Seiken Densetsu 3 / Trials of Mana - Class Balance ROM Hack herunterladen

Seiken Densetsu 3 / Trials of Mana - Class Balance Spiel
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Parameter Informationen
Konsole: SNES
Original Spiel: Seiken Densetsu 3
Typ: Improvement
Genre: Role Playing > Action RPG
Veränderungen: GP
Ersteller: hmsong
Erstellungsdatum: 08/28/2020
Letzte Änderung: 08/28/2020
Parameter Informationen
Dateiname: Class Balance
Downloads: 10
Anforderungen: No-Header (SNES)
Version: 1.9a

Seiken Densetsu 3 / Trials of Mana - Class Balance Beschreibung

Don’t think this is gonna be a 100% Gold Remake, it’ll have its differences. Extra battles (some’ll be optionals, tough but rewarding), Hoenn Pokemon (in every area, and hard to find) New areas, Remapped some dungeons (so your old guides wont work) , Extra recurring characters (some’ll hate you, some’ll help you)

Note that the hack is incomplete but feel free to enjoy the hack as-is.

Seiken Densetsu 3 / Trials of Mana - Class Balance Liesmich

Seiken Densetsu 3 / Trials of Mana -- Class Balance

by hmsong

Change Logs:

 - Updated Stats patch to 1.2
   - Fixes some errors that I missed earlier.
   - Original game made it so that Light classes always had weaker weapons and
     armors (Lighter the class, the weaker the equipments were).  This makes
     things so that the Dark classes have better weapons, while the Light
     classes have better defense equipments.
   - Buyable shields are significantly cheaper.  But they also have slightly
     less EVA than the non-buyable shields.
 - Made numerous monsters immune to some SEs (mostly Petrify SE to decrease its
   overpowerness -- it still works on most monsters though).
 - Changed numerous learning requirements, so that they are easier to learn.
 - Jutsus do slightly higher damage (but still lower than Shuriken).
 - Changed the stats of some boss-only skills.

 - Restored the main four Saber's original MP cost.
 - Increased Heal Light's cast time (thereby make healing items not obsolete).
 - Detect now does Flash animation (because the caster finishes the casting
   animation).  Same effect, and some classes can MT.
 - Changed numerous of Kevin's final class abilities.
 - Shell Hunter drops a lot more Money (still drops no Experience).
 - Stardust Herb uses Flash animation.

 - Changed numerous Class Item's battle effects.
   - Kevin's LD item casts MT Leaf Saber.
   - Hawk's LL item casts Counter Magic.
   - Hawk's LD item casts MT Land Mine.
   - Angela's LD item casts Poison Bubble.
   - Carlie's DD item casts MT AntiMagic.
 - Angela's Double Spell can now Single Target (has new animation).
 - Carlie's DD class's AntiMagic can now Multi Target (has new animation).
 - Stardust Herb uses AntiMagic animation.
 - Increased the power of numerous spells (see below for detail).
 - Fixed Kevin's Pressure Point error.

 - Switched Angela's class magic pool for better balance.
 - Fixed minor errors in stat requirements for learning spells.

 - Switched Lise's DL and DD class (for both Stats and Skills).
 - Changed Half Vanish and Hawk's Trap spells to do %-damage of Max HP.  Also
   changed some of their MP Cost and cast time.
 - Carlie's Ghost spell revives a fallen ally.
 - Hawk's Ninja classes learn Jutsus in a different order (see the skill list).
 - Fixed Hawk's Ninja classes skill error.
 - Fixed Carlie's Dark Priest classes skill error.

 - Added changes to the magic items, to match their original skill.
 - Removed praetarius5018's "No Skill Counter".
 - Added several of praetarius5018's works.

 - Changed numerous effects of some skills.

 - Changed numerous effects of some skills.
 - Added praetarius5018's "No Skill Counter".
 - Removed Energy Ball effect changes.

 - Changed numerous effects of some skills.

 - Initial release.

For the most part, the original game's class system was rather poorly balanced.
Usually, one class outclassed the other three (ex: Hawk's Nightblade), while for
others, one class was completely underwhelming (ex: Lise's Dragon Master).
Sometimes, both.  The purpose of these patches are to balance things out, so
that all classes are good in their own rights.

