Parameter | Informationen |
Konsole: | NES |
Original Spiel: | Balloon Fight |
Typ: | Complete |
Genre: | Action |
Veränderungen: | G,S,L,T,Other |
Ersteller: | Quick Curly |
Erstellungsdatum: | 09/01/2020 |
Letzte Änderung: | 09/06/2020 |
Parameter | Informationen |
Dateiname: | 44in1BF(v1.0).rar |
Downloads: | 142 |
Anforderungen: | No Special Requirements |
Version: | 1.0 |
Bewertung: |
Don’t think this is gonna be a 100% Gold Remake, it’ll have its differences. Extra battles (some’ll be optionals, tough but rewarding), Hoenn Pokemon (in every area, and hard to find) New areas, Remapped some dungeons (so your old guides wont work) , Extra recurring characters (some’ll hate you, some’ll help you)
Note that the hack is incomplete but feel free to enjoy the hack as-is.
44 Balloons: The Balloon Fight Collection (A.K.A. 44-in-1 Balloon Fight) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Table of Contents 1. What Is It? 2. What's Included? 3. What Disclaimer? 4. What's With Those Patches? 5. What Games? I 6. What Games? II 7. What Programs? 8. What Change Log? 9. Thank Who; How Many? 10. Who? (Contact) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. What Is It? This is a ROM hack of the NES game/port, Balloon Fight, by Nintendo. More specifically, it is a bunch of Balloon Fight ROM hacks combined together into one. This collection came about from a childhood fascination in old NES multicarts, and preserving the projects inspired by a simple but enjoyable NES classic, the fan favorite, Balloon Fight, as well as making some of the more obscure projects more accessible. There are also some projects that were created specifically for this collection and aren't available anywhere else. With all of that said, this multicart uses the MMC5 mapper, and therefore, its compatibility with certain emulators is, as of this writing, limited or nonexistent. It is known to work in FCEUX 2.2.3 and Mesen 0.9.9. It has not been tested on real hardware. This collection would not have been possible without all of the creative individuals and groups of people who have expanded on one of the many amazing little gems from Nintendo that still continues to keep us connected with our treasured childhood memories. From countless different perspectives, all of the projects gathered into one multicart will hopefully continue to inspire and take others back to a simpler time, where many tiny warriors take flight in only the most prestigious balloon popping challenges and competitions! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. What's Included? The following files should be included in this download: - 44in1BF-J.bps - 44in1BF-U.bps - 44 Balloons Spell Book.txt --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. What Disclaimer? The hacks and mods included within this custom collection have been included without permission from any parties involved in those projects. Part of the reason why is because this multicart, worked on in secret, was intended to be a completely unexpected surprise. The other part is because some project creators would likely not have been so easily contacted, either due to inactivity, obscurity, complete mystery, or all of the above. This collection is intended to be the "ultimate" (but unofficial) collection and preservation for true Balloon Fight fans (at least, for the time being). However, if you want your hack removed from this collection for one reason or another, then please refer to the "Contact" section to make potential arrangements. Alternatively, if you should make your own Balloon Fight hack in the future and wish for it to be included in this collection, then please refer to the "Contact" section to see if your project can fit in this collection or a potential future collection! This ROM hack is NOT to be sold. If you find this ROM hack being sold, DO NOT BUY IT! