Download Thornwood Terrors Collection ROM Hack

Thornwood Terrors Collection Game
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Parameter Info
Console: GEN
Original Game: Shining in the Darkness
Type: Improvement
Genre: Role Playing
Modifications: GP,Other
Creator: obscurumlux01
Date Created: 10/08/2015
Last Modified: 10/08/2015
Parameter Info
File Name: SitD ThornWood Terrors Collection.7z
Downloads: 17
Requirements: BIN Format (GEN)
Version: 1.01

Thornwood Terrors CollectionDescription

Don’t think this is gonna be a 100% Gold Remake, it’ll have its differences. Extra battles (some’ll be optionals, tough but rewarding), Hoenn Pokemon (in every area, and hard to find) New areas, Remapped some dungeons (so your old guides wont work) , Extra recurring characters (some’ll hate you, some’ll help you)

Note that the hack is incomplete but feel free to enjoy the hack as-is.

Thornwood Terrors CollectionRead Me


v1.01 -- 07 Oct 2015
-Bugfix to correct extra unintended attack for Club/Morningstar/Flails
--This error could've been avoided if the editor said 'Additional Attacks' instead of just 'Number of Attacks'; silly me ^_^

v1.0 -- 06 Oct 2015
-Initial Release


Welcome to the 'Thornwood' ROM Hacks Collection!
These are 'IPS' patches so you'll need to grab an IPS patcher of your choice (such as Floating IPS) to patch it up
There are several such utilities on RomHackingDotNet (RHDN) and Zophar's Domain
I've also included a link below to the most recent version of Floating IPS that isn't available anywhere else!

Several patches are included for you to change the game YOUR way!
All of the patches are NOT fully compatible with one another!
Combine some of the patches at your own risk, or just use the 'Thornwood Terrors' Patch to avoid bugs/glitches

Due to some of these issues, I have included a BPS format patch of 'ThornWood Terrors' so that people can be assured when using it that their game will be relatively bug-free and glitch-free 
compared to the IPS patching.  If you don't use the BPS, double check your ROM hashes to make sure they match up!

Thornwood Terrors Patch (All in One) - BPS
-2547 bytes
-Created 07 Oct 2015

Thornwood Terrors Patch (All in One) - IPS
-3314 bytes
-Created 07 Oct 2015

Thornwood Affliction Patch (Enemy Skill/Resistance Changes)
-1156 bytes
-Created 05 Oct 2015

Thornwood Agony Patch (Boss & Miniboss Buffs)
-579 bytes
-Created 05 Oct 2015

Thornwood Cornucopia Patch (Droprate Changes & Increases)
-1448 bytes
-Created 04 Oct 2015

Thornwood Transformation Patch (Equipment Changes)
-686 bytes
-Created 06 Oct 2015

Thornwood Wealth Patch (Gold Drops Increased)
-1538 bytes
-Created 01 Oct 2015

Thornwood Wisdom Patch (XP Gains Increased)
-1367 bytes
-Created 30 Sept 2015


Floating IPS by Alero (newer than RHDN version):

Shining Force Central - Shining in the Darkness forums:


Genesis/Sega Mega Drive/Sega CD/32X/Nomad
U.S.A., Europe
1048576 Bytes (8.0000 Mb)

Padded: Maybe, 209 Bytes (0.0016 Mb)
Interleaved/Swapped: No
Backup unit/emulator header: No
Japanese game name: SHINING AND THE DARKNESS 
Date: 1991.JUL
Internal size: 8.0000 Mb
ROM start: 00000000
ROM end: 000fffff
Cartridge RAM: Yes, 15 kBytes (backup)
RAM start: 00200001
RAM end: 00203fff
Product type: Game
I/O device(s): 3 Button Pad
Modem data: 
Product code: MK-1310 
Version: 1.00
Checksum: Ok, 0x2103 (calculated) == 0x2103 (internal)
Checksum (CRC32): 0x4d2785bc
DAT info:
Genesis/Sega Mega Drive/Sega CD/32X/Nomad
Shining in the Darkness (U) [!]
1048576 Bytes (8.0000 Mb)
Flags: Verified good dump
gen-20031115.dat (1.9.8-3-Genesis/Mega Drive, 15/11/2003, Genesis/Mega Drive)