I also made it, so that Lv2 classes (that's where you spend most of your time)
have more skills.

While plenty of bugs exist in the original game, there are some major bugs that
made the game balancing different than it would have been:

 1. Accuracy and Evasion doesn't work.  That means things like Speed Up/Down,
    Duran's shields, and probably numerous other things have no effect one way
    or another.  However, Agility still affects the power of the throw items and
    numerous skills.
 2. Critical hits don't exist in the game, which makes Luck stat and Energy Ball
    completely useless.  And according to praetarius5018, critical hits broke
    the game, since it usually ended up making the enemies far too powerful.

If someone releases a patch that fixes those major bugs, then I will release
another patch that balances out the game in those contexts.

  Praetarius5018 (the creator of Sin of Mana) released a bug-fix patch that
  fixes most of the bugs, including the ones I mentioned above.  While that
  patch is compatible with my patch (whew~~), it is not compatible with the
  official Trials of Mana.  Or is it?  Can someone check?
  So I shall leave my former patch as it is (many people seem to be interested
  in playing the official Trials of Mana, which has a better translation).  If I
  get enough requests, then I may release another patch that balances out the
  game in bug-fix context.

  I have numerous new spells that I want to implement.  I know how to change the
  spell effects and the spell animations, but I do not know how to change the
  spell names nor change the pointers of the existing names.  If anyone knows
  how to manipulate either of those, then PLEASE message me, and I shall
  implement that.  Thanks in advance.

  There were numerous things that praetarius5018 helped me to create.  In fact,
  the following things are his work.  He gave me the permissions to use them if
  they are not stand-alone.  They will be included in the Skill Balance patch,
  since they're related to skills.  Truly, HUGE thanks goes to praetarius5018:
  - Fixed TransShape Duration -- having higher Luck does not reduce TransShape
    duration;  it has a side effect of Luck not reducing the Freeze and Sleep
    effect durations (praetarius5018's bug-fix patch does the same thing, so
    this is for Trials of Mana players).
  - Less Critical Hit Rate -- If you use praetarius5018's bug-fix patch, then
    you will find that critical hit happens very often (even without any boost,
    it can be as high as 24%!!).  This decreases the max critical hit rate to
    ~10%.  As a side effect, it decreases the critical hit rate of Energy Ball
    from fixed 50% to fixed ~20% (which is a lot more reasonable).
  - Aura Wave Reduction -- The original Aura Wave filled up the entire Tech bar.
    That was too powerful, so this makes it so that Aura Wave fills only 6 Tech
    bars, instead of all 9 bars.

There are two patches for balancing the classes -- Skills and Stats.  They are
intended to be used together, but they do not depend on each other (some people
may prefer one without the other).

SKILLS ........................................................	

This patch balances out the skills among the same character's classes.  Some
notes though:

