Parameter | Info |
Console: | NES |
Original Game: | Zelda II: The Adventure of Link |
Type: | Complete |
Genre: | Role Playing > Action RPG |
Modifications: | G,L,GP |
Creator: | HollowShadow |
Date Created: | 06/30/2017 |
Last Modified: | 09/04/2017 |
Parameter | Info |
File Name: | ZeldaII - New Adventure of link (Final).rar |
Downloads: | 44 |
Requirements: | No Special Requirements |
Version: | 4.3 |
Rating: |
Don’t think this is gonna be a 100% Gold Remake, it’ll have its differences. Extra battles (some’ll be optionals, tough but rewarding), Hoenn Pokemon (in every area, and hard to find) New areas, Remapped some dungeons (so your old guides wont work) , Extra recurring characters (some’ll hate you, some’ll help you)
Note that the hack is incomplete but feel free to enjoy the hack as-is.
Version 1.0 June 5, 2017(Release Date) Version 4.3 September 3, 2017(Last Update) ------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- [NES] Zelda II - New Adventure of Link Romhack created by: hollowshadow ------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- Readme Contents: -Introduction -Updates -Difficulty Info -Contact Info -Credits -Future Plans ------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- Introduction ------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- -I'm hollowshadow and this is my first romhack. -I worked on this hack for 2-3 months. -The goal was to make my Zelda II romhack similar gameplay to the original but with all new overworld, caves, palaces, puzzles, & secrets to explore. -I did my best to make the romhack fun with challenging platforming & good enemy placement. -Thank you for downloading my romhack of Zelda II. -Confirmed it works on Everdrive. -I hope you enjoy & Have fun! ------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- Updates ------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- Version 1.0 Release Date Features: -All New Overworld (West Hyrule, Death Mountain, East Hyrule, Maze Island). -Every Sideview area is different. -New Random Battles. -All 6 Palaces Different. -New Great Palace. -No Cheese Dark Link (Beat Dark Link without using the "left corner" exploit). -Difficulty is hard though. This hack is for Zelda II veterans. -Towns are unchanged (This hack is more for the new gameplay and not story). Version 2.0 fixes: -Changed some text to give hints (Bagu location hint at Kings Tomb.) -West Hyrule river is now walkable with boots. -Fixed tombstone in wall in cave before Life town. -Fixed bad warp in Maze palace. -Adjusted a sideview area in East Hyrule so jumping monsters don't get stuck on ceilings. -Changed some enemies in palaces. -Adjusted position of an enemy in the wall in maze palace. -Removed lava pits in maze palace next to Shooting Ra heads. -Added an extra key in maze palace so you don't get locked out when the doors are opened in a different order. -The big pond in East Hyrule can be walked on with boots now. -Lowered floor in palace 5 final boss because his legs were in the ground. -Added extra key in palace 5 so you don't need to use fairy to get the item. -Changed palace 5 location so the entire map doesn't shift after it turns to stone. -Added more doors to palace 6 to make the Magical key worth getting. -Fixed elevator in palace 6 that was 1 square off center. -Changes to block positions in great palace. Version 2.1 fixes: -Moved red bat monsters (Acheman) in random battles at forest areas near start because they were too low and swooped down into the ground. -Separated the two enemies at the bridge before Shield town because when leaving town they would overlap. -Added blocks in palace 2 before a door so you need to get the gloves before opening it. Version 2.2 fixes: -Changed what Error says to sync with romhack. -Changed what Bat says to sync with romhack. -Edited East Hyrule overworld so you can't waterwalk onto the side of the bridges. Version 3.0 fixes: -In Parapa Palace, the room with the candle had multiple collectibles on the same page so when collecting the P Bag leaving the scene and returning the door & the candle would be gone. So the area has been changed to solve this. -In Midoro Palace, it had the same problem too many collectibles close together near the Magic Glove. This area has been changed. -A few other sideview areas were changed to have 1 collectible item per page because since the locked doors count as collectibles they disappear and stay gone along with items. So I needed to move the locked door, P-bag, & items onto different pages of the scene in every sideview area. -Monsters changed & relocated in some wilderness areas in West Hyrule. -Minor adjustments to design of some wilderness areas in West Hyrule. Version 3.1 fixes: -Fixed area in great palace that was the wrong object set & had messed up graphics. -Fixed the face of Link when he's ducking, there was a green blob on his head. I