7th Saga+ ROM Hack herunterladen

7th Saga+ Spiel
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Parameter Informationen
Konsole: SNES
Original Spiel: The 7th Saga
Typ: Improvement
Genre: Role Playing
Veränderungen: T,GP
Ersteller: Red X
Erstellungsdatum: 07/19/2010
Letzte Änderung: 10/13/2016
Parameter Informationen
Dateiname: 7th Saga+1.1.rar
Downloads: 23
Anforderungen: No-Header (SNES)
Version: 1.1

7th Saga+ Beschreibung

Don’t think this is gonna be a 100% Gold Remake, it’ll have its differences. Extra battles (some’ll be optionals, tough but rewarding), Hoenn Pokemon (in every area, and hard to find) New areas, Remapped some dungeons (so your old guides wont work) , Extra recurring characters (some’ll hate you, some’ll help you)

Note that the hack is incomplete but feel free to enjoy the hack as-is.

7th Saga+ Liesmich

The 7TH Saga+
By: Seth Jackson

The 7th Saga is an RPG that is infamous for its high difficulty and tedious grinding. Although the battle system is actually well designed, much of the math that governs it is senseless and discredits an otherwise exceptional game. This Patch Attempts to make the game challenging, but also require much less grinding than before. The 7 characters you can choose to play have been made more unique and more effective. All monsters have received changes to their stats: they generally are more difficult (they are still manageable due to the character changes), but they give a lot more experience than they did before. In the original game the 3 magic elements of fire, ice, and lightning weren?t very important because almost all enemies had the same resistances to all 3 elements. In this patch, a lot more monsters have unique elements that they are weak and resistant to (more info on this is in the monsters section).  Weapons and Armor are also more effective and have more unique properties than they used to. It is important to note that this patch contains no new content; it merely changes what is already within the games data. This readme acts like an instruction booklet, it only gives general information about the changes and is almost completely spoiler free.

Table of contents
1. Characters
2. Enemy Apprentice Equips
3. Spells
4. Monsters
5. Monster Resistance Hints
6. Item Changes


*WILME          Alien                              [2.2.1] *
-----		Initial		Level-Up
MaxHP		  20              8
MaxMP		   2 -5		   2 -3
Power		   5 -12	   4
Guard		   7 -12	   5
Magic		   2 ?9 	   2 -4
Speed		   4 -12	   4

Wilme is one of the characters that needed buffs more than any other. His magic stat combined with his attack magic made using magic almost worthless. His lack of a good weapon made him completely dependent on b powers in order to have any useful attack. Both of these extreme weaknesses have now been addressed. His Magic growth has gone from 2 to 4. He still has the weakest magic in the game (along with kamil and lux), however, now his spells do significant amounts of damage. His mp growth has increased, so now he has more opportunity to use his spells. 

Wilme?s attack is much better because he gets 3 new weapons, one in Melenam, one in Belaine, and he can now equip the VictSW, which is found in the last weapon shop. He equips swords that are about as strong as Lejes swords.

Wilme only gets two sets of armor. The Main armor that Wilme gets is the fire cloak, which is found behind the armor shop in Dowaine. The fire cloak is now ONLY equipable by Wilme. He also gets Dragon armor at the end of the game. It may not be much, but it does help bolster up his defense, which gets less impressive as the game goes on.

Spell Resistances
Wilme?s resistances are the same for most of the game. Because he is a fire monster he has the highest fire resistance in the game. His horns act like lightning rods to deflect electricity away from his body, which gives him good resistance to electrical spells. Being a fire monster makes Wilme extremely weak to ice magic. Wilme?s horns give him a little extra resistance to vacuum and debuff magic.

Wilme?s spells haven?t changed much. He learns fire2 later than before. He learns vacuum1 much faster than he would usually learn it. His final spell is a new spell exclusive to him that isn?t normally seen in the game called F DASH. It can only be used in battle.

