Super Castlevania IV Coffee Edition ROM Hack herunterladen

Super Castlevania IV Coffee Edition Spiel
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Parameter Informationen
Konsole: SNES
Original Spiel: Super Castlevania IV
Typ: Improvement
Genre: Action > Platformer
Veränderungen: G,T,GP
Ersteller: bogaabogaa
Erstellungsdatum: 02/22/2020
Letzte Änderung: 02/22/2020
Parameter Informationen
Downloads: 27
Anforderungen: No-Header (SNES)
Version: 1.2

Super Castlevania IV Coffee Edition Beschreibung

Don’t think this is gonna be a 100% Gold Remake, it’ll have its differences. Extra battles (some’ll be optionals, tough but rewarding), Hoenn Pokemon (in every area, and hard to find) New areas, Remapped some dungeons (so your old guides wont work) , Extra recurring characters (some’ll hate you, some’ll help you)

Note that the hack is incomplete but feel free to enjoy the hack as-is.

Super Castlevania IV Coffee Edition Liesmich

  __/  \__
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 \__    __/ 
    \  /                     
For once I did not misspell it I mean Spoof and not Improve. I am sorry for the folks that think that this is a full hack.
There are not that many tags to choose from when releasing. I would really love to see more active content creators.

I think I will just post other hacks that add little things here too and will just use one slot for improvements hacks that come from me.
I already made a other palette hack that I can not move here. Also as a quick note palette hacks for this game are not quick. You need to 
change around 600 of them so a proper palette hack for this game deserves a spot for itself.

So what hack do you plan to still add?
I do have sessional  hacks for Halloween or easter I use in my streams. They less developed like the coffee hack here but I might add them here on one point.
They are small and unfinished yet. Yes this hacks might get updated when I find time and motivation to work on them.


	Expand Super Castlevania IV (U) [!].ips
		This will expand your ROM and put some tables and graphics to the extended part. Graphics are decompressed and can be edited easily. SC4ed does the same.
		But older versions of the editor have different offsets so I recommend to use the patch to make sure that the hacks that depend on it also work.
	CoffeeHack (Needs a ExpandedROM).ips
		This is actually a very old hack of mine. Some folks did keep talking about it and so it ended up here.
		Dat1NiceGuy is a streamer and he dislikes when I create levels with ring shenanigans ^^ Or to many enemy that might cause lag.. 
		The lag is also partial the game-engines fault. But I did a bad job on some places to reduce them. Anyway this hack will buff your damage. If you know how to 
		Stuck three crosses on Rowdin (First Boss) you might kill him before he can split up to go into second face.. well this will make the horse a real undead monster..
		This is a hack done by TFG back in 2008. I removed some characters to make it fully work. It improves the view to the uper tiles of the level so it is a improvement in this sense ;P
	Add/Remove LevelSelect.ips
		There are cheat codes for it on the cutting floor. The author was BMF54123, JLukas. I made a patch to add and remove it permanent on the ROM since it is more practical for me like this.
		Here you will find three patches. It will let you Run in the game when holding A. You can also throw Axe, Holywather and Cross Faster when holding A. 
		With L you will be locked in place this one is a bit diffrent from Rainpochos attempt. It will not stop you in Air. There is a variant of the patch where you can hold R to Run.
		The ASM File can be modefied with a text editor and applayed with ASAR. The patch is the same as the IPS.
Usage: 	You need to use a IPS patcher to apply this patch to the original SC4 ROM. Or name patch and ROM the same and most emulators will patch it when loading the game.
		IPS Patcher:
		If a hack requires a Expanded ROM you need to apply the Expand patch first and then the other or it will not work. 
		For Questions you find me on discord.