Final Fantasy VI - Total Graphics Uncensorship ROM Hack herunterladen

Final Fantasy VI - Total Graphics Uncensorship Spiel
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Parameter Informationen
Konsole: SNES
Original Spiel: Final Fantasy III
Typ: Improvement
Genre: Role Playing
Veränderungen: G,GP,Other
Ersteller: vivify93
Erstellungsdatum: 09/17/2020
Letzte Änderung: 09/17/2020
Parameter Informationen
Downloads: 27
Anforderungen: Header (SNES)
Version: 2.00

Final Fantasy VI - Total Graphics Uncensorship Beschreibung

Don’t think this is gonna be a 100% Gold Remake, it’ll have its differences. Extra battles (some’ll be optionals, tough but rewarding), Hoenn Pokemon (in every area, and hard to find) New areas, Remapped some dungeons (so your old guides wont work) , Extra recurring characters (some’ll hate you, some’ll help you)

Note that the hack is incomplete but feel free to enjoy the hack as-is.

Final Fantasy VI - Total Graphics Uncensorship Liesmich

                                          Final Fantasy VI
                                     Total Graphics Uncensorship
                                          v2.00 (Sep 17 2020)

- Final Fantasy VI (c) Square Enix. All rights reserved.

- No ownership is claimed by vivify93 over Final Fantasy VI or the franchise from which it
   originates. Commercial use of this patch, including but not limited to reproduction, sale, etc.
   is strictly prohibited.

- This unofficial, fan-made patch is provided "as-is" on a voluntary (i.e. non-profit) basis.
   vivify93 is not liable for damage incurred to the end-user, their OS, or their hardware while
   using this patch.

- Apply this patch only to a headered "Final Fantasy III (U) [!].smc" with the following
     Hashes: CRC32 - 3090BDD5
               MD5 - E01A15A3C257831C7D7382E0F772FEA9
              SHA1 - 2CDE203D4FC76B18645692308732A0E8F0F36D1A

- Players are encouraged to keep a backup of their original game file in case an error occurs.

- Two patches are included.

   TotalGraphicsUncensorship_v200.ips (Primary Patch):
    Reverts all graphical changes made to Final Fantasy III (US) for SNES.

   OriginalMPGrowth_v100.ips (Secondary Patch):
    Restores the MP growth curve from the Japanese version. FFIII US, for some reason, saw its MP
    growth changed so that characters gain slightly less MP overall, making it a little more
    difficult to maximize MP.

  Both patches CAN be implied in tandem.

There have been various attempts at removing the graphical censorship made to Final Fantasy VI over
the years. While the efforts have been appreciated, there hadn't been a unified "one and done" patch
that reverts everything all at once. Total Graphics Uncensorship aims to achieve that.

Note: This patch appears to conflict with madsiur's Zozo Petty Sign Fix. However, I saw them work in
conjunction by applying Total Graphics Uncensorship first, then Petty Sign Fix.

- The black and white splash screen before the title logo has been removed, and the original title
   logo has been restored. (Credit to Yazoo)

- The sprites for Espers Siren and Starlet are reverted. (Credit to Terii Senshi)

- The sprites for enemies Barb-e, Dahling, L.80 Magic, Madam, and Critic are reverted. (Credit to
   Terii Senshi)

- The sprites for bosses Chadarnook (Woman) and Goddess are reverted. (Credit to Terii Senshi)

- The graphics for bosses Hit, Magic, Girl, and the red-clothed female figure next to Magic are
   reverted. (Credit to Dr. Meat; additional fixing by silentenigma)

- The graphic for the spell Mute has been properly reverted. (Credit to silentenigma)

- The graphics for the pub signs have been reverted.

- An additional patch is provided to restore the original MP growth curve.

- Reverted superfluously changed data. (Credit to kamesennin and silentenigma)

- Incorporated silentenigma's FF6 Silence Graphic, which properly and fully reverts the Mute symbol.

- Corrected mine cart sequence battle background. (Credit to silentenigma)

- Separated the MP growth curve restoration from the main project; now provided as an optional
   patch. Apply Original MP Growth on top of the new Total Graphics Uncensorship.

- Applied Yazoo's Final Fantasy VI Titlescreen Mod. Unfortunately, as a side effect, Ted Woolsey's
   name was removed from the opening credits.

- Applied Terii Senshi's Original Graphics patch.

- Found and replaced the English Mute graphic with the Japanese Silence graphic. The spell and
   status effect are both still known as "Mute." Due to the way the graphic was redrawn in the
   NTSC-U release, the restored symbol has very minor changes to its Japanese counterpart.

- Reverted the 4 pub signs, as well as a weapon shop sign that received a minor graphical touch-up.
   When you enter a pub, however, the location label will still say "CAFE".

- Applied Dr. Meat's Final Battle Uncensored patch.

- Restored the original MP growth curve from the Japanese version; in the English release, for some
   reason, how much MP you receive upon level up was lessened slightly.

- Yazoo: Final Fantasy VI Titlescreen Mod.
- Terii Senshi: Original Graphics patch.

- Dr. Meat: Final Battle Uncensored patch. Website:

- Rodimus Primal: Supplied Final Battle Uncensored patch. Mod list:

- silentenigma: Provided fix to Final Battle Uncensored patch.
   Also, FF6 Silence Graphic.

- Lord J and all contributors to FF3usME.

...and all you Final Fantasy fans out there!