*LUX            Tetujin                            [2.2.2] *
-----		Initial		Level-Up
MaxHP		  18 		   7 
MaxMP		   3 -6		   2 -3
Power		   5 -10	   4 
Guard		   6 -14	   5 
Magic		   3 -10	   3 -4
Speed		   3 -9		   3 

Lux has always been the most defensive character in the game. His high attack and strong spells made him a force to be reckoned with. Lux?s stats haven?t changed much. His magic and MP have increased to keep them on par with the new average for those stats. His attack magic is now more effective than it used to be. His lack of speed is still a problem, however, his new benefits make up for it.

Lux?s starting weapon received a small buff. He now gets a new weapon when he reaches Melenam. The Kryn fist received a gigantic buff. 

When you go to Melenam Lux is able to find the Brwn coat in the room above the entrance. In the original game it was next to useless. Now it is an extremely useful piece of armor. The moment he gets it Lux?s defense begins to tower over everyone else?s.

Spell Resistances
Lux?s lack of resistance to spells used to be his weakness, now it is one of his strengths. His thick metal coats give him the highest highest ice resistance in the game. The unique material his coats are made of makes fire magic less effective against him. Lux is very weak against Lightning magic, which easily penetrates his armor and overstimulates his circuits. Lux?s armor provides good resistance against vacuum and debuff spells

Lux learns thunder1 and laser 3 later than before, But the strength of his magic spells has increased dramatically. He now easily has the best attack spells in the game.

*OLVAN          Dwarf                              [2.2.3] *
STATS 0x6251
-----		Initial		Level-Up
MaxHP		  18 -17	   6 
MaxMP		   3 -7		   2 -3
Power		   4 -9	           3 
Guard		   5 ?9	           3 
Magic		   3 -12	   3 -5
Speed		   3 -8		   3 

Olvan was always one of the weakest characters in the original game. He was slow, had only average magic, and had no multi-target attack spells. In order to address this, He now has high magic (as much as Esuna, Valsu, etc) to increase his magic defense and give the two attack spells he does learn some use. His Mp has been improved to give him more opportunity to use his spells. Olvan is now a Wall like Lux, but he has healing spells and the second highest attack in the game. 

All thoughout the game Olvan?s weapons have been improved. In particular, the weapons unique to olvan have been buffed to make his ability to equip axes more important.
In the original game, Kamil and Olvan?s armor wasn?t that much better than everyone else?s and lacked the magic defense available to others. Now, armor, including shields, is significantly more effective than it used to be. Kamil and Olvan both have the second highest defense in the game. Not only is most armor and shields better, the spacing between the defense equipment gives you in each area is more evenly distributed to make it enticing to buy equipment more frequently.

Spell Resistances
Both Kamil and Olvan share the same armor, so they also share the same resistances. The fact that they have to spend so much money on armor throughout the game gives them a significant financial disadvantage. To compensate for this, their armor now provides excellent resistance to ice magic, good resistance to lightning magic and a little resistance to fire magic. Armor now gives some resistance to vacuum and debuff spells. Armor used to be less expensive than shields, now the reverse is true.
	The Illusion shield has additional resistance to vacuum and debuff spells. Kamil?s and Olvan?s resistances change more often than anyone else?s, therefore, it is very critical that they have the best armor they can get in each area. 

Olvan learns fire2 later than before, but he does learn some of his later spells sooner. This gives him more time to use the spells he does get.

*KAMIL          Human Warrior                      [2.2.4] *
-----		Initial		Level-Up
MaxHP		  16  		   5 
MaxMP		   4 -10	   3 -4
Power		   4 -8		   3 
Guard		   4 -9		   3 
Magic		   3 -10	   3 -4
Speed		   3 -10	   3 -4

Kamil has always been seen as the character that it average in almost everything. This is even truer now than it was before. His MP and magic now reflect the new average among the 7 characters. His speed was increased to differentiate him from Olvan more. It is important to note that Kamil is the only character that has low hp and low magic. This makes him the most vulnerable character when it comes to magic attacks. 