 1. I tried to be as close to the original game's skills as possible, but at the
    same time, I wanted the characters to give a little "taste" of what the
    specialist characters would been like -- similar to how some Carlie classes
    in the original game gave a little taste of Angela's magic.  Basically, I
    didn't want to give a character something that made another character
 2. Changed the MP cost for the following skills:
    - 7 -> 6:	Stone Cloud, Stun Wind, Cold Blaze, Blaze Wall, Grenade Bomb.
    - 2 -> 3:	Primary four Stat-Up magic, Spike, Silver Dart.
    - 4 -> 3:	Life Booster
    - 3 -> 4:	Half Vanish, Ghoul, Rock Fall, Cutter Missile.
    - 4 -> 5:	Moon Saber, Leaf Saber, Deadly Weapon.
    - 4 -> 2:	AntiMagic
    - 6 -> 7:	Black Curse, Energy Ball, Demon Breath, Freya, Marduke.
    - 5 -> 4:	Lunatic
    - 5 -> 7:	Poison Bubble
    - 2 -> 4:	TransShape
    - 3 -> 5:	Aura Wave
    - 12 -> 11:	Ancient
    - 5 -> 6:	Ghost
    - 1 -> 2:	Arrow, Shuriken
    - 6 -> 5:	Axe Bomber
 3. Reduced the cast time for the following skills:
    - All Lv2 offense magic (Earthquake, Thunderbolt, Saint Beam, etc).
    - Stone Cloud, Stun Wind, Cold Blaze, and Blaze Wall.
    - All Saber magic.
    - AntiMagic and Black Curse.
    - Magic Shield.
    - Lunatic, Life Booster, and Energy Ball.
    - Poison Bubble and Counter Magic.
    - Iormungand and Lamian Naga.
    - All Carlie summons.
    - Land Mine.
    - All Hawk Nightblade's tools.
 4. Increased the cast time for the following skills:
    - Heal Light
    - Turn Undead
    - Demon Breath
    - Pressure Point
    - All of Hawk's LD throw weapons (and Shuriken), except Silver Dart.
    - Black Rain
 5. Some skills now have different effects:
    - Detect:	   NEW!	AntiMagic on one/all allies (same as Stardust Herb).
    - Blaze Wall:	Damage + Lowers M.DEF.
    - Magic Shield:	Raises DEF, M.DEF, and EVA.
    - Half Vanish:	Max HP %-Damage (1/2) (instead of Current HP).  Still no
			effect on bosses.
    - Poison Bubble:	Uses SPI for damage.
    - Aura Wave:	Fills 6 bars in Tech gauge.
    - Demon Breath:	Non-Elemental Damage + Lowers ATK/M.ATK
    - Rainbow Dust:	Raises HP and casts TransShape for all allies.
    - Lamian Naga:	Damage + Causes Sleep.
    - Ghoul:		Damage + Absorbs MP.
    - Ghost:		Revives a dead ally -- Makes the target have 333 HP.
    - Jutsus:		Uses AGI for damage.
    - Arrow:		Max HP %-Damage (1/4). (no effect on bosses)
    - Spike:		Max HP %-Damage (1/3). (no effect on bosses)
    - Rock Fall:	Max HP %-Damage (1/2), Boost on Gnome Day. (no effect on
    - Land Mine:	Max HP %-Damage (1/2), Boost on Salamander Day. (no
			effect on bosses)
    - Poison Breath:	No Damage, Causes Poison + Mute.
    - Flame Breath:	Fire-Elemental Damage + Lowers M.DEF, Uses INT for
    - Blow Needles:	Damage + Causes Sleep.
    - Double Spell:	Can ST and MT.
    - Pressure Point:	Raises ATK, ACC, and Max HP.
    - Shuriken:		Damage (Does not lower ACC).
 6. Changed the damage mechanics of numerous spells, usually for stronger power:
    - All Lv2 and Lv3 offense magic spells.
    - Demon Breath
    - All Lise's summons.
    - Carlie's DD summons.
    - All Hawk's Jutsus.
    - All Hawk's DD skills (including Black Rain).
    - Some of Hawk's LD throws.
    - Double Spell.
    - Some boss-only skills.
 7. Numerous item effects have changed to match the changes above.
 8. While many classes can learn powerful skills, the conditions for learning
    those skills are now harder.
 9. Numerous monsters are immune to more SEs (mostly Petrify SE to decrease its
    overpowerness -- it still works on most monsters though).

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Class Skills (base class was not changed):
 *:	Multi-Target
 (n/c):	No Change

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

   01.	Heal Light	 →  (n/c)		SPI: 08
   02.			 →  Tinkle Rain		SPI: 09
   03.			 →  Saint Saber		SPI: 10

   01.	Heal Light	 →  *Heal Light		SPI: 08
   02.	Saint Saber	 →  Tinkle Rain		SPI: 09
   03.			 →  *Saint Saber	SPI: 10
   04.			 →  Magic Shield	SPI: 16

   01.	*Heal Light	 →  (n/c)		SPI: 08
   02.	Tinkle Rain	 →  *Tinkle Rain	SPI: 09
   03.			 →  Saint Saber		SPI: 10
   04.			 →  TransShape		SPI: 16

   01.	Diamond Saber	 →  (n/c)		SPI: 08
   02.	Thunder Saber	 →  (n/c)		SPI: 08
   03.	Ice Saber	 →  (n/c)		SPI: 09
   04.	Flame Saber	 →  (n/c)		SPI: 09
   05.			 →  Dark Saber		SPI: 10