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. What's With Those Patches? You need to apply a patch to your Balloon Fight ROM to be able to play this collection. The ROM you have will determine which patch you use (either J or U). To apply a .bps patch, use the "beat" utility by byuu: You can find out which Balloon Fight ROM you have from its checksums. You can do this with the "HxD" utility by Maël Hörz: Open your Balloon Fight ROM in HxD. Under the Analysis menu, select "Checksums...". You can select multiple algorithms by holding down the Ctrl key, or a range of algorithms by holding down the Shift key. If your checksums match the "Balloon Fight (J) [!].nes" ROM, use the "44in1BF-J.bps" patch. If your checksums match the "Balloon Fight (U) [!].nes" ROM, use the "44in1BF-U.bps" patch. Balloon Fight (J) [!].nes CRC-32: A0DABE0A MD-5: 04855CD998B41C56C22CE451B1879A05 SHA-1: BE2C30D69B1EBA76EAF1CC259DFA41F0F29B0FB2 SHA-256: D10749D1A94FA28350C23973CFE95879367CCB553802DAA4CC3434ACABB446E4 Balloon Fight (U) [!].nes CRC-32: CB8FD7B2 MD-5: 6E125395CA4F18ADDB8CE6C9152DEA85 SHA-1: F5E4CD9F287A8233EEE35AD1881B2770D9F2C453 SHA-256: 9710F31E7EE204A69AAAAFB6AF340EFEC89657A245C8D402DEE95DAEA4F8A49F Once patched, your new ROM should have the following checksums: 44-in-1 Balloon Fight.nes CRC-32: 4C91320C MD-5: E823F551A67CAB9C1271B1AA54FD8EE7 SHA-1: DD61EDB0DFB9ABBBA12B10C72BD569591821DDB6 SHA-256: 33AB39E13FA9A7A2C54D7583C17D3C2BA1D09B4582C192BCA1F3D68DB8EBC2A1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. What Games? I Here is a full list of the games and hacks as they appear in "The Balloon Fight Collection": 1. Balloon Fight 2. Joust More 3. Balloon Mario 4. Air Umbrella 5. Butterfly Fight 6. Super Mario Balloon 7. Fish War 8. Fish War - Balloon Trip 9. Iwata Edition 10. Balloon Fight - Double Speed 11. Balloon Fight Hard Mode 12. Backwards Balloon Fight 13. Cosmic Balloon Assault 14. Board Fight 15. Clovermon: Balloofang Fight 16. 4 Players Hack 17. Killer Kitty 18. Balloon Fight X2 19. Balloon Fight X3 20. Balloon Fight - No Bonus Phases 21. Fish is Missing! 22. Shadows Edition 23. 4 Players Hack - v. 1.0 24. Double Trip Speed 25. Norwegian 26. Hungarian 27. Indonesian 28. Spanish 29. French 30. Arabic 31. Fish War - Nature Color 32. Zero Gravity 33. Cosmic Balloon Assault - 4 Players Hack 34. Board Fight - 4 Players Hack 35. Cosmic Balloon Assault - No Bonus Phases 36. Cosmic Balloon Assault - 3 Lives 37. Board Fight - 3 Lives 38. Cosmic Balloon Assault - Butterfly Fight 39. Cosmic Balloon Assault - Clovermon: Balloofang Fight 40. Cosmic Balloon Assault - Super Mario Balloon 41. Board Fight - Butterfly Fight 42. Board Fight - Clovermon: Balloofang Fight 43. Board Fight - Super Mario Balloon 44. Killer Kitty - 6 Lives --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. What Games? II Here is more information for the games and hacks included in "The Balloon Fight Collection": 1. Balloon Fight - By Nintendo Research & Development. The NES/Famicom port released in 1985 and internationally in 1986. This is the original game that the other hacks in this collection were based off of and inspired by. 2. Joust More - Graphics hack by Grimlick that changes the graphics of the levels and enemies to resemble those from the game Joust. 3. Balloon Mario - Graphics hack by Rinkaku that changes the balloon fighters to Mario and Luigi. 4. Air Umbrella - Graphics hack by Inventor that changes the graphics of the background and enemies. 5. Butterfly Fight - Graphics hack by DASTARD with Touhou Project themed graphics. The player character is based on Touhou character, Yuyuko Saigyouji. 6. Super Mario Balloon - Graphics hack by Magnus Nilsson that changes Balloon Fight into a Mario- themed game. The balloon fighters are now Mario and Luigi, and the enemies are Koopas. The palettes are brighter, the starting lives are increased, and the high pitched noise that the enemies make is changed to a more neutral sound. 7. Fish War - Graphics, music, and assembly hack by BBG and Nature Color, and developed by Nice Code Software, that takes place in the deep blue. The balloon fighters and enemies are now all fish. Balloon Trip is unavailable in this version. 8. Fish War - Balloon Trip - Like above, a more advanced hack. This version has different music and a Balloon Trip mode. 9. Iwata Edition - Graphics hack by John Riggs that changes the player sprite into Satoru Iwata. 10. Balloon Fight - Double Speed - Assembly hack by nensondubois that makes the game play faster! 11. Balloon Fight Hard Mode - Hack by Quick Curly that replaces all enemies in all the levels with the fastest enemies. 