Frank Fnatnsy ROM Hack herunterladen

Frank Fnatnsy Spiel
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Parameter Informationen
Konsole: NES
Original Spiel: Final Fantasy
Typ: Complete
Genre: Role Playing
Veränderungen: G,L,T,GP
Ersteller: Zalbag
Erstellungsdatum: 08/10/2011
Letzte Änderung: 12/07/2015
Parameter Informationen
Dateiname: FFn
Downloads: 10
Anforderungen: No Special Requirements
Version: 1.07

Frank Fnatnsy Beschreibung

Don’t think this is gonna be a 100% Gold Remake, it’ll have its differences. Extra battles (some’ll be optionals, tough but rewarding), Hoenn Pokemon (in every area, and hard to find) New areas, Remapped some dungeons (so your old guides wont work) , Extra recurring characters (some’ll hate you, some’ll help you)

Note that the hack is incomplete but feel free to enjoy the hack as-is.

Frank Fnatnsy Liesmich


Frank Fnatnsy


What is changed from FFI???

1)World Map - similar, but different in many ways, including
where you can get to at different points in the game. 
Individual Maps- every one has been modified

2)Enemies - every single enemy has been changed in one way or
another, statistically, graphically, where they appear and 
or the amount of Xp/Gold earned. 

3)Story - completely different, but with a FF flavor, there 
are still 4 Fiends, Garland (or Gardlan) and a Temple of
Fiends but all the rest is new. A blend of FF with a new
story based on various make-believe characters from the
creator's childhood imagination.

4)Classes - instead of 6 classes that upgrade halfway through
the game, there are 12 classes to choose from at the start. 
Classes should be pretty balanced compared to FFI, 
but some combinations work much 
better than others. There is a graphics glitch when
selecting classes for a new game.See below.

5)Weapons - all new stats, mostly new graphics

6)Armor - all new

7)Spells - mostly new, all tweaked somewhat (by name, power,
and price) but mostly similar effects. Spells that were 
useless or near useless in the original game are gone or 
changed, some spells are vital in the early game but
less useful later, but all spells are at least somewhat
useful throughout the game. 

8)Startout - There are suggested names and a suggested 
starting party, see below. 

9) Challenge - the game is harder than FFI and is a 
bit more tactical, consider things like which spells 
you really want to learn for each spell level, and 
how to spend money, weapons, armor, spells, or items.
Also, know when to run and when to fight!

A litte about each class.

(Fighter types)

W. Knight - Good Str and HP, can equip most armor and swords.
Later on can cast some white magic, mostly healing and 
undead-damaging spells. Good magic defense, not good at 
running away. Uses sheilds and gauntlets.
A Paladin who fights for justice and truth, suggested names

B. Knight - Almost identical stats to W. Knight but can 
equip a few different weapons and armor and can cast attack
spells, noteably DARK at first level. Use sheilds/guantlets.
A hardened mercenary who has decided to fight for good, but 
maybe just for the pay. Suggested names

Amazon - A strong fighter with better evasion and agility
than the knights. She can also equip most armor, sheilds,
gauntlets, and weapons. She can also cast a few spells, 
both support and lightning elemental attacks. Her INT is
higher than a knight too, though she has less HP and 
slightly less STR. 
A versetile fighter who is a balance of power and skill, 
a warrior woman who fills the role of the fighter but 
knows a variety of tactical spells, too. Suggested names

Quarnek - The most HP of any class, and the highest STR
at the start of the game. Also can equip all the best 
weapons, but generally does not use swords or sheilds. 
Can't equip much armor, so he has to rely on helmets
and has very low defense despite high HP. Terrible at
magic but can go into a RAGE and learn some spells,
but has low magic defense and is bad at fleeing.
He's an alein visitor who is a bit out of place, super 
strong and tough, tries to learn a bit of magic but
instead sticks to his guns. Or axes, or blades, or 
maces. Can't seem to find much 4-armed armor, though.
Fights with emotion to the bitter end! Suggested names

Martial Artist-Lots of HP, but can't wear much armor. 
In the later game, a Ki aura provides defense that is
par with armor anyways. Can only equip staffs and 
numchuku, but at high levels will be able to deal the 
most damage unarmed. A class that requires little to 
no purchaces, no spells, no armor, and rarely a weapon
A master of martial arts who fights unarmed, and can 
defeat major foes without a sword, sheild, or spell!
A monk who has trained for years to achieve his skill.
Suggested Names