   01.	*Diamond Saber	 →  (n/c)		SPI: 08
   02.	*Thunder Saber	 →  (n/c)		SPI: 08
   03.	*Ice Saber	 →  (n/c)		SPI: 09
   04.	*Flame Saber	 →  (n/c)		SPI: 09
   05.	Moon Saber	 →  Dark Saber		SPI: 10
   06.	Leaf Saber	 →  Protect Down	SPI: 14
   07.			 →  Moon Saber		SPI: 15
   08.			 →  Leaf Saber		SPI: 15

   01.	Diamond Saber	 →  (n/c)		SPI: 08
   02.	Thunder Saber	 →  (n/c)		SPI: 08
   03.	Ice Saber	 →  (n/c)		SPI: 09
   04.	Flame Saber	 →  (n/c)		SPI: 09
   05.	Dark Saber	 →  *Dark Saber		SPI: 10
   06.			 →  AntiMagic		SPI: 14
   07.			 →  Power Up		SPI: 14
   08.			 →  Counter Magic	SPI: 15

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

   01.	Pressure Point	 →  Heal Light		SPI: 08
   02.	Heal Light	 →  Detect		SPI: 09
   03.			 →  Leaf Saber		SPI: 11

   01.	Pressure Point	 →  *Heal Light		SPI: 08
   02.	Heal Light	 →  *Detect		SPI: 09
   03.	Aura Wave	 →  Leaf Saber		SPI: 11
   04.			 →  Aura Wave		SPI: 16

   01.	Pressure Point	 →  *Heal Light		SPI: 08
   02.	*Heal Light	 →  Detect		SPI: 09
   03.	Leaf Saber	 →  *Leaf Saber		SPI: 15
   04.			 →  Pressure Point	VIT: 18

   01.			 →  Body Change		SPI: 09
   02.			 →  Moon Saber		SPI: 11

   01.	Energy Ball	 →  *Body Change	SPI: 09
   02.			 →  Moon Saber		SPI: 11
   03.			 →  Lunatic		SPI: 14
   04.			 →  Energy Ball		SPI: 15

   01.	Moon Saber	 →  Body Change		SPI: 09
   02.			 →  *Moon Saber		SPI: 15
   03.			 →  Half Vanish		SPI: 14
   04.			 →  Life Booster	SPI: 14

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

   01.	Arrow		 →  (n/c)		AGI: 12
   02.	Spike		 →  (n/c)		AGI: 12
   03.	Sleep Flower	 →  Body Change		SPI: 10
   04.	Body Change	 →  Sleep Flower	SPI: 10
   05.			 →  Silver Dart		AGI: 14
   06.			 →  Cutter Missile	AGI: 15

   01.	Arrow		 →  (n/c)		AGI: 12
   02.	Spike		 →  (n/c)		AGI: 12
   03.	*Sleep Flower	 →  *Body Change	SPI: 10
   04.	*Body Change	 →  *Sleep Flower	SPI: 10
   05.	Poison Bubble	 →  Silver Dart		AGI: 14
   06.	Lunatic		 →  Cutter Missile	AGI: 15
   07.	TransShape	 →  Lunatic		SPI: 15
   08.	Life Booster	 →  Poison Bubble	SPI: 15
   09.	Aura Wave	 →  Life Booster	SPI: 16
   10.	Half Vanish	 →  Aura Wave		SPI: 16
   11.	Counter Magic	 →  Energy Ball		SPI: 17
   12.	Energy Ball	 →  Counter Magic	SPI: 17

   01.	Arrow		 →  (n/c)		AGI: 12
   02.	Spike		 →  (n/c)		AGI: 12
   03.	*Sleep Flower	 →  *Body Change	SPI: 10
   04.	*Body Change	 →  *Sleep Flower	SPI: 10
   05.	Rock Fall	 →  Silver Dart		AGI: 14
   06.	Land Mine	 →  Cutter Missile	AGI: 15
   07.	Silver Dart	 →  Crescent		AGI: 16
   08.	Cutter Missile	 →  Rocket Launcher	AGI: 17
   09.	Crescent	 →  Axe Bomber		AGI: 18
   10.	Rocket Launcher	 →  Grenade Bomb	AGI: 19
   11.	Axe Bomber	 →  Rock Fall		AGI: 19
   12.	Grenade Bomb	 →  Land Mine		AGI: 19