12. Backwards Balloon Fight - Hack by Quick Curly that mirrors the levels and starting points for the balloon fighters so that it looks like you're playing a mirror of the original game. 13. Cosmic Balloon Assault - Level and graphics hack by Quick Curly. Changes include 12 brand new Phases, starting with 6 extra lives instead of 2, modified Bonus Phases, some surprise graphical appearances from other games, and individual palettes for each Phase. 14. Board Fight - Level and graphics hack by Quick Curly, Mattrizzle, MegaEliteGamers, MrRichard999, Static S, Thermoptic, Vicious Poetry, and Zieldak. Changes include 16 new Phases, no Bonus Phases, starting with 20 extra lives instead of 2, some more graphical appearances from other games, and individual palettes for each Phase. 15. Clovermon: Balloofang Fight - Graphics hack by PoClo/CAPSLOCK PRIME and Le Ruse Bird. This hack was inspired by the ROM hack, Pokémon Clover. 16. 4 Players Hack - Assembly hack by mishra that allows Balloon Fight to be played with 3 or 4 players! This is version 1.1. It includes some bug fixes and a cheat menu, allowing you to choose your starting lives, extra enemies on or off, extra enemies taking 3 hits on or off, and rebound from the top of the screen on or off. 17. Killer Kitty - An unknown level, graphics, and assembly hack that was discovered on a thumb drive in a night club raid. Inspired by Hello Kitty, the balloon fighters and enemies have been modified. Additional changes include 16 new Phases and Bonus Phases with individual palettes, unique starting positions, new lives counters, modified graphics, and more! Also, for the first time ever, players can experience a new Balloon Trip challenge! It appears to be an unfinished or incomplete version or dump, however. Could there be a part 2 somewhere? In a different night club, perhaps? 18. Balloon Fight X2 - Palette and infinite lives hack by DANGER X. 19. Balloon Fight X3 - Similar to the previous entry, but with some different palette modifications. 20. Balloon Fight - No Bonus Phases - If you want to play only the main Phases of the original Balloon Fight game, and not the Bonus Phases, then try this option. 21. Fish is Missing! - This is the original Balloon Fight, but the fish won't appear out of the water! 22. Shadows Edition - Graphics and palettes hack by davycrocket in 2018. All of the backgrounds, objects, and sprites appear in full colors. 23. 4 Players Hack - v. 1.0 - The initial release of the 4 Players Hack by mishra. 24. Double Trip Speed - Assembly hack by nensondubois that makes Balloon Trip play faster! 25. Norwegian - Norwegian translation of Balloon Fight by SSJAndy in 2003. 26. Hungarian - Hungarian translation of Balloon Fight by Szemigi in 2017. 27. Indonesian - Indonesian translation of Balloon Fight by Pi-Man in 2018. 28. Spanish - Spanish translation of Balloon Fight by Wave in 2019. 29. French - French translation of Balloon Fight by S.D.A. in 2019. 30. Arabic - Translation of Balloon Fight to Arabic by Diariko in 2019. 31. Fish War - Nature Color - Similar to the previous Fish War entries, but the title screen is modified to credit Nature Color. 32. Zero Gravity - Similar to Air Umbrella, but with a modified title screen and modified intro music. 33. Cosmic Balloon Assault - 4 Players Hack - For the first time ever, courtesy of mishra's 4 Players Hack, you and 2 or 3 of your friends can take your "assault" to the next level... or 12! 34. Board Fight - 4 Players Hack - Like above, thanks to mishra's 4 Players Hack, Board Fight has been converted over to a 4 players edition. For both level hacks, multiple graphics banks had to be utilized to account for all the custom graphics, due to how the 4 Players Hack is managed, and the layouts of later levels had to be converted over, byte for byte, to account for the new arrangements of the CHR-ROM graphics banks. Though, you won't notice a difference while playing the hacks - only if you peek at them using graphics viewers and whatnot. 35. Cosmic Balloon Assault - No Bonus Phases - This lets you play the Cosmic Balloon Assault hack without Bonus Phases. 36. Cosmic Balloon Assault - 3 Lives - For those who consider starting with 6 extra lives too easy, you can start with 3 lives like in the original Balloon Fight. 