Download Atari 2600(Atari 2600) ROMs

Rom Image Name Region Downloads

Space Invaders   Rom

Space Invaders (1980) (Atari, Richard Maurer - Sears) (CX2632 - 49-75153)

US Country
Space Invaders    Rom Space Invaders (1980) (Atari, Richard Maurer - Sears) (CX2632 - 49-75153) US Country (US) 20310

River Raid   Rom

River Raid (1982) (Activision, Carol Shaw) (AX-020, AX-020-04)

US Country
River Raid    Rom River Raid (1982) (Activision, Carol Shaw) (AX-020, AX-020-04) US Country (US) 13505

Pitfall! - Pitfall Harry's Jungle Adventure   Rom

Pitfall! - Pitfall Harry's Jungle Adventure (1982) (Activision, David Crane) (AX-018, AX-018-04)

US Country
Pitfall! - Pitfall Harry's Jungle Adventure    Rom Pitfall! - Pitfall Harry's Jungle Adventure (1982) (Activision, David Crane) (AX-018, AX-018-04) US Country (US) 11058

Pac-Man   Rom

Pac-Man (1982) (Atari, Tod Frye - Sears) (CX2646 - 49-75185)

US Country
Pac-Man    Rom Pac-Man (1982) (Atari, Tod Frye - Sears) (CX2646 - 49-75185) US Country (US) 10490

Pole Position    Rom

Pole Position (RealSports Driving) (1983) (Atari - GCC, Betty Ryan Tylko, Douglas B. Macrae) (CX2694)

US Country
Pole Position     Rom Pole Position (RealSports Driving) (1983) (Atari - GCC, Betty Ryan Tylko, Douglas B. Macrae) (CX2694) US Country (US) 9566

Frogger   Rom

Frogger (1982) (Parker Brothers, Ed English, David Lamkins) (PB5300)

US Country
Frogger    Rom Frogger (1982) (Parker Brothers, Ed English, David Lamkins) (PB5300) US Country (US) 9090

Boring Donkey Kong (Donkey Kong Hack)Rom

Boring Donkey Kong (Donkey Kong Hack)

US Country
Boring Donkey Kong (Donkey Kong Hack) Rom Boring Donkey Kong (Donkey Kong Hack) US Country (US) 8883

Galaxian   Rom

Galaxian (1983) (Atari - GCC, Mark Ackerman, Glenn Parker) (CX2684)

US Country
Galaxian    Rom Galaxian (1983) (Atari - GCC, Mark Ackerman, Glenn Parker) (CX2684) US Country (US) 7101

Mario Bros (1983) (CCE)Rom

Mario Bros (1983) (CCE)

1983 Country
Mario Bros (1983) (CCE) Rom Mario Bros (1983) (CCE) 1983 Country (1983) 6872

Asteroids   Rom

Asteroids (1981) (Atari, Brad Stewart - Sears) (CX2649 - 49-75163)

US Country
Asteroids    Rom Asteroids (1981) (Atari, Brad Stewart - Sears) (CX2649 - 49-75163) US Country (US) 6415

32-in-1 (Atari) (PAL)Rom

32-in-1 (Atari) (PAL)

US Country
32-in-1 (Atari) (PAL) Rom 32-in-1 (Atari) (PAL) US Country (US) 5927

Enduro   Rom

Enduro (1983) (Activision, Larry Miller) (AX-026, AX-026-04)

US Country
Enduro    Rom Enduro (1983) (Activision, Larry Miller) (AX-026, AX-026-04) US Country (US) 5412

Keystone Kapers   Rom

Keystone Kapers (1983) (Activision, Garry Kitchen) (AX-025, AX-025-04)

US Country
Keystone Kapers    Rom Keystone Kapers (1983) (Activision, Garry Kitchen) (AX-025, AX-025-04) US Country (US) 4551

Phoenix   Rom

Phoenix (1982) (Atari - GCC, Mike Feinstein, John Mracek) (CX2673)

US Country
Phoenix    Rom Phoenix (1982) (Atari - GCC, Mike Feinstein, John Mracek) (CX2673) US Country (US) 4485

Moon Patrol   Rom

Moon Patrol (1983) (Atari - GCC, Mark Ackerman, Noellie Alito) (CX2692)

US Country
Moon Patrol    Rom Moon Patrol (1983) (Atari - GCC, Mark Ackerman, Noellie Alito) (CX2692) US Country (US) 4419

Breakout - Breakaway IV    Rom

Breakout - Breakaway IV (Paddle) (1978) (Atari, Steve Jobs, Brad Stewart - Sears) (CX2622 - 6-99813, 49-75107)

US Country
Breakout - Breakaway IV     Rom Breakout - Breakaway IV (Paddle) (1978) (Atari, Steve Jobs, Brad Stewart - Sears) (CX2622 - 6-99813, 49-75107) US Country (US) 4397

Centipede   Rom

Centipede (1982) (Atari - GCC) (CX2676)

US Country
Centipede    Rom Centipede (1982) (Atari - GCC) (CX2676) US Country (US) 4217

Adventure   Rom

Adventure (1980) (Atari, Warren Robinett - Sears) (CX2613 - 49-75154)