must of did that by accident when changing the title screen graphics. -Raised ground at fairy random battles in West Hyrule so it's reachable with a normal jump. -Added extra shortcut in West Hyrule so after you get the Hammer you don't need to cross the bridge and go through a cave every time you game over. -Spell names changed & modified what the wise man says. -Changed ending text. -Changed Game Over screen. -Most of NPC dialog changed. Version 3.2 fixes: -Fixed ending credit text. -Fixed NPC that said "West" instead of "East". -Added red jar to Maze palace Version 3.3 fixes: -Fixed palace zones that had some locked doors as enemies. This is problematic because the door will reappear when the enemies reappear (i.e. when you leave and re-enter the palace; probably from a game over). -Minor changes to palace 6 adding blocks behind doors so you must get the Magical Key & not fly through them. -Changed more NPC dialog. Version 3.4 fixes: -Fixed problem where the bottom most part of Parapa Palace had blocks that could not be broken blocking the path. At that point the glove is not available. -Minor changes to palace design. Version 3.5 fixes: -Added new room in Midoro Palace. -Blocks changed in Midoro palace so you can attack them from the side to leave palace if you don't have downstab yet. -On overworld the red tiles have been replaced by road tiles in swamp. -Red jar in graveyard below Town of Rauru has been changed to Pbag. -Town of Mido has been moved to side of road instead of middle or road. (because when walking through you either risk an encounter going around or you needed to enter town then leave to be safe.) -Terrain changes to death mountain so Red Daira doesn't get pushed back onto hammer & then you pick up hammer while fighting & get hit by axes. -Fairy added to low part of Parapa Palace. -Door moved in Paraoa Palace to before the crumbling blocks so you are not forced to lose a life if you don't have a key. -Midoro Palace was shifting map after it turned to stone I moved it to fix the problem. -Changed NPC dialog to help with final heart location. Version 3.6 fixes: -Enemy was still used as door at the start of Maze Palace (In version 3.3 I replaced the locked doors I used ememies on, but I missed one) I replaced this door with a normal door so it doesn't respawn. Version 3.7 fixes: -On West Hyrule overworld in graveyard the secret red jar area is moved into forest. -Added "NOOB MODE" difficulty for people who are not good at Zelda II. (see Difficulty Info section below for details). Version 3.8 fixes: -I did a full playthrough of "NOOB MODE" and fixed some errors I found... -Parapa Palace had a Pbag that was 100xp I switched to 500xp -Midoro Palace had pit I removed it. -Zora enemies were too close to the ground so I raised them up. -Maze Palace had a pit so I removed it. -Maze palace had a 200xp Pbag I switched to 500xp. -Bridge after Hidden Town of Kasuto had a pit I removed it. -Three-Eye Rock Palace has a bridge that was too low I raised it. -Fixed red jar in Valley of Death -In both versions I lowered the floor in one part of great palace because it was possible to walk on the ceiling when you jumped up. Version 4.0 fixes: -Added "ONE HIT DEATH MODE" difficulty. (see Difficulty Info section below for details). Version 4.1 fixes: -Door in maze palace was not appearing so I moved it to a different location, it's there now. -Changed design of room with flute in palace on the sea. Version 4.2 fixes: -Changed Pbag to extra key in maze palace because if you take one direction when there are 2 doors you could unlock you would of had to use fairy to get through one door. Version 4.3 fixes: -"ONE HIT DEATH" mode was not actually 1 hit death, some enemies still did normal damage such as Goriya's boomerang & a couple others. It should be fixed now. ------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- Difficulty Info ------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- RECOMMENDED MODE: -This is the mode most people will want to play. -It's the original difficulty I intended the romhack to be. -Not nearly as brutal as other Zelda II hacks on (I do enjoy those as well). -People have left reviews already saying this hack was too hard, but rest assured it's not. "you did a fantastic job in making a hardtype that's not too brutal." -Quote from toritoritori247 ONE HIT DEATH MODE: This mode is the ultimate challenge for all you masochists out there who want to relish a highly traumatic yet tremendously rewarding experience. It's the exact same as the recommended mode with 2 major changes: -All enemies will kill you in one hit. -Heart containers have been replaced with Pbag (First Heart swapped with 50xp Pbag, second heart swapped with 100xp Pbag, Third heart swapped with 200xp Pbag, & fourth heart replaced with 500xp Pbag). NOOB MODE (not recommended): As requested I included a difficulty