi
Erstellungsdatum: 05/18/2012
Letzte Änderung: 09/07/2014
Parameter Informationen
Dateiname: Wizardry-Story-of-Llylgamyn-Rebalanced-v1.0.zip
Downloads: 50
Anforderungen: Header (SNES)
Version: 1.0, rev.6

Wizardry 1st Trilogy Rebalancing Mod Beschreibung

Don’t think this is gonna be a 100% Gold Remake, it’ll have its differences. Extra battles (some’ll be optionals, tough but rewarding), Hoenn Pokemon (in every area, and hard to find) New areas, Remapped some dungeons (so your old guides wont work) , Extra recurring characters (some’ll hate you, some’ll help you)

Note that the hack is incomplete but feel free to enjoy the hack as-is.

Wizardry 1st Trilogy Rebalancing Mod Liesmich

Wizardry 1st Trilogy: Story of Llylgamyn
	Ludmeister's Rebalancing Mod v1.0, Revision 6 (hopefully final)

This patch kit will convert a stock version of Wizardry 1st Trilogy: Story of Llylgamyn
to Ludmeister's Rebalancing Mod v1.0. Here's exactly what this will accomplish:

This mod aims to enhance the gameplay of all three games in Wizardry's first trilogy.
They were already hard enough, and required quite a bit of dedication to get anywhere.
On top of that, they seemed to have a couple of rules that seemed arbitrarily
handicapping to the player.  In creating this mod I hope I have smoothed out some of
the rough edges of this game, in order to make it more accessible.  


Major props to Gideon Zhi of Aeon Genesis Translations (http://agtp.romhack.net/).
It was his pioneering hacking efforts in translating this previously Japanese-only 
ROM that made this project worthwhile for me to undertake.  

Notice, effective March 1st, 2012 

	For this release and all new releases, I am discontinuing the use of 
	IPS2EXE to create patches that can be applied without an IPS patching 
	program.  These executable patches set off certain virus and malware 

ZIP file contents
	You should have received these files within the Wizardry 1st Trilogy 
	Rebalancing Mod .zip file:
	* "Aeon-Genesis-Wizardry-translation-patch-v1.0.ips": Aeon Genesis' 
	  Japanese-to-English Translation patch, version 1.0.  It was originally
	  downloaded from Aeon Genesis' site: 
	* "Aeon-Genesis-translation-readme.txt": Readme for Aeon Genesis' 
	  translation patch
	* "Wizardry-Story-of-Llylgamyn-Rebalanced-v1.0.ips": Patch to convert an 
	  Aeon Genesis English translated ROM to Ludmeister's Rebalancing Mod v1.0.
	* "Ludmeister-Rebalancing-mod-readme.txt": This file (duh).
Version 1.0 Changelog

	The following changes are uniform for all three scenarios:
	* Items are rebalanced for all three games:
		o There are no useless cursed items (at least, none that aren't plot specific)
		o I have included numerous Wizardry and Wizards and Warriors themed items in 
		  the various Item lists.
		o Almost all of the weapons that granted extra attacks have been toned down in
		  that regard.
	* Boltac's Trading Post has been given a better inventory, to make gold more useful.
	* Magic is realigned.  Spells in lower spell levels is more useful, to keep them from
	  from becoming obsolete as quickly (and because there is a hard limit to the number
	  of times they may be cast, due to AD&D-style magic levels).
	* Magic spells have been renamed to make sense for English speakers, and their 
	  in-game descriptions are more accurate than before in some cases.
	* Monsters award EXP in a manner much more commensurate to the threat level that
	  they represent.
	* Many "cowardly" type monsters are no longer cowardly, to make them more of a 
	  threat and to give your party a chance at more experience.
	* Party members #4, #5, and #6 may now attack like the first three in battle.  I 
	  felt this rule was arbitrary and unlike in Wizardry 5, there were no allowances 
	  made for extended reach or long range weaponry.
	* The "Return" spell no longer dispossesses the party, or removes their gold.
	* The "Chance" and "Word of Power" spells no longer drain a spell level from the
	  caster (since their effects are commensurate to the spell level they occupy).
	* Removed the aging penalty for changing classes at the Training Grounds.  This
	  penalty seemed arbitrary at best and totally incongruous at worst; how can a
	  character train for 5 to 7 years and then rejoin their companions who haven't 
	  aged a day?
	* Character's stats aren't reset to Race minimums when training.  Instead, there is
	  a -3 penalty levied against all attributes.
	* Base stats for each race have been reduced, as shown below.  This makes changing
	  classes a bit more painful for characters.
		Human		STR- 6		INT- 7		PIE- 5		VIT- 6		AGI- 6		LCK- 7
		Elf			STR- 5		INT- 8		PIE- 7		VIT- 5		AGI- 7		LCK- 5
		Dwarf		STR- 8		INT- 5		PIE- 7		VIT- 8		AGI- 3		LCK- 6
		Gnome		STR- 4		INT- 6		PIE- 8		VIT- 7		AGI- 5		LCK- 7
		Hobbit		STR- 6		INT- 7		PIE- 3		VIT- 5		AGI- 8		LCK- 8
	* Characters are awarded 8 to 15 bonus points normally, with additional +10 bonus(es) 
	  for exceptional rolls. This balances out the reduction in racial stats.
	* For all games, the maximum stat value is 16 greater than the minimum.  This changes
	  the maximums for Wizardry 1 and 2 (Max = 18), and Wizardry 3 (Max = Min + 10).
	* At level up, stats cannot be decreased, but the chance for increase has likewise been
	  reduced (about in a 9 in 16 chance for an attribute to increase).
	* You can create any type of class at character creation now.  Stats and stat 
	  requirements for classes are aligned to be much more akin to Wizardry 7.  Alignment 
	  is immaterial for creating characters of any chosen class.
		Fighter:	STR- 11		VIT-  8
		Mage		INT- 12
		Priest		PIE- 12
		Thief		AGI- 11		LCK-  8
		Bishop		INT- 10		PIE- 10		VIT-  7
		Samurai		STR-  9		INT-  8		AGI- 10
		Lord		STR- 10		PIE-  8		VIT- 11
		Ninja		STR-  9		AGI- 11		LCK- 10				