Like Olvan, Kamil?s weapons have received numerous buffs throughout the game. His ability to equip some axes is more important than it was before. The InsaSW in particular is much better than before.

In the original game, Kamil and Olvan?s armor wasn?t that much better than everyone else?s and lacked the magic defense available to others. Now, armor, especially shields, is significantly more effective than it used to be. Kamil and Olvan both have the second highest defense in the game. Not only is most armor and shields better, the spacing between the defense equipment gives you in each area is more evenly distributed to make it enticing to buy equipment more frequently. Armor used to be less expensive than shields, now the reverse is true.

The shields fould in the industrial nations (Starting at Belaine, ending with Polasu and Bilthem) have been completely revamped. For example, angerSH is no longer the best shield in this area. Now you have to travel throughout the continent in order to get the best shields instead of getting the best shield as early as padal.

Spell Resistances
Both Kamil and Olvan share the same armor, so they also share the same resistances. The fact that they have to spend so much money on armor throughout the game gives them a significant financial disadvantage. To compensate for this, their armor now provides excellent resistance to ice magic and good resistance to lightning magic and some resistance to fire magic. Armor now gives some resistance to vacuum and debuff spells. Also, the Illusion shield has additional resistance to vacuum and debuff spells. Kamil?s and Olvan?s resistances change more often than anyone else?s. Therefore, it is very critical that they have the best armor they can get in each area. 

Kamil learns his later spells such as heal 3 and F ball sooner than he used to. In order to compensate for his low HP and magic defense; he now learns F shield. He learns Fire2 later than before, but he learns is sooner than most characters do.

*LEJES          Demon                              [2.2.5] *

STATS 0x62ab
-----		Initial		Level-Up
MaxHP		  16  		   5 
MaxMP		  10 -12	   4 
Power		   4 -8		   3 
Guard		   4 -10	   3 -4
Magic		   3 -12	   3 -5
Speed		   4 -12	   4 

The two biggest complaints against Lejes are that he has low defense and his magic stat is mediocre. Both of these things have been addressed. His defense has been increased because being a demon makes his body more resistant to damage than humans like valsu and kamil. His unique combination of high defense stat, mage armor, and high magic makes his lack of healing spells much less crippling than it was before. The fact that almost all enemies have specific elemental weaknesses makes his combination of fire and ice magic lethal.

Lejes?s weapons have received general buffs thoughout the game. This enables him to hit his opponents? weaknesses easily whether it be magical or physical.

Generally speaking, the Robes that Lejes, Valsu, and Esuna equip have a little more defense than before. They also have high resistance to all types of magic. Lejes is now able to equip The Kryn Mask.
	Behind a pillar in the dungeon in Bilthem is the amulet, which provides complete protection against debuff spells and provides greater defense than other accessories in that area. Now Only Lejes can equip it.

Spell Resistances
Generally speaking, the Robes that Lejes, Valsu, and Esuna equip have  high resistance to all types of magic.

Lejes?s learns fire2, ice2, fball, blizzard2 and vacuum2 later than before.

*VALSU          Human Wizard                       [2.2.6] *

STATS 0x6299
-----		Initial		Level-Up
MaxHP		  15  		   5 
MaxMP		  10 -14	   4 
Power		   4 -6		   2 -3
Guard		   4 -7		   3 
Magic		   4 -13	   4 -5
Speed		   4 -10	   4 

Valsu is primarily a defensive character that relies on ice1 and support magic in order to defeat opponents. In the original game he is considered to be one of, if not the best characters in the game because of his high speed, magic, and good support spells (Elixer?). Valsu has seen some nerfs as well as some buffs. His MP now is as high as Esuna?s to compensate for his nerfs and make his effect and support magic more viable. His power has gone up so that using power and attacking becomes a much more viable option. His magic is higher to make ice1 a more viable attack. Valsu?s ice1 has been nerfed because a lot more enemies resist ice magic than they did before and valsu has no attack magic other than ice1. His support magic (defense1, power, agility, elixer) now costs more MP to use

