Parameter | Info |
Console: | SNES |
Original Game: | Super Metroid |
Type: | Complete |
Genre: | Action Adventure |
Modifications: | G,L,T,GP |
Creator: | Cloud12 |
Date Created: | 01/20/2014 |
Last Modified: | 03/03/2014 |
Parameter | Info |
File Name: | Super Metroid - Darkholme Hospital |
Downloads: | 491 |
Requirements: | No-Header (SNES) |
Version: | 2.0 |
Rating: |
Don’t think this is gonna be a 100% Gold Remake, it’ll have its differences. Extra battles (some’ll be optionals, tough but rewarding), Hoenn Pokemon (in every area, and hard to find) New areas, Remapped some dungeons (so your old guides wont work) , Extra recurring characters (some’ll hate you, some’ll help you)
Note that the hack is incomplete but feel free to enjoy the hack as-is.
Super Metroid - Darkholme Hospital v1.2 by Cloud12 Credits and thanks : I want to thank the precious help and advices from Quietus, Shadow96, Mon732, JAM, A_red_monk_called_key, and all peoples giving to me tips and solutions to my problems, collaborating with the community is something really pleasant. People like Shadow, Mon and JAM have worked actively on the hack with a lot of fixes and ideas to bring. I also want to thank all peoples following the progress of my project, guests and users of Metroid Construction. :) Original v.1.00 : - Patch for headered roms. - "Death of naked Samus" graphics by Grime. Features in v1.05 : - Patch for unheadered roms, don't need any .srm :) (fix by Shadow96) - Patch, intro correction, and few hex changes by Shadow96. - ASM edits by Mon732. Features in v1.10 : - Always for unheadered. - Few room design changes (stairs, and some graphic bad joins in Floor 1). - Red gate bug at 2A:Patient rooms 1>15 is now fixed (it was only a wrong PLM inversion between shutter and switch). - Item drops edited for air probes. - Probes damages reduced to 30. - Final boss damages increased to D5. Features in v1.15 : - Always for unheadered. - Percentage screen fix and PLM calculation by JAM. Now new features in the current v1.2 : - Always for unheadered. - Menu pause screen, HUD, air ducts, and final timer format (MM:SS) edited/fixed by JAM. - Few tile tables changes. - Suit item flashes effects edited. - One room edited in 6th floor. - Hurt flash corrected for enemies. - Few background corrections. Story : Three years after the explosion of Zebes, Samus came back on Earth to investigate on strange events disturbing the Darkholme Hospital, a military medical complex build 50 years ago. About gates : - Blue Gate - Need a shoot or blast - Red Gate - Need a missile - Green Gate - Need a rocket - Yellow Gate - Need an explosive - Arrow Gate - Need to cross it with velocity - Magnetic Lock Gate - when light at the top is red, shoot the shutter with magnetic key, and wait it turns to yellow and green to cross it - White Gate - Need to shoot the shutter with Machine Gun - Switched Off Gate - Always closed, or closing with delay About blocks : Blue Block - Need a shoot/blast Green Block - Need a rocket Yellow Block - Need an explosive White Block - Need a blast Red Block (in velocity room)- Need 80 missiles About elevators : Automatic elevator - Yellow - Classic elevators from Super Metroid. Manual elevator - Green - Need a shoot/screw attack/blast to activate it. It turns to automatic at the exit of Hospital.