Rockman Exhaust - Revamped ROM Hack herunterladen

Rockman Exhaust - Revamped Spiel
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Parameter Informationen
Konsole: NES
Original Spiel: Mega Man 2
Typ: Addendum
Genre: Action > Platformer
Veränderungen: G,L,T,Other
Ersteller: 8-bit fan
Erstellungsdatum: 02/02/2017
Letzte Änderung: 02/05/2017
Parameter Informationen
Dateiname: Rockman Exhaust -
Downloads: 10
Anforderungen: No Special Requirements
Version: 1.1

Rockman Exhaust - Revamped Beschreibung

Don’t think this is gonna be a 100% Gold Remake, it’ll have its differences. Extra battles (some’ll be optionals, tough but rewarding), Hoenn Pokemon (in every area, and hard to find) New areas, Remapped some dungeons (so your old guides wont work) , Extra recurring characters (some’ll hate you, some’ll help you)

Note that the hack is incomplete but feel free to enjoy the hack as-is.

Rockman Exhaust - Revamped Liesmich

Rockman Exhaust - Revamped readme.txt

Addendum to Rockman Exhaust v1.0

Apply 'Rockman Exhaust - Revamped v1.1.ips' directly to 'Rockman 2 - Dr. Wily no Nazo (Japan).nes - NOINTRO'

What this hack does:
This hack is an addendum to the Rockman Exhaust hack. The original hack by DHI is overall very fun, but unfortunately, it has several issues that are more or less game breaking. I attempted to fix these issues in order to make the game more enjoyable.

Here's a list of what's changed from the original hack:

1) Flashman - Removed 1 single block from the last room in the laser beam section. You can now make it through without having to do the pixel perfect and perfectly timed jump to make it through at the end of the set. Also added 1-up and weapon powerup at checkpoint before the laser beam section.

2) Metalman - Fixed boss gate so you won't be forced out of the boss room during the fight anymore.

3) Fixed various locations in Wily stages and one instance in Crashman's stage where you could get 'stuck' and be forced to reset if you don't have items 1/2/3 or if you don't have enough energy for them.

4) Fixed various locations where there is unavoidable enemy damage. There are still areas that are seemingly unavoidable from enemy damage but you can actually kill the enemies or pass them without getting damanged, I left these intact and did not remove them.

5) Changed the text 'PASS WORD' to 'PASSWORD'.

Acknowledgements and Credits:
DHI for creating a very good and fun hack with great music!
Capcom and Keiji Infune for Mega Man 2!

2017.2.2 v1.1 by 8-bit fan /