CRC32: 4D2785BC
MD5: 522B689A1B2F0EA8578FA9D888554B82
RIPEMD-160: 79AF69D338DD923B3A5C31941F11284C51832953
SHA-1: 4E10C90199D6EDD2030A4BA1C42C7C166BF309EC
SHA-256: C57E20D253518B5EDBEF5859F74F76D914B9607CAD5A1912BEEA641D1DF3BD44


1. Obtain a legal copy of the Shining in the Darkness (USA) Sega Genesis ROM that matches the hashes above; how you do so is something that you can figure out yourself
2. Patch up with one or more of the 'Thornwood' IPS patches included in this archive using Floating IPS or Lunar IPS.
2a. Floating IPS is recommended because it works better than Lunar IPS, is fully backwards-compatible with it, and also can create and apply BPS patches if you ever need it
2b. If you want everything in one go, just use the 'Thornwood Terrors' IPS patch!
3. Finally, just copy the fully-patched ROM to a flash cart (or be a lamer and use an emulator)


SitD Editor Alpha v09 in C# by DarkKobold of Shining Force Central (SFC) forums & website
SitD Editor Docs/Info by Lord Oddeye Sama of the Shining Force Central (SFC) forums & website


Thornwood Wisdom -- (XP Gains Increased)
XP gains from all monsters has been increased by ~300% (tripled) of normal value (up to max of 4095 due to game limits)

Thornwood Wealth -- (Gold Drops Increased)
Gold gains from all monsters has been increased by ~300% (tripled) of normal value  (up to max of 4095 due to game limits)
Tamayoshi Helm & Glass Armor can now be sold for 9000+ gold each; consider it an 'easy gold' cheat code that doesn't need a cheat device
Cheat can be performed with a flash cart with actual hardware if you enter the proper button sequence on your gamepad

Thornwood Cornucopia -- (Droprate Changes)
Drop rates of all items droppable from enemies (including Bosses & Minibosses) are GREATLY increased
Drop rates are 6 - 1/16 (6.25%) for directly-used alchemist-consumable items such as Herbs, Miracle Herbs, and various Rings
Drop rates are 5 - 1/32 (3.125%) for the majority of other items including Weapons & Armor as well as items like Mithril Ore and Dark Block that are used for crafting
Drop rates are 4 - 1/64 (1.5625%) for all craftable Weapons & Armor including Mithril Axe and Hex Whip

-New Item Drops-
BRIMSTONE now drops Ice Staff instead of Dream Blade
GUARDIAN now drops Dream Blade instead of Light Robe
BLACKBONE now drops Thunder Armor instead of Mithril Axe
SHELLBEAST now always (once) drops Dark Armor instead of Mithril Rod
SOULTHIEF now drops Dark Hood instead of Dark Scimitar
SCIZZAR now drops Dark Helmet instead of Mithril Hood
DARK KNIGHT now always (once) drops the Dark Sword instead of nothing

-Helpful Item Drop List-
Dark Block = Makes certain 'Cursed' Dark equipment = KRUSHER/VYPER
Mithril Ore = Makes 'Blessed' Mithril equipment = BRIKEYE/COLLUSSUS/CRYSTAL OOZE
Magic Mirror = DEATHPAW
Barrier Ring = MANDAGORA
Magic Ring = LOKJAW
Forbidden Box = SERPI

Thornwood Affliction -- (Enemy Ability & Resistance Changes)
All enemies BEFORE Floor 4 now have 1 (low) chances of dodging physical attacks
All enemies BEFORE Floor 4 are +1 'level' more vulnerable to ALL magic types
All enemies BEFORE Floor 4 are no longer immune to any magic types
All enemies BEFORE Floor 4 are +1 'level' more vulnerable to 'Screen' (Silence), 'Muddle' (Confuse), 'Sleep', and 'Desoul' (Instant-Death)
All enemies BEFORE Floor 4 are no longer immune to any status effects
All enemies BEFORE Floor 4 no longer have any immunities to 'special' actions such as instant death items like the Ogre Flute or Muddle 3 from the Demon Staff
All enemies that exist exclusively on Floors 4 & 5 are left unchanged