37. Board Fight - 3 Lives - If starting with 20 extra lives is overkill for Balloon Fight masters, this might be the selection for them, and you! 38. Cosmic Balloon Assault - Butterfly Fight - Play the modified levels of Cosmic Balloon Assault with the modified graphics from Butterfly Fight. 39. Cosmic Balloon Assault - Clovermon: Balloofang Fight - Cosmic Balloon Assault with Clovermon: Balloofang Fight graphics. 40. Cosmic Balloon Assault - Super Mario Balloon - Cosmic Balloon Assault with Super Mario Balloon graphics. 41. Board Fight - Butterfly Fight - Play the modified levels of Board Fight with the modified graphics from Butterfly Fight. 42. Board Fight - Clovermon: Balloofang Fight - Board Fight with Clovermon: Balloofang Fight graphics. 43. Board Fight - Super Mario Balloon - Board Fight with Super Mario Balloon graphics. 44. Killer Kitty - 6 Lives - Is the original Killer Kitty hack too deadly for you? Maybe starting with 6 extra lives instead of 2 will make getting through all the Phases a little more manageable. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. What Programs? This project was made possible thanks to the following programs and utilities: - beat by byuu - FCEUX 2.2.3 by everyone at the FCEUX Team - HxD by Maël Hörz - Mesen 0.9.9 by Sour - Tile Layer Pro by SnowBro - WindHex32 by Bongo` --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. What Change Log? Here is where any notes should be documented if there are any potential future updates. If you would like to contribute any work to improve this collection overall (or, would like to collaborate on a future collection or other project), please refer to the "Contact" section. ------------ Version 1.00 - Initial public release. ------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. Thank Who; How Many? AlexSRMD BBG blackhole89 blargg Bluestone19 Board 2 Bongo` BootlegGames Wiki Bootsy Spankins, P.I. Buckethead byuu CaH4e3 cuberootinbinary DANGER X DASTARD davycrocket Diariko Disch dougeff English1stud errijnde FCEUX Team Flotonic Googie Grenade Studios Grimlick Hello Kitty Intruder X Inventor JcDizon Jeville JMFSpike John Riggs Kejardon KingPepe Konami Le Ruse Bird Maël Hörz Magnus Nilsson Mattrizzle MegaEliteGamers mishra MrRichard999 Nature Color nensondubois NewRisingSun Nice Code Software Nintendo Nintendo Research & Development Pi-Man PoClo/CAPSLOCK PRIME Quietust Reginald von Hoobie-Doobie Rinkaku S.D.A. Sanrio SchlossRitter Smart89 SnowBro Somari the Adventurer SomeOrdinaryGamers Sorin Sour SSJAndy Static S SunGodPortal Szemigi taizou Thermoptic Tiles vhernandez2121 Vicious Poetry Vizzed Wave Within Shadows Zieldak Zophar's Domain Zynk --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10. Who? (Contact) Who even bothered to put together this Balloon Fight Collection? Well, again, it was not possible without Nintendo and everyone who produced their own individual Balloon Fight projects in the past. The person who was crazy enough to throw all of the different flavors together into a single sandwich and eat it too was an individual who goes by Quick Curly. If you haven't heard of him, well, it would make sense since he hasn't been around for a while. If you want to tell him yourself why you support him going back into hiding and staying there this time, or if you have an idea of what he should maybe work on next, then you should be able to reach him through the following means:;u=3816 YouTube Email: quickcurly[at]yahoo[dot]ca A thread for my attempted projects can be found here: If you enjoy Balloon Fight as much as I do, and have considered making your own Balloon Fight hack in the past, please stop by. I look forward to potential opportunities to work together with other individuals who have the enthusiasm and motivation to get their hacking hands dirty, and won't just leave me to do all the work by myself, which will only result in a project never truly reaching its full potential. I have my own perspectives and preferences that the general perception doesn't normally agree with, but if I have to choose between my own ideas and those of someone else who has no desire or willingness to work with me, I'm going to continue to do things my own way. ***You can prevent that dark future!!!*** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------