Now that Valsu and esuna have the same power as kamil, olvan, lejes, etc. the only thing separating their attack from the others is their weapon power, or the lack thereof. Valsu?s rods are the weakest weapons in the game, however, they are also by far the most inexpensive of all weapons. Be sure to pick up the ImmoRD before going to the final area of the game. I couldn?t place it with the other weapons in the last weapons shop because each weapons shop can only have 5 weapons and there are 6 final weapons.

Generally speaking, the Robes that Lejes, Valsu, and Esuna equip have a little more defense than before. They also have high resistance to all types of magic.	In the corner of the inn at Pandam lies the ring. It is an accessory that provides high protection against vacuum. Its defense has been buffed, only valsu can equip it, and it has 5 resistance to all types of magic and 20 resistance to vacuum.

Spell Resistances
Generally speaking, the Robes that Lejes, Valsu, and Esuna equip have  high resistance to all types of magic. 

Valsu learns protect, exit, and revive 2 earlier than before. However, he learns heal3 a little later than before.

*ESUNA          Elf                                [2.2.7] *

STATS 0x6263
-----		Initial		Level-Up
MaxHP		  14  		   5 
MaxMP		  16  		   5 
Power		   3 -7		   2 -3
Guard		   3 -6		   2 -3
Magic		   4 -14	   4 -5
Speed		   4 -10	   4 

Esuna is an exceptional mage with the best combination of attack magic and support spells. Now her power, magic, and defense are the same as Valsu?s. Like Valsu, her attack and support magic have been nerfed due to enemies having a higher resistance to ice magic and support magic being more expensive. However, her increased power and defense more than make up for it.

Now that Valsu and esuna have the same power as kamil, olvan, lejes, etc. the only thing separating their attack from the others is their weapon power. Esuna can no longer equip rods. Instead she equips knives. There are many more knives in the game, which are more powerful than what Valsu can equip.

Generally speaking, the Robes that Lejes, Valsu, and Esuna equip have a little more defense than before. They also have high resistance to all types of magic. 	Behind a pillar in Serpent?s Castle is the Ice Cloak. Its defense has been buffed, only Esuna can Equip it, and it has some resistance to fire, lightning, vacuum, and debuff magic.

Spell Resistances
Generally speaking, the Robes that Lejes, Valsu, and Esuna equip have  high resistance to all types of magic.

The biggest change to Esuna is that she no longer learns power. It has been replaced by heal2. She learns petrify at level 8 instead of level 11. She learns Ice2 and blizzard2 later than before. She also learns Vacuum2 earlier than before.

The cost of equipment has decreased greatly for most of the game in order to create a greater incentive to buy armor more frequently. However, the final equipment for each character is extremely expensive.

Enemy Apprentice Equips
The equipment enemy apprentices get is now equal (if not a little better) to what you are able to get at your level. This is a buff when you fight them because a lot of their equipment is worse than before, but it is a nerf when they join you for the same reason. Also, because the other six apprentices aren?t able to go to the western continent, they no longer have equipment from that region (fortKN, MystAX, DespRB, etc.).
Enemy apprentices give 2.5X as much experience as before

-Fire 2, ice2, and laser2 are now stronger than before

-F Ball, Blzard2, and Thunder2 are stronger (instead of weaker) than 
fire2, ice2, and laser2, respectively. 

^ Most apprentices and monsters learn these spells later than before to compensate for their increased power.

-The laser spells are the weakest of the 3 elements, but the thunder spells are the strongest of the 3 elements (thunder 2 is the strongest spell in the game). laser 3 is the strongest single target attack spell in the game.

-fire spells are weaker than ice spells, but more enemies are weak to them.

-ice spells are the strongest spells in the game (besides thunder1 and 2), however, this is the most commonly resisted element in the game.

