Super Mario Kart Alternate Tracks 2 ROM Hack herunterladen

Super Mario Kart Alternate Tracks 2 Spiel
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Parameter Informationen
Konsole: SNES
Original Spiel: Super Mario Kart
Typ: Complete
Genre: Racing
Veränderungen: L
Ersteller: elricorico
Erstellungsdatum: 10/11/2012
Letzte Änderung: 08/10/2013
Parameter Informationen
Downloads: 46
Anforderungen: No-Header (SNES)
Version: 0.9

Super Mario Kart Alternate Tracks 2 Beschreibung

Don’t think this is gonna be a 100% Gold Remake, it’ll have its differences. Extra battles (some’ll be optionals, tough but rewarding), Hoenn Pokemon (in every area, and hard to find) New areas, Remapped some dungeons (so your old guides wont work) , Extra recurring characters (some’ll hate you, some’ll help you)

Note that the hack is incomplete but feel free to enjoy the hack as-is.

Super Mario Kart Alternate Tracks 2 Liesmich

****Super Mario Kart Alternate Tracks:****

I've been a fan of Super Mario Kart since I first played it in the early/mid nineties.  This is my second
complete replacement of the tracks in the game.  I'd say this one is slightly harder than the first, but
I hope that it is just as well received.

Every track has been replaced by one I've created completely myself, including the Battle Mode courses.  
I've tried to avoid putting in overly complicated or silly courses like some hacks of this game have, but 
at the same time I've snuck in a couple of new ideas.

The AI works in all courses, and offers a challenge, but is far from unbeatable.

This release is versioned 0.9 as the Battle Tracks are not changed, but I'm not currently inspired to add them,
as I tend to like the racing much more than the battles.

****IPS Application****

This IPS patch is meant to be applied to an unaltered, unheadered Super Mario Kart NTSC-U rom.  Applying 
this patch to anything else will not be likely to work.  Most commonly the file will be titled 
"Super Mario Kart (U) [!].smc"

If you are not familiar, or having troubles with applying an IPS patch see for help/IPS 


I used the following utilities to create this hack, all of which are available from

MAKE - For all your custom track making needs.  I used version 0.10 (the Japanese build as the English build 
crashes each time I save).

MKItems - in order to edit the frequency of certain items appearing, for balance.

TileLayer Pro - Just to edit the opening screen, changing "Nintendo" to "Elricorico".


karterfreak for the inspiration, make sure you check out Super Mario Kart: Pro Edition if you haven't already.
tiohector and karterfreak for their youtube videos on using MAKE, I would never have gotten anywhere without them.
Puresabe and Dirtbag for their work on MAKE.
smkdan for MK Items.
SnowBro for Tile Layer Pro.
Everyone that reviewed Super Mario Kart Alternate Tracks on, I doubt I would have made a sequel 
without the reviews.


If you have any comments/questions/suggestions feel free to shoot an email to [email protected]