Crystal Ooze is the only exception to this rule
-Level 2 (medium) vulnerability to all magic
-Level 2 (medium) vulnerability to slow
-Level 1 (low) vulnerability to ALL status effects
-ZERO special immunities to Muddle 3 or instant-death mechanics
-Passive dodging ability reduced to low (same as other monsters)
-No longer attempts to flee battle or call for help
-Revamped and new abilities as well as buffed HP to keep from being a pushover
-Stats: Agi/Def/Atk remain at default values

All Bosses & MiniBosses are left unchanged:
KaiserKrab (Miniboss)
Killwave (Miniboss)
Chestbeak (Miniboss)
Cyblok (Miniboss)
Tortolyde (Boss)
Grimwall (Miniboss)
Sea Stallion (Miniboss)
Doppler (Boss)
Krusher (Miniboss)
Brikeye (Miniboss)
Sentinel (Miniboss)
Kromeball (Miniboss)
Shellbeast (Boss)
Soulthief (Miniboss)
Scizzar (Miniboss)
Blackbone (Miniboss)
Gollum (Miniboss)
Handeater (Miniboss)
Bildblok (Miniboss)
Syren (Miniboss)
Dark Knight (Boss)
Guardian (Miniboss)
Dark Sol (Final Boss)
Dark Demon (Final Boss v2)

Thornwood Agony -- (Bosses & Minibosses buffs)
First KaiserKrab encounter (to get the Royal Tiara) only triples health; all other attributes remain at default
Subsequent KaiserKrab encounters are buffed like the other Bosses & Minibosses
-even with the buffs, it keeps a level 3 (high) vulnerability to Slow so you can grind it in the early-game
Dark Knight and Dark Sol have 10x health and doubled stats as well as having max resistance to all status effects and high resistance to magic
-they are meant to be taken on at very high levels

All Bosses & Minibosses:
-have tripled HP & MP and a 50% boost to certain stats (Agility, Defense, Attack)
-have had ability tables altered to be more intimidating & challenging so BEWARE and be prepared!
-are immune to certain status effects (Muddle, Sleep, Screen, Desoul); also immune to instant-death items (Ogre Flute, etc) and Demon Staff's 'Muddle 3' effect
-non-vulnerable magical resistances are maxed
-are level 3 (high) vulnerable to ONE type of magic (Fire, Ice, Lightning, Wind, Burst) but it is up to you to figure out which one
--Dark Knight & Dark Sol are highly-resistant to all magic attacks
-are level 1 (low) vulnerable to Slow to give you a slight fighting chance
--Dark Knight & Dark Sol are immune to all status effects w/o exception

Bosses & Minibosses List:
KaiserKrab (Miniboss)
Killwave (Miniboss)
Chestbeak (Miniboss)
Cyblok (Miniboss)
Tortolyde (Boss)
Grimwall (Miniboss)
Sea Stallion (Miniboss)
Doppler (Boss)
Krusher (Miniboss)
Brikeye (Miniboss)
Sentinel (Miniboss)
Kromeball (Miniboss)
Shellbeast (Boss)
Soulthief (Miniboss)
Scizzar (Miniboss)
Blackbone (Miniboss)
Gollum (Miniboss)
Handeater (Miniboss)
Bildblok (Miniboss)
Syren (Miniboss)
Dark Knight (Boss)
Guardian (Miniboss)
Dark Sol (Final Boss)
Dark Demon (Final Boss v2)

Thornwood Transformation -- (Weapon/Armor Equip Changes)

Changed item name LIGHTROBE (Light Robe) to MTHRLROBE (Mithril Robe)
Changed item name WoodStaff to Oak Staff