-most effect and vacuum spells are less expensive than before to make them more effective, however, some enemies and apprentices have higher resistances to them than before.

-The limit on how much hp catcher and mp catcher can steal has been doubled

-Heal1 and Heal2 heal more HP than before

-Heal2 and heal3 are less expensive than before

-revive1 and revive2 are less expensive than before

-Elixer is much more expensive than before to prevent valsu from ever being able to elixer his partner, then have enough mp to elixer himself again.

-Purify, F. shield, and exit cost less than before

-Defense1, power, and agility cost more mp than before because they are the most broken spells in the game (besides elixer). Now their cost comes closer to matching their usefulness in battle.

-Stats of almost every monster have been buffed or remain the same as before. A few that had outrageous stats (like D. knights having 400 power) have received nerfs.

-The most buffed stats are usually magic and speed.

-Some monsters have new spells, some have spells that didn?t have any before.

-Almost all monsters give more experience than before. You need MUCH less grinding than before in order to beat the game.

-Monsters in one area will almost never give more experience than monsters in the next area (E.G. S Brains)

-Bosses usually have less magic resistance than before, which makes using magic, instead of power->attack a more viable option.

-Monsters that have a 1/8 chance of dropping opals now have a 1/16 chance of dropping pearls as well

-towards the end of the game, monsters that used to drop opals now drop topazes and sometimes even rubies.

- All of the Trick?s jewel drops are now more in your favor. 

-Bosses are much more intimidating this time around. If you are underleveled, or don?t buy the best equipment, you will get disintegrated. 

-In the original game, after a certain point you can?t buy B protects, This has been fixed.

Monster Resistance Hints

-Monsters that have metal armor (B. Knight, K. knight, etc) have resistances similar to Kamil and Olvan

-Some monsters have dark gray skin and high defense. These monsters have very high amounts of iron in their skin and blood. This makes them weak against both fire and lightning. They have high resistance to ice magic.

-Monsters wrapped in flammable clothing are usually weak against fire

-Undead monsters are weak against fire, but resist ice.

-Ice monsters (usually look blue) are weak against fire and resist ice

-The only monsters that are weak to ice magic are fire monsters

-many monsters that fly are weak against lightning magic

-Many Monsters that are green have an affinity to nature; they are weak against fire magic and resist lightning magic

-Monsters made of stone resist fire, ice and lightning magic

-Any monster that looks like an insect is usually weak against fire and resists ice

-Mages tend to have very high resistance against all types of magic

-some monsters are weak against the element they use against you

-Dragons typically resist both fire and ice magic, but hate lightning spells. This may change depending on the type of dragon it is.

-Monsters that look like they live in water usually hate thunder and (to a lesser extent) fire magic, but resist ice magic.

-The final boss has a new weakness. It makes logical sense and explains some of his actions towards the end of the game.

Item Changes
-B power, B protect, and B agility now cost more than before

-Potion 3 is less expensive (you?ll need it)

-2 towns close to the end of the game will sell seeds, but they are extremely expensive (low supply I guess?). This allows you to make up for a character?s weaknesses or increase their strength?s according to your choosing. This also gives a big incentive to spend money wisely throughout the game.

-Mirror?s now cost a lot more than before. Now Petrify is much more intimidating when used against you.

-Some shops (usually towards the end of the game) now sell different weapons than before

-There is an additional intelligence seed found somewhere in the game

I would like to thank Nati for his game mechanics guide, which really helped me by giving me information on all of the monster stats, resistances, etc. I am also very grateful for DR. Fail?s guide on the games ROM Data. I wouldn?t have been able to make this hack without the knowledge of the way that the offsets are arranged that it provides. Finally, I would like to thank the members of the Enix team responsible for making this great game. I am very gratful to Tummai from the Romhacking.net forums, who gave me the information I needed to change weapon and armor names. All of the new weapons and armor I created wouldn?t have been possible without this information.