Download Super Metroid Project Base 7.2 (Nintendit 1.57) ROM Hack

Super Metroid Project Base 7.2 (Nintendit 1.57) Game
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Parameter Info
Console: SNES
Original Game: Super Metroid
Type: Complete
Genre: Action Adventure
Modifications: G,S,L,T,GP,Other
Creator: dex909
Date Created: 03/12/2016
Last Modified: 03/12/2016
Parameter Info
File Name: Super Metroid 2015 (Project Base 7_2 Nintendit v1_57).rar
Downloads: 349
Requirements: No-Header (SNES)
Version: 1.57

Super Metroid Project Base 7.2 (Nintendit 1.57)Description

Don’t think this is gonna be a 100% Gold Remake, it’ll have its differences. Extra battles (some’ll be optionals, tough but rewarding), Hoenn Pokemon (in every area, and hard to find) New areas, Remapped some dungeons (so your old guides wont work) , Extra recurring characters (some’ll hate you, some’ll help you)

Note that the hack is incomplete but feel free to enjoy the hack as-is.

Super Metroid Project Base 7.2 (Nintendit 1.57)Read Me

Super Metroid 2015 (Project Base 7.2 Nintendit) by dex909 [Version 1.57]

Thanks to begrimed and everyone at Metroid Construction IRC.

Changes to Project Base:

This patch is meant as an alternative version to Begrimed's Project Base 7.2 to make it appear like a slightly altered Vanilla Super Metroid. Think of it as an attempt to recreate a re-release as Nintendo might have intended - or should we say... "Nintended"? ;)

The Nintendit uses Project Base 7.2 "Project_Base_0.7.2_Vanilla_Gameplay.ips" as base and combines it with "Project_Base_0.7.2_Gameplay_Only.ips".

The patch will work with an unheadered rom of Super Metroid e.g. "Super Metroid (JU) [!].smc"

Alterations besides this:
- Clear Message Boxes (transparent, no black backgrounds), changes to message colours
- Fanfare as in vanilla SM but skippable (time for message boxes shortened as it is in PB 7.2)
- All save rooms and corresponding map icons are working as intended by Begrimed's Project Base 7.2
- Sounds for Samus landing, flipping and walljumping adjusted to the sounds PB 7.2 uses
- Original grey Nintendo logo at boot
- Vanilla enemies (vanilla enemy graphics as well as AI)
- Vanilla Ceres escape sequence (besides altered tileset from PB 7.2)
- Haze in title screen, Ceres and Game Over screen
- altered/smoother PB 7.2 version logo in title screen (computer screen edit)
- Edited "2015" in title screen, the way the original small copyright font worked
- Coloured Samus Item Menu (from RealRed patch) as in PB 7.2
- Smooth map scrolling in menu
- Added in the original mountains to the Crateria landing site (changed palette to make them look as if they would at night instead of rain)
- Green logo palettes (including fade-in/instant fade-in palettes)
- Less screen shakes when using Super Missiles (as in PB 7.2)
- Bomb timer adjusted to PB 7.2 values
- Red doors take 5 missile hits as in vanilla SM
- Maridia Palette Change (less pink)
- Several minor background changes to certain rooms

There are three versions of this hack:

Super Metroid (JU) [!] [h] [2015] [Project Base 7.2 Nintendit].ips
-> Original Nintendid, everything mentioned above with vanilla enemies
Super Metroid (JU) [!] [h] [2015] [Project Base 7.2 Nintendit] [Enemy Edits].ips
-> Everything mentioned above with edited enemy AI, headers, routines, drops and enemy graphics edits from Project Base 7.2
Super Metroid (JU) [!] [h] [2015].ips
-> Only the gameplay changes from PB as well as transparent item windows, less intrusive SFX, coloured Samus item window and smooth map scrolling


version 0.7.2 -- may 14, 2015

Project Base is a ROM hack of Super Metroid that keeps the original map mostly intact, while adding new stuff. It doesn't force the player to take a new path, or to use any advanced techniques. Well-known sequence breaks and shortcuts have been left alone, with many new ones added. Highly speedrunnable, and with a level of difficulty that is accessible to anyone. Works with Snes9X, ZSNES, higan/BSNES, and on SNES/flash cartridges.

- General movement is less inhibited, with many new tricks made possible
- Modified enemies and bosses, including AI and graphical touch-ups
- Faster elevators, doors, room transitions and item-collection sequences
- Bug fixes and polish applied whenever possible
- New rooms added, others expanded and/or merged
- Alternate versions that offer even more ways to enjoy Super Metroid!

- RESPIN -- press jump at any time during a normal fall to resume spinning
- BACK FLIP -- while crouched, hold run, then press and hold jump + back
- BOMB SKIP -- hold down to avoid bomb jumping
- QUICK MORPH #1 -- hold item cancel + press down to instantly morph
- QUICK MORPH #2 -- hold L + press down, only works in the air
- DEMORPH JUMP -- until Spring Ball is equipped, holding run allows spin-jumping straight out of ball form
- SPEED BALL -- with Spring Ball equipped, Samus gains the ability to run at full speed as a ball
- UP SPIN -- while standing still, hold run to easily spin-jump straight up
- SPIN FALL -- hold jump as you fall from a ledge to flip automatically

- Beam travelling and firing speeds adjusted, auto-fire speed increased
- Charge beam draws energy and ammo drops from enemies toward you, also charges slightly faster
- Speed Booster has become a major power-up with several huge limitations removed
- Horizontal shinesparks can be exited into a full-speed run when Samus touches a slope
- Space Jump no longer stops working after you've fallen too far
- Missiles and super missiles can be fired faster
- Super missiles can be fired straight down while in the air to propel Samus upward
- X-Ray Scope speed increased
- Bomb timer shortened
- Underwater wall jumping and bomb jumping enabled
- Running speed no longer resets after jumping or falling

Original Credits (begrimed)

The name "Project Base" refers its original purpose, which was to act as a base hack for others to build from. It first appeared in August 2009 after I was inspired by squishy_ichigo's Vanilla++ hack, and it is currently still being worked on. I take long breaks often so that I can gather feedback and bug reports. Special shout-out to StuntCoyote, LinkaMeister, Beta Aquarii, Hubert0987, stealinbread, and everyone else ranking it up on the leaderboards for their time spent playing! And to RealRed for making Hyper Metroid, the first major ROM hack of Super Metroid to utilize Project Base!

Scyzer, Jathys, Kejardon, DSO, Black Falcon, squishy ichigo, JAM, Crashtour99, PJBoy, Drewseph, person701, Quote58, Rakki, DChronos, SMILEUser96

StuntCoyote, LinkaMeister, JAM, Silver Skree, Kenta Kurodani, VariaphazonSamus, Dessyreqt, FPzero, person701, Hiroshi Mishima