146 = unknown value reduction (cursed)
192 = attack value reduction (cursed)
193 = defense 0 cursed effect
195 = unknown defensive value (blessed)
201 = unknown defensive value (blessed)
204 = unknown defensive value (blessed)
205 = unknown defensive value (blessed)
206 = unknown defensive value (blessed)
207 = unknown value reduction (cursed)

-Use Effects-
4 = unknown effect; possibly specialized unique spell effect (same as muddle 3)
12 = unknown spell effect; possibly usable in battle
16 = unknown effect; possibly an event or story modifier (same as rune/dwarf key)
20 = unknown effect; possibly an event or story modifier (same as orb of truth)

-Weapon Name-      ATK/CRIT%  Used By   Details
Bronze Knife       +5/0%      ALL
Short Sword        +10/0%     ALL
Bronze Saber       +15/0%     H
Sword              +20/0%     H
Steel Saber        +25/0%     H
Long Sword         +30/0%     H
Broad Sword        +50/0%     H
Ice Saber          +55/0%     H         Casts Freeze 3; DEMONIKA drops it
Fire Sword         +60/0%     H         Casts Blaze 3; DRAGONFYRE drops it
Doom Blade         +90/0%     H         5% Chance of Instant Kill; DEATHMASK drops it
Storm Sword        +110/0%    H         Casts Bolt 2; LANCEROT drops it
Mithril Sword      +125/0%    H
Light Blade        +175/0%    H         Cannot use as item
DARK SCIMITAR      +215/0%    H         Cursed; DEF=0; 50% chance of paralysis; GHOUL drops it
DREAM BLADE        +255/0%    H         Cursed; DEF=0; Wearer goes berserk, Casts Muddle 2; BRIMSTONE drops it; Has 'Use' effect 12
DARK SWORD/BLADE   +255/0%    H         Cursed; DEF=0; Wearer goes berserk, Casts Blaze 4; Has 'Use' effect 4

Oak Staff          +25/75%    P
Fire Staff         +45/75%    P         Casts Blaze 3; CYBLOK drops it
Demon Staff        +55/75%    P         Casts Muddle 3 on everything; MEAT ZOMBIE drops it
Ice Staff          +75/75%    P         Casts Freeze 3
Mercy Staff        +95/75%    P         Casts Heal 3; NECROMANCER drops it
Mithril Rod        +135/75%   P
ENDURO STAFF       +185/0%    P         Cursed; DEF=0; Backlashes when attacking; MAD TUT drops it
DOOM STAFF         +205/0%    P         Cursed; DEF=0; Damages an ally; CEREBUS drops it; Has 'Use' effect 12

Short Axe          +25/75%    HM
Battle Axe         +45/75%    HM
Double Axe         +65/75%    HM
Great Axe          +85/75%    HM
Mithril Axe        +145/75%   HM

Wooden Club        +10/0%     HM        Double Hits
Morningstar        +20/0%     HM        Double Hits

Battle Hammer      +55/0%     HM        DEF +35
War Hammer         +95/0%     HM        DEF +65

Flail              +15/0%     M         Triple Hits
Great Flail        +45/0%     M         Triple Hits; TROLL drops it
Super Flail        +75/0%     M         Triple Hits; GOLLUM drops it

Bull Whip          +25/0%     P         Attacks monster group
Thorn Whip         +35/0%     P         Attacks monster group
Steel Whip         +45/0%     P         Attacks monster group
HEX WHIP           +155/0%    P         Cursed; DEF=0; Attacks monster group; 33% chance of being tangled; WAR BIRD drops it

Short Spear        +45/0%     HM        DEF +5
Bronze Lance       +65/0%     HM        DEF +10
Long Spear         +85/0%     HM        DEF +15
Iron Lance         +105/0%    HM        DEF +20
Steel Lance        +135/0%    HM        DEF +25; GRAVEROC drops it

Main Gauche        +10/0%     ALL       DEF +15
Madu               +20/0%     ALL       DEF +25