   01.	Shuriken	 →  (n/c)		AGI: 12
   02.	Water Jutsu	 →  Earth Jutsu		AGI: 13
   03.	Fire Jutsu	 →  Thunder Jutsu	AGI: 14
   04.	Earth Jutsu	 →  Water Jutsu		AGI: 15
   05.	Thunder Jutsu	 →  Fire Jutsu		AGI: 15

   01.	*Shuriken	 →  (n/c)		AGI: 12
   02.	*Water Jutsu	 →  *Earth Jutsu	AGI: 13
   03.	*Fire Jutsu	 →  *Thunder Jutsu	AGI: 14
   04.	*Earth Jutsu	 →  *Water Jutsu	AGI: 15
   05.	*Thunder Jutsu	 →  *Fire Jutsu		AGI: 15
   06.			 →  Speed Up		SPI: 15
   07.			 →  TransShape		SPI: 16

   01.	Shuriken	 →  *Shuriken		AGI: 12
   02.	Water Jutsu	 →  Earth Jutsu		AGI: 13
   03.	Fire Jutsu	 →  Thunder Jutsu	AGI: 14
   04.	Earth Jutsu	 →  Water Jutsu		AGI: 15
   05.	Thunder Jutsu	 →  Fire Jutsu		AGI: 15
   06.	Poison Breath	 →  (n/c)		AGI: 18
   07.	Flame Breath	 →  (n/c)		AGI: 18
   08.	Blow Needles	 →  (n/c)		AGI: 19
   09.	Deadly Weapon	 →  (n/c)		AGI: 19
   10.	Black Rain	 →  (n/c)		AGI: 20

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

   01.	*Holy Ball	 →  (n/c)		INT: 06
   02.	*Diamond Missile →  (n/c)		INT: 07
   03.	*Air Blast	 →  (n/c)		INT: 08
   04.	*Evil Gate	 →  (n/c)		INT: 09
   05.	*Ice Smash	 →  (n/c)		INT: 10
   06.	*Fireball	 →  (n/c)		INT: 10
   07.	Saint Beam	 →  (n/c)		INT: 12
   08.	Earthquake	 →  Thunderstorm	INT: 13
   09.	Thunderstorm	 →  Mega Splash		INT: 13
   10.	Mega Splash	 →  (delete)
   11.	Explode		 →  (delete)

   01.	*Holy Ball	 →  (n/c)		INT: 06
   02.	*Diamond Missile →  (n/c)		INT: 07
   03.	*Air Blast	 →  (n/c)		INT: 08
   04.	*Evil Gate	 →  (n/c)		INT: 09
   05.	*Ice Smash	 →  (n/c)		INT: 10
   06.	*Fireball	 →  (n/c)		INT: 10
   07.	*Saint Beam	 →  (n/c)		INT: 12
   08.	*Earthquake	 →  *Thunderstorm	INT: 13
   09.	*Thunderstorm	 →  *Mega Splash	INT: 13
   10.	*Mega Splash	 →  *Explode		INT: 13
   11.	*Explode	 →  Stone Cloud		INT: 19
   12.	Double Spell	 →  *Double Spell	INT: 20

   01.	*Holy Ball	 →  (n/c)		INT: 06
   02.	*Diamond Missile →  (n/c)		INT: 07
   03.	*Air Blast	 →  (n/c)		INT: 08
   04.	*Evil Gate	 →  (n/c)		INT: 09
   05.	*Ice Smash	 →  (n/c)		INT: 10
   06.	*Fireball	 →  (n/c)		INT: 10
   07.	*Saint Beam	 →  (n/c)		INT: 12
   08.	*Earthquake	 →  *Thunderstorm	INT: 13
   09.	*Thunderstorm	 →  *Mega Splash	INT: 13
   10.	*Mega Splash	 →  *Earthquake		INT: 13
   11.	*Explode	 →  Blaze Wall		INT: 19
   12.	Rainbow Dust	 →  Poison Bubble	INT: 20

