Download Resident Evil [U] ISO[SLUS-00170] ROM

Resident Evil [U] ISO[SLUS-00170] Game
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Parameter Info
File Name: Resident Evil (USA).7z
Region: US Country (US)
Genre/s: Action-Adventure
Console: PS 1 (Get Emulator)
File Size: unknown
Downloads: 78951
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About Resident Evil [U] ISO[SLUS-00170] Game

I remember the feeling of fear the First time i've played this! A classic! Defined the survival horror genre. 10 of 10!

Written by Tim Souza

This game revolutionized the survival horror genre and put it on the map. Easily one of the best PS1 games and one of the best horror games of all time. Even with the terrible English acting, which in my opinion makes the game even more enjoyable. This game executes well of everything you expect from a horror game about a group of special force police officers from Racoon City stuck in a mansion filled with horrifying creatures and secrets that only the player can discover.

Written by Eddie III

anonymous is an idiot unworthy of life. This is easily one of the best games ever created.

Written by Zombielizard

The best game of the year! ! ! 2 million sets sold.

Written by

Resident evil ps1 is what made resident evil what it is today.It is from the 90s so you should expect the game controls to be tanky as for the time and the era. I for one love this game and still own this one even now. If you want to go back in time and see how the game was first started, I recommend you try it and remember this game is from the 90s.

Written by Leonidas

Survival Horror Game in a remote mansion infested with zombies and monsters - a horror classic

Written by Nick N