-Armor Name-       DEF     Used By        Details
DARK ROBE          +0      ALL            Cursed; CRIT +33%; 25% Chance of helping enemy; GARGOYLE drops it
DARK ARMOR         +0      HM             Cursed; CRIT +33%; Paralyzes when worn; Has 'Use' effect 16
Worn Robe          +2      ALL            No longer 'Cursed' and is now safe to wear
Cotton Robe        +4      ALL
Woven Robe         +6      ALL
Straw Robe         +8      ALL
Hemp Robe          +14     ALL
Fur Robe           +16     ALL
Leather Armor      +20     HM
Leather Robe       +25     ALL
Chain Mail         +28     HM
Breast Plate       +32     HM
Bronze Armor       +40     HM
Iron Armor         +48     HM
Magic Robe         +50     ALL            UNKNOWN(195) Value +120; Has 'Use' effect 4
Magic Mail         +54     HM             UNKNOWN(195) Value +120; Has 'Use' effect 4
Steel Armor        +58     HM
Sun Armor          +65     HM             66% Fire Resistance; RAMIUN drops it; Has 'Use' effect 4
Frost Armor        +65     HM             66% Ice Resistance; CHIMERA drops it; Has 'Use' effect 4
Thunder Armor      +65     HM             66% Bolt Resistance; Unobtainable; Has 'Use' effect 4
Light Robe         +70     ALL            UNKNOWN(201) Value +50; Has 'Use' effect 4
Mithril Armor      +80     HM             UNKNOWN(195) Value +120; Has 'Use' effect 4
Light Armor        +100    H              UNKNOWN(201) Value +50; Has 'Use' effect 20

DARK HOOD          +0      ALL            Cursed; CRIT +33%
DARK HELMET        +0      HM             Cursed; CRIT +33%
Cloth Hood         +4      ALL
Leather Helmet     +8      ALL
Woven Hood         +10     ALL
Fur Hood           +12     ALL
Bronze Helmet      +14     HM
Royal Tiara        +16     P              Has 'Use' effect 16
Magic Hood         +18     ALL            UNKNOWN(205) Value +50; Has 'Use' effect 4
Iron Helmet        +20     HM
Elven Hood         +22     ALL            UNKNOWN(206) Value +50; Has 'Use' effect 4
Steel Helmet       +25     HM
Mithril Hood       +35     ALL
Mithril Helmet     +35     HM             UNKNOWN(204) Value +50; Has 'Use' effect 4
Light Helmet       +50     H              Has 'Use' effect 16

DARK SHIELD        +0      ALL            Cursed; CRIT +33%
Gauntlet           +10     ALL
Leather Shield     +15     ALL
Wood Shield        +20     ALL
Bronze Shield      +25     HM
Iron Shield        +30     HM
Steel Shield       +35     HM
Magic Shield       +45     ALL            UNKNOWN(205) Value +50; Has 'Use' effect 4
Mithril Shield     +65     ALL            UNKNOWN(195) Value +120; Has 'Use' effect 4
Light Shield       +85     H              Has 'Use' effect 16


Shining in the Darkness - Thornwood Terrors Hack Collection by obscurumlux01 of RomHacking Dot Net
SitD Editor Alpha v05 in Visual Basic and v09 in C# by DarkKobold of Shining Force Central (SFC) forums & website
Additional SitD Editor documentation/files created by Lord Oddeye Sama of the Shining Force Central (SFC) Forums & Website


This patch and readme are released under the Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike v4.0 International version

Limited Commercial Use:
Permission is granted ONLY to those making online videos (such as YouTube) and streaming (such as Twitch) who make their videos publically available
for COMPLETELY FREE VIEWING (without registration or sign-in); if so, then you may monetize via sponsorships/advertisements at the beginning/end or during the video.

All other commercial uses are NOT PERMITTED.
Commercial use up to and including all aspects of placing the ROM data onto physical media is NOT PERMITTED.

The full legal text of the license is here:


If you have questions, you may contact me via e-mail as 'spammeplease_AT_caramail_DOT_COM'
If my e-mail suddenly poofs for whatever reason then the best place to reach me is on the RomHacking Dot Net forums by sending a PM to obscurumlux01
If you are silly enough to e-mail me asking for a ROM then I will feed you to a Grue ;)