for Zelda II noobs with the following changes: -All Pbag replaced with 500 XP. -All lava/water pits removed (unless Fairy Spell is needed). -No more breakable blocks (unless there is solid ground under them). -Major changes to enemy difficulty (details below). WARNING: -This mode is extremely easy & most people will find it boring. -It's not recommended unless you've never played Zelda II before or want a very easy time. -You should just git gud and play recommended mode. If you want to know what enemy names are visit: Detailed Enemy Changes: West Hyrule: -Bubbles removed. -Moblins changed to easiest version (orange). -Goriya changed to easiest version (orange). -Deeler in Forest changed to easiest version (red). -Acheman changed to Ache in forest. -Octorok don't walk. -Encounter Geldarm in only hard random battles in swamp. -Only 1 Moa in graveyard random battle easy encounter & 2 Moa in hard. -Daira before Rauru Town has been changed to Bot. -Daira before first heart container replaced with Orange Goriya. -You won't see Red Daira until Death Mountain. -Moby Removed from West Hyrule. Death Mountain: -Bubbles removed. -Goriya changed from blue to red in desert hard random encounters. -Goriya changed from blue to red in Death Mountain caves. -Acheman changed to Ache. -Some orange Daira changed to red Moblin. -Some red Daira changed to orange Daira. -Some blue Moblin changed to red Moblin. East Hyrule: -Bubbles Removed. -Aruroda replaced by Zora in Pbag caves. -Geru changed to easiest version (orange). -Some blue Geru changed to red Geru. -Aruroda replaced by Zora in easy desert random encounters, hard encounters still has Aruroda. -Octorok don't walk. -Deeler in easy forest random encounters changed to red & hard encounters are blue. -Hard swamp random encounters changed from 4 Boon to 3 Boon. Maze Island: -Aruroda replaced by Zora & moved further apart. -Easy graveyard random encounters changed from 8 Moa to 2 Moa. The extra Moa changed to Leever. Parapa Palace: -Pbags don't require jump spell to reach. -Guma replaced by Bot. -Some Bubble changed to Bot. -Red Iron Knuckle replaced by orange Iron Knuckle before candle. Midoro Palace: -Raised roof in one scene & lowered floor in another to make jumps easier. -Added Bots to a room where it was only crumbling blocks before so something is there. -Before Handy Glove Guma changed to Bot. -Red Iron Knuckle changed to orange Iron Knuckle. -Parutamu that can drop on your head at the start of one room moved and changed to Stalfos. Island Palace: -Some Doomknocker replaced with red Iron Knuckle. -Blue Iron Knuckle replaced with red Iron Knuckle. -You won't see Blue Iron Knuckle until Maze Palace. -Some red Iron Knuckle replaced by Wosu. Maze Palace: -No more hole below jump puzzle before boots, also breakable blocks changed to solid ground. -Some blue Iron Knuckle replaced with red Iron Knuckle. -Fast Bubble replaced with slow Bubble. -Some blue Iron Knuckle replaced with red Iron Knuckle. -Room with breakable blocks on ceiling to get a key replaced with solid bridges and lowered 1 block from ceiling making jumps easier. -Aneru don't walk. Palace on the Sea: -No enemies changed but it's a lot easier with no pits. Three-Eye Rock Palace: -Fiery Moa replaced by Bot. -Fast Bubble replaced by Slow Bubble. -Doomknocker replaced by Aneru -Some blue Iron Knuckle replaced with red Iron Knuckle. -Less destroyable blocks in a room with Mau. Great Palace: -Some Fokkeru replaced with Aneru. -Some blue Fokka replaced with red Fokka. -Some red Fokka replaced with orange Fokka. -Some Fokkeru replaced with walking Aneru. -Some Ra replaced by Myu. -Some Bubble replaced by Bot. -A blue Fokka replaced by Giant Bubble. -Roof raised in room you need to fly through so you don't need to get so close to lava. -Removed lava from Dark Link fight so you can use the left corner exploit. ------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- Contact Info ------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- hollowshadow email: twitch: ------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- Credits ------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- The person who deserves to be in this section is njosro for creating the Zelda II Side View Editor & Overworld Editor. Thanks njosro! Hack created by: hollowshadow Tester: hollowshadow ------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- Future Plans ------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- -My 2nd Zelda II romhack is in development right now & should be available before the end of 2017. -It's going to be much harder then this romhack. -It will be longer then the original game with more sideview areas and bigger overworld (death mountain & maze island will be around the same size as west hyrule & east hyrule). -Palace items and skills will be in a different order. -Please look forward to it!