US Country
Adventure    Rom Adventure (1980) (Atari, Warren Robinett - Sears) (CX2613 - 49-75154) US Country (US) 4091

Q-bert   Rom

Q-bert (1983) (Parker Brothers, Dave Hampton, Tom Sloper) (PB5360)

US Country
Q-bert    Rom Q-bert (1983) (Parker Brothers, Dave Hampton, Tom Sloper) (PB5360) US Country (US) 3947

Dig Dug   Rom

Dig Dug (1983) (Atari - GCC, Douglas B. Macrae) (CX2677)

US Country
Dig Dug    Rom Dig Dug (1983) (Atari - GCC, Douglas B. Macrae) (CX2677) US Country (US) 3905

Combat - Tank-Plus    Rom

Combat - Tank-Plus (Tank) (1977) (Atari, Joe Decuir, Steve Mayer, Larry Wagner - Sears) (CX2601 - 99801, 6-99801, 49-75124)

US Country
Combat - Tank-Plus     Rom Combat - Tank-Plus (Tank) (1977) (Atari, Joe Decuir, Steve Mayer, Larry Wagner - Sears) (CX2601 - 99801, 6-99801, 49-75124) US Country (US) 3900

Missile Command   Rom

Missile Command (1981) (Atari, Rob Fulop - Sears) (CX2638 - 49-75166)

US Country
Missile Command    Rom Missile Command (1981) (Atari, Rob Fulop - Sears) (CX2638 - 49-75166) US Country (US) 3690

Tennis - Le Tennis   Rom

Tennis - Le Tennis (1981) (Activision, Alan Miller) (AG-007, CAG-007)

US Country
Tennis - Le Tennis    Rom Tennis - Le Tennis (1981) (Activision, Alan Miller) (AG-007, CAG-007) US Country (US) 3529

Pitfall II - Lost Caverns   Rom

Pitfall II - Lost Caverns (1983) (Activision, David Crane) (AB-035-04)

US Country
Pitfall II - Lost Caverns    Rom Pitfall II - Lost Caverns (1983) (Activision, David Crane) (AB-035-04) US Country (US) 3493

Seaquest   Rom

Seaquest (1983) (Activision, Steve Cartwright) (AX-022)

US Country
Seaquest    Rom Seaquest (1983) (Activision, Steve Cartwright) (AX-022) US Country (US) 3476

Frostbite   Rom

Frostbite (1983) (Activision, Steve Cartwright) (AX-031)

US Country
Frostbite    Rom Frostbite (1983) (Activision, Steve Cartwright) (AX-031) US Country (US) 3314

Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back   Rom

Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back (1982) (Parker Brothers, Rex Bradford, Sam Kjellman) (PB5050)

US Country
Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back    Rom Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back (1982) (Parker Brothers, Rex Bradford, Sam Kjellman) (PB5050) US Country (US) 3309

Ms. Pac-Man   Rom

Ms. Pac-Man (1982) (Atari - GCC, Mark Ackerman, Glenn Parker) (CX2675)

US Country
Ms. Pac-Man    Rom Ms. Pac-Man (1982) (Atari - GCC, Mark Ackerman, Glenn Parker) (CX2675) US Country (US) 3292

Grand Prix   Rom

Grand Prix (1982) (Activision, David Crane) (AX-014, AX-014-04)

US Country
Grand Prix    Rom Grand Prix (1982) (Activision, David Crane) (AX-014, AX-014-04) US Country (US) 3019

Defender   Rom

Defender (1982) (Atari, Robert C. Polaro, Alan J. Murphy - Sears) (CX2609 - 49-75186)

US Country
Defender    Rom Defender (1982) (Atari, Robert C. Polaro, Alan J. Murphy - Sears) (CX2609 - 49-75186) US Country (US) 2977

Atari 2600 Information

atari 2600 roms If you were an avid fan of Atari 2600 in the 1980s and 90s, then you'd be pleased to know that you can still play your favorite Atari games today on PC or mobile device. You can experience the games you loved as a kid by downloading Atari 2600 ROMs and playing them on a proper emulator. Playing these famous games from the 80s and 90s on your PC will feel like rediscovering your childhood memories and sharing them with the new generation. Since these games has been archived, you can download and play Atari 2600 ROMs from our website free of charge.

Atari 2600 - A Timeless Classic

Atari 2600 is one of the legendary golden game consoles that still excite avid gamers of the 80s and early 90s. Initially known as Atari VCS, the console was first launched on the Christmas of 1977 and later became one of the most popular game consoles of the late 70s and early 80s. It is still recognized as the first successful game console with cartridges. The initial success of Atari 2600 consoles made the company to release more consoles until 1982. The Atari 2600 consoles were still being sold on the European and American market in the 90s but were later replaced by newer consoles such as NES.

Those who were lucky to have owned this beautiful console played exciting games such as:

The list is simply endless with all these exciting games of the 1980's.

Play Atari 2600 Games on Your Computer

It is extremely hard to find Atari 2600 consoles and cartridges today. The good news is that you can still play Atari games on your computer or mobile device using an emulator. You can even get free Atari 2600 ROMs from our website. We have a wide range of Atari 2600 games that you can play online or download and play in an emulator on your computer whenever you feel like. Share the great experiences you had in the 80s with your kids by showing them the games you used to play at their age.