LoD Battle Voice Undub ROM Hack herunterladen

LoD Battle Voice Undub Spiel
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Parameter Informationen
Konsole: PSX
Original Spiel: The Legend of Dragoon
Typ: Improvement
Genre: Role Playing
Veränderungen: S
Ersteller: NoOneee
Erstellungsdatum: 11/03/2016
Letzte Änderung: 12/16/2016
Parameter Informationen
Dateiname: patch_battle_undub_v12.zip
Downloads: 7
Anforderungen: Targets BIN/Cue (Disc Based)
Version: 1.2

LoD Battle Voice Undub Beschreibung

Don’t think this is gonna be a 100% Gold Remake, it’ll have its differences. Extra battles (some’ll be optionals, tough but rewarding), Hoenn Pokemon (in every area, and hard to find) New areas, Remapped some dungeons (so your old guides wont work) , Extra recurring characters (some’ll hate you, some’ll help you)

Note that the hack is incomplete but feel free to enjoy the hack as-is.

LoD Battle Voice Undub Liesmich

"LoD Battle Voice Undub" by NoOneee
V1.1 - 17 December 2016

This is an unofficial patch for The Legend of Dragoon game.

The patch replaces the English voices in the American discs with the Japanese ones.
This includes enemy and party member voices.
It requires both American and Japanese versions of the game. 

Known Issues:
  A few Dragoon voices aren't undubbed. Those are found in the LODXA00.BIN file,
  whose Japanese version is bigger than the American one, so it can't be easily 
  See the thread http://www.romhacking.net/forum/index.php/topic,23004.0.html
  for more details

- Put all your American disc images in the same folder you've extracted the 
  patch, renaming them as follows:
   LOD1_USA.bin (disc 1)
   LOD2_USA.bin (disc 2)
   LOD3_USA.bin (disc 3)
   LOD4_USA.bin (disc 4)

- Put the image of the 4th Japanese disc in the same folder, renaming it as:
   LOD4_JPN.BIN (disc 4)
- Run "patch_battle_undub.bat" and wait.
- Rename the American disc images to the same name they had before (or update your cue files).

  This patch is compatible with the "LoD Encounter Rate Bugfix and Modifier"
  and "LoD Rose's Are Red" patches.
  Other patches may or may not be compatible.
Interesting Stuff:
  While making this patch I've come across some interesting audio files in the 
   game. You can listen them yourself extracting them with the included mrg_manager executable and 
   the PSound utility (http://www.romhacking.net/utilities/679/).
  Shana's Additions/Magic?
	This is by far the most interesting discovery. I found some files that could
	possibly be for some kind of additions or magic for Shana or Miranda.
	I assume the idea got scapped at some point of development.
	You can extract them with:
	mrg_manager\mrg_manager x DRGN0_USA.BIN shana-addictions 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944
	Scan the extracted files in shana-addictions folder with PSound (Force 22050Hz Sample Rate in the Options)
	You can hear the following:
	-file01939.bin Dragon Needle
	-file01940.bin Silver Rain
	-file01941.bin ばくれつのや   (Bakuretsu No Ya i.e. 爆裂の矢? Possible translation: Explosive Arrow)
	-file01942.bin あんこくのや   (Ankoku No Ya, i.e. 暗黒の矢?   Possible translation: Arrow of Darkness)
	-file01943.bin けっかい     (Kekkai, i.e. 決壊? 結界?      Possible translations: Outburst, barrier...)
	-file01944.bin Life Force 
   Other oddities:
	Extract files 5800 and 6041:
	mrg_manager\mrg_manager x DRGN0_USA.BIN odd-sounds 5800 6041
	Scan file05800.bin with PSound. Force 4000Hz Sample Rate in the Options.
    file05800 | 00018 (Force 4Hz Sample Rate in the Options)
	This audio sample is reversed, so you can't make sense of it in PSound.
	Convert it to WAV, and use some other program to reverse it.
	(You can use Audacity: Open the WAV file, go to Effects, Reverse and play it.)
	 You can hear "Sonotokiyamatoyoroshiku" (?)

	file05800 | 00019
	I couldn't make sense of this one.

	Scan file06041.bin with PSound. Force 11025Hz Sample Rate in the Options.
	file06041 | 00006
	This audio sample is also reversed, so you can't make sense of it in PSound.
	Convert it to WAV, and use some other program to reverse it.
	(You can use Audacity: Open the WAV file, go to Effects, Reverse and play it.)
	You can hear:
	"Death is the seed from wh..."
	This is taken from one of the Dead City Radio readings (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dead_City_Radio)
	You can hear the exact same thing here @0:21 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7kGzIfk_Siw

  Version 1.1
    - Replaced psxmode2 with cdpatch(from cmdpack)
    - Now the files are extracted directly from the disc images.
	- Updated MRG Manager to v1.1
	- Added support for more Dragoon voices (LODXA00.BIN is still not being 
  Version 1.0
    - Initial Release

  This patch is distributed without any warranty. 
  You are not allowed to redistribute the patched disc images or bundle the patch 
  with pirated copies of the game.

This patch includes an unmodified version of cdpatch contained in the cmdpack:

The executable name (cdpatch.exe -> cdpaatch.exe) was changed to avoid making 
some versions of Windows assume the executable needs admin privileges(it doesn't).