   01.	*Holy Ball	 →  (n/c)		INT: 06
   02.	*Diamond Missile →  (n/c)		INT: 07
   03.	*Air Blast	 →  (n/c)		INT: 08
   04.	*Evil Gate	 →  (n/c)		INT: 09
   05.	*Ice Smash	 →  (n/c)		INT: 10
   06.	*Fireball	 →  (n/c)		INT: 10
   07.	Dark Force	 →  (n/c)		INT: 12
   08.			 →  Earthquake		INT: 13
   09.			 →  Explode		INT: 13

   01.	*Holy Ball	 →  (n/c)		INT: 06
   02.	*Diamond Missile →  (n/c)		INT: 07
   03.	*Air Blast	 →  (n/c)		INT: 08
   04.	*Evil Gate	 →  (n/c)		INT: 09
   05.	*Ice Smash	 →  (n/c)		INT: 10
   06.	*Fireball	 →  (n/c)		INT: 10
   07.	*Dark Force	 →  (n/c)		INT: 12
   08.	Stun Wind	 →  *Earthquake		INT: 13
   09.	Cold Blaze	 →  *Explode		INT: 13
   10.	Blaze Wall	 →  *Thunderstorm	INT: 13
   11.	Stone Cloud	 →  Cold Blaze		INT: 19
   12.	DeathSpell	 →  (n/c)		INT: 20

   01.	*Holy Ball	 →  (n/c)		INT: 06
   02.	*Diamond Missile →  (n/c)		INT: 07
   03.	*Air Blast	 →  (n/c)		INT: 08
   04.	*Evil Gate	 →  (n/c)		INT: 09
   05.	*Ice Smash	 →  (n/c)		INT: 10
   06.	*Fireball	 →  (n/c)		INT: 10
   07.	Dark Force	 →  *Dark Force		INT: 12
   08.	Earthquake	 →  *Earthquake		INT: 13
   09.	Thunderstorm	 →  *Explode		INT: 13
   10.	Mega Splash	 →  Mind Up		INT: 19
   11.	Explode		 →  Stun Wind		INT: 19
   12.	Ancient		 →  (n/c)		INT: 20

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   01.	*Heal Light	 →  (n/c)		SPI: 06
   02.	Holy Ball	 →  *Tinkle Rain	SPI: 07
   03.	Tinkle Rain	 →  Holy Ball		SPI: 12
   04.	Diamond Saber	 →  (n/c)		SPI: 13
   05.	Thunder Saber	 →  (n/c)		SPI: 13
   06.	Ice Saber	 →  (n/c)		SPI: 14
   07.	Flame Saber	 →  (n/c)		SPI: 14
   08.			 →  Saint Saber		SPI: 15

   01.	*Heal Light	 →  (n/c)		SPI: 06
   02.	Holy Ball	 →  *Tinkle Rain	SPI: 07
   03.	*Tinkle Rain	 →  *Holy Ball		SPI: 12
   04.	Diamond Saber	 →  (n/c)		SPI: 13
   05.	Thunder Saber	 →  (n/c)		SPI: 13
   06.	Ice Saber	 →  (n/c)		SPI: 14
   07.	Flame Saber	 →  (n/c)		SPI: 14
   08.	Saint Saber	 →  *Saint Saber	SPI: 15
   09.	Magic Shield	 →  (n/c)		SPI: 19
   10.	Turn Undead	 →  (n/c)		SPI: 20

   01.	*Heal Light	 →  (n/c)		SPI: 06
   02.	*Holy Ball	 →  *Tinkle Rain	SPI: 07
   03.	*Tinkle Rain	 →  *Holy Ball		SPI: 12
   04.	*Diamond Saber	 →  (n/c)		SPI: 13
   05.	*Thunder Saber	 →  (n/c)		SPI: 13
   06.	*Ice Saber	 →  (n/c)		SPI: 14
   07.	*Flame Saber	 →  (n/c)		SPI: 14
   08.	Saint Beam	 →  Saint Saber		SPI: 15
   09.			 →  Saint Beam		SPI: 19
   10.			 →  Rainbow Dust	SPI: 20

   01.	*Heal Light	 →  (n/c)		SPI: 06
   02.	Tinkle Rain	 →  *Tinkle Rain	SPI: 07
   03.	Unicorn Head	 →  (n/c)		SPI: 12
   04.	Machine Golem	 →  (n/c)		SPI: 12
   05.			 →  AntiMagic		SPI: 13
   06.			 →  Dark Saber		SPI: 14