(Utility Classes)

Rouge - not as lame as the FFI Theif, actually quite good
as a utility class. Can't equip much armor, and can only use
select weapons, but can use guns. Low STR, mid HP, great 
AGI and LUK, good INT but few spells. Very early on can cast 
the WARP spell (or skill!) to escape dungeons. Can also 
learn some spells, mostly support like HIDE and INVIS. Don't 
underestimate the usefulness of being able to run away! 
A mysterious character, this green skinned rouge could be a 
man, could be a woman, could be an elf, a goblin, or 
whatever your imagination decides!  A thief or scoundrel best
at dungeon crawling, searching, and getting away!
Suggested names

Ninja - A stronger Rouge, with slightly less HP. can equip
more weapons, including numchucku. Also has more attack 
spells, but isn't as good at running away, but still better
than most classes. A versetile class that can use some a 
variety of spells and equipment, no healing but both attack
and support spells. Can't wear heavy armor. 
An agile warrior who dabbles in magic and martial arts. 
Sneaky, mysterious, wears a mask, could be a mercenary or a
pure hearted hero, who knows? Suggested names

Bard - Another utility class, like Ninja mid str but can 
equip some good weapons. Mid-low HP, and can't wear much 
armor. Can cast a wide variety of spells, support, healing
and some attack, and the spell SONG. Good magic defense, 
besides ninja and rouge, best at running away. Can e
A musical, fantastic jack of all trades,good with weapons 
and many types of music, and he's stylish, too. 
Suggested names


Wizard - The weakest class in STR, HP, AGI, can't equip
very many weapons or types of armor. Hard to keep alive 
in the early game, but has the fastest spell progression, 
and highest INT of any class. Also great magic defense, 
and can cast the biggest variety of spells, almost all
support and status ailment spells plus almost all attack
spells, and a few healing spells as well. 
An elderly, mysterious figure...a man? A woman? The hat 
and cloak cover all, but the magical power is unmistakeable.
Suggested Names

Priestess- Mainly a healer, but also has a few attack 
spells and some defensive spells, plus the strongest
undead banishing spells. Weak attack, but can equip 
a few useful weapons, but not much armor at all. Not 
quite as weak as a Wizard, but close. Strongest magic 
defense of any class. 
A wise woman that some may call a witch, a cleric, 
a high priestess or a sorceress. Her knowledge of the
planes, sprits, and magic are her strongest asset. 
Suggested Names

Princess - She can cast a nice mix of healing, attack,
and utility spells, but has the lowest INT of all 
the spellcasters. However, she can equip more armor
and weapons than any of them. Still has slightly low
physical stats, but better than a wizard. Can cast
SONG for support, but doesn't have spells at lv 1.
An educated but dainty noblewoman who ventures out of
the castle to help the people. She makes up for lack
of martial experience with heart and determination.
suggested Names

Mage -  Best STR and hit % of the spellcasters, 
and can equip almost as many weapons as the Princess.
Still uses no armor but can cast lots of attack 
spells, a few emergency healing spells, and spells
to increase attack power. Starts out with a slightly
slow spell progression, but can cast DARK and almost
all elemental attack spells. Second in INT only to
Wizard, and high magic defense and average AGI. 
A spellcaster who is trained for battle above
all else. He is brave, well trained, and cunning.
Suggested Names

Save Points- the game is quite a bit harder than the original
FFI, and FFI is pretty hard if you don't have a walkthrough
sitting around! Save often, but don't abuse save states. 
I would suggest using save states on the world map, or right
before you feel a boss battle coming on, because if I had 
been able to add in-dungeon save points I would have put
in several, especially right before bosses in long, large
dungeons like the Space Station and Temple of Fiends. 

-When selecting a class at the game's start, there is a 
big graphics glitch, so you can't see what the classes 
really should look like until you start the game. No known
-There are a few spelling/grammar issues-whooops. 

Version 1.02 - improvements
-A certain very difficult battle in the Serpent's Tail Dungeon (Marsh Cave) is now 
much more rare to encounter. 

Version 1.07- improvements
-Rare battle tweaked in v1.02 can now be ran from. 
-Priestess and Wizard class have higher magic defense
-Wizard has slightly higher intelligence
-Priestess and Princess classes have one extra 1st level spell per day (which reads as A but = 10)
-SeaWitch enemy now behaves properly, using magic
-Several doors that did not close before now do close.