	* Spellcaster's spell level are modified.  
		Mage		Mage spells:   Begin Level 1, every 2 levels thereafter
		Priest		Priest spells: Begin Level 1, every 2 levels thereafter
		Bishop		Mage spells:   Begin at 1st level, Gain 2nd level at Exp. Level 5, 
					  +1 for every 3 levels thereafter
					Priest spells: Begin at 2nd level, Gain 2nd level at Exp. Level 4,
					  +1 for every 3 levels thereafter			
		Samurai		Mage spells:   Begin Level 3, every 3 levels thereafter
		Lord		Priest spells: Begin Level 4, every 3 levels thereafter
	* HP values for the 8 classes has been modified very slightly.
	* Ninjas have better AC when unarmored now.  Their AC has increased from
	  8 - (level / 3) to 8 - (level / 2).  In addition, equipping a weapon does not
	  hinder this bonus now.
	* EXP curves are different.  Characters need more EXP to raise to levels 3 to 8, levels 
	  out about level 9, and after that it becomes easier to increase levels.
	* Certain classes gain more attacks per round quicker:
		Fighter:	Every 6 levels
		Mage: 		Every 10 levels
		Priest:		Every 8 levels
		Thief:		Every 4 levels
		Bishop:		Every 8 levels
		Samurai:	Every 5 levels
		Lord:		Every 6 levels
		Ninja:		Every 5 levels, plus 1 additional attack

Known issues

	* The Turn Undead and Banish spells only damage undead, and other monsters 
	  take zero damage from them.  However, if it strikes an non-undead enemy 
	  which has been killed during the current battle, these spells will kill
	  those monsters again, granting additional experience.

To convert your Wizardry 1st Trilogy: Story of Llylgamyn ROM

The following applies this and all future releases of the Ludmeister's Rebalancing Mod.

0. First of all, you will need to obtain a clean SNES ROM of Wizardry 1st 
   Trilogy: Story of Llylgamyn. You are on your own for this step, as it is
   illegal to provide ROMs of copyrighted material. There are sites that do 
   provide this ROM though, and you should be able to obtain it.  
1. Make a backup of your ROM in case you end up borking it.  It's just good 
   practice.  Also, when I post updated versions of the mod on jeffludwig.com 
   I will not provide "upgrade patches". 
2. If you got a Japanese version of Wizardry 1st Trilogy, continue with the 
   next step. Otherwise, you may have downloaded an pre-Aeon Genesis-patched 
   English ROM; if you have, skip to step #4.

3. Use the IPS patching program of your choice to apply the the 
   "Aeon-Genesis-Wizardry-translation-patch-v1.0.ips" patch to the Japanese 
   version of Wizardry 1st Trilogy.  As I use IPS XP 
   (http://home.arcor.de/minako.aino/ipsXP/) to create my patches, I recommend 
   using this program to patch your ROM. This will convert your ROM to an 
   English-playable version.
4. Download the newest version of Ludmeister's Rebalancing Mod. 
5. Use the IPS patching program of your choice to apply the mod's .ips patch to 
   the Aeon Genesis translated ROM.
6. I hope you enjoy it!

Feel free to contact me directly via jeffludwig.com if you have comments or 
questions, or if you find any (undocumented) bugs to report.