   01.	*Heal Light	 →  (n/c)		SPI: 06
   02.	*Tinkle Rain	 →  (n/c)		SPI: 07
   03.	Unicorn Head	 →  (n/c)		SPI: 12
   04.	Machine Golem	 →  (n/c)		SPI: 12
   05.	Black Curse	 →  AntiMagic		SPI: 13
   06.	Dark Saber	 →  *Dark Saber		SPI: 14
   07.	Ghoul		 →  Poison Breath	SPI: 17
   08.	Ghost		 →  Ghoul		SPI: 18
   09.			 →  Ghost		SPI: 19
   10.			 →  Black Curse		SPI: 20

   01.	*Heal Light	 →  (n/c)		SPI: 06
   02.	Tinkle Rain	 →  *Tinkle Rain	SPI: 07
   03.	Unicorn Head	 →  (n/c)		SPI: 12
   04.	Machine Golem	 →  (n/c)		SPI: 12
   05.	Anti Magic	 →  *Anti Magic		SPI: 13
   06.	Gremlin		 →  Dark Saber		SPI: 14
   07.	Great Demon	 →  Flame Breath	SPI: 17
   08.	Demon Breath	 →  Gremlin		SPI: 18
   09.			 →  Great Demon		SPI: 19
   10.			 →  Demon Breath	SPI: 20

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

   01.	Protect Up	 →  (n/c)		SPI: 10
   02.	Speed Up	 →  (n/c)		SPI: 10
   03.	Mind Up		 →  (n/c)		SPI: 10
   04.	Power Up	 →  (n/c)		SPI: 10
   05.			 →  Sleep Flower	INT: 11

   01.	Protect Up	 →  (n/c)		SPI: 10
   02.	Speed Up	 →  *Speed Up		SPI: 10
   03.	Mind Up		 →  (n/c)		SPI: 10
   04.	Power Up	 →  *Power Up		SPI: 10
   05.	Freya		 →  *Sleep Flower	INT: 11
   06.			 →  Freya		SPI: 17

   01.	*Protect Up	 →  (n/c)		SPI: 10
   02.	*Speed Up	 →  (non-multi)		SPI: 10
   03.	*Mind Up	 →  (n/c)		SPI: 10
   04.	*Power Up	 →  (non-multi)		SPI: 10
   05.	Marduke		 →  Sleep Flower	INT: 11
   06.			 →  Half Vanish		INT: 15
   07.			 →  Marduke		SPI: 17

   01.	Speed Down	 →  (n/c)		SPI: 10
   02.	Protect Down	 →  (n/c)		SPI: 10
   03.	Power Down	 →  (n/c)		SPI: 10
   04.	Mind Down	 →  (n/c)		SPI: 10
   05.			 →  Detect		SPI: 10
   06.			 →  Evil Gate		INT: 11
   07.			 →  Crescent		AGI: 12

   01.	Speed Down	 →  *Speed Down		SPI: 10
   02.	Protect Down	 →  *Protect Down	SPI: 10
   03.	Power Down	 →  (n/c)		SPI: 10
   04.	Mind Down	 →  (n/c)		SPI: 10
   05.	Iormungand	 →  *Detect		SPI: 10
   06.			 →  *Evil Gate		INT: 11
   07.			 →  Crescent		AGI: 12
   08.			 →  Axe Bomber		AGI: 18
   09.			 →  Iormungand		SPI: 17

   01.	*Speed Down	 →  (non-multi)		SPI: 10
   02.	*Protect Down	 →  (non-multi)		SPI: 10
   03.	*Power Down	 →  (n/c)		SPI: 10
   04.	*Mind Down	 →  (n/c)		SPI: 10
   05.	Lamian Naga	 →  *Detect		SPI: 10
   06.			 →  *Evil Gate		INT: 11
   07.			 →  Crescent		AGI: 12
   08.			 →  Dark Force		INT: 17
   09.			 →  Lamian Naga		SPI: 17

STATS .........................................................	

This patch balances out the stats among the same character's classes.  Some
notes though:

 1. I tried to be as close to the original game's stats as possible.
 2. I did not factor Luck into account, because that stat is useless, except
    when opening the treasure chest.  Originally, Luck was supposed to determine
    the critical hit rate, but due to a bug, there are no critical hits.
 3. I made it so that a character's "primary" stat is not as different among the
    classes (ex: Carlie's Spirit stat between classes is no more than 1 point).
    In the original game, some classes' primary stat had 2 points lower than
    another class.  Lise didn't have any primary stat, so I gave her Strength.
    This also means that one class will have one more total stat point than the
    other classes (not counting Luck).
 4. Original game made it so that Light classes always had weaker weapons and
    armors (Lighter the class, the weaker the equipments were).  This makes
    things so that the Dark classes have better weapons, while the Light classes
    have better defense equipments.

		base	L	LL	LD	D	DL	DD
		----	----	----	----	----	----	----
Duran	STR	12	17	21	21	18	21	22
	AGI	10	15	17	18	16	18	19
	VIT	11	17	21	21	17	21	21
	INT	8	13→14	15→16	16→17	14→13	16	17→15
	SPI	8	14	17	16	13	16	15
	LCK	8	14	16→17	17→16	13	16	15

Kevin	STR	10	15	18	17	16	19	18
	AGI	9	14	17	16	15	18	17
	VIT	12	18	22	22	18	22	22
	INT	8	13→14	15→16	16→17	14→13	16→15	17→16
	SPI	8	14	17→16	16→17	13	15	16
	LCK	8	14	16→17	17→16	13	15→16	16→15

Hawk	STR	9	14	16	17	15	17	18
	AGI	12	17	20→21	21	18	22	21
	VIT	9	15	19	19	15	19	19
	INT	9	14→15	16→17	17→18	15→14	18→16	17
	SPI	9	15	18	17	14	16→17	17→16
	LCK	12	18	21→22	22→21	17	21	20

Angela	STR	8	14	17	16	13	15	16
	AGI	8	14→13	17→16	16→15	13→14	15→17	16
	VIT	8	14	18	18	14	18	18
	INT	12	17	21	20→21	18	21	22
	SPI	11	17	19	20	16	19	18
	LCK	10	14	16	17	13	16	15

Carlie	STR	8	13	16	15	14	16	17
	AGI	8	14	16	17	13	15→16	16→15
	VIT	8	14	18	18	14	18	18
	INT	11	16	18	19	17	19	20
	SPI	12	18	22	21	17	21	20→21
	LCK	11	16	18	19	17	20	19

Lise	STR	11	17	20	19	16	18→19	19
	AGI	11	16	19	18	17	19→20	20→19
	VIT	10	16	20	20	16	20	20
	INT	10	15	17	18	16	18	19
	SPI	10	16	19→18	18→19	15	18→17	17→18
	LCK	9	14	16	17	15	18	17

Obviously, some classes will still be better than the others, but hopefully, the
gaps between those classes are significantly less than the original game.

Please leave comments or reviews on my balance patches.  This would give me (the
creator) ideas on what is good or not, and depending on the situation, even
revise the patches.

Applying Notes:

- This is specifically for No Header ROM.  If you only have a Headered ROM, then
  you can use TUSH ( to remove the
- Compatible with the English NCorlett-translation patch.  But again, you need a
  Unheadered ROM.  If you are using the translation patch from,
  then you need to apply the translation to a Headered ROM first, then use TUSH
  to remove the header.  And then you can apply my patches.
- Compatible with the new Trials of Mana ROM, released in 2019.  But again, you
  need a Unheadered ROM.

There are other hacks for Seiken Densetsu 3 that you should check out:

Sin of Mana
- This changes the contents of the game in many ways, such as stat changes,
  equipment changes, class balance, difficulty, boss behaviors, running in
  battles, MP regeneration, dungeon format, and tons of bug fixes.  It's a
  completely new game though, since so much has changed from the original game
  (especially character spells).
- There is also a forum (google "Sin of Mana forum"), where you can ask the
  creator (praetarius5018) numerous questions.  He is very helpful, and even
  helps you to create your own hack.  He certainly helped me, for most of my
- Sin of Mana is NOT compatible with the new Trials of Mana.
- Sin of Mana is NOT compatible with hmsong's patches.

If you have any questions or find errors, please PM me on (click
my name, then click my name next to "Forum Account", then click "Send PM").