Download Super Mario Advance Color Restoration ROM Hack

Super Mario Advance Color Restoration Game
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Parameter Info
Console: GBA
Original Game: Super Mario Advance
Type: Improvement
Genre: Action > Platformer
Modifications: G
Creator: Asaki
Date Created: 11/22/2008
Last Modified: 06/03/2020
Parameter Info
File Name:
Downloads: 700
Requirements: No Special Requirements
Version: cr160626

Super Mario Advance Color RestorationDescription

Don’t think this is gonna be a 100% Gold Remake, it’ll have its differences. Extra battles (some’ll be optionals, tough but rewarding), Hoenn Pokemon (in every area, and hard to find) New areas, Remapped some dungeons (so your old guides wont work) , Extra recurring characters (some’ll hate you, some’ll help you)

Note that the hack is incomplete but feel free to enjoy the hack as-is.

Super Mario Advance Color RestorationRead Me

| Game Boy Advance Color Restoration |

Jun. 26, 2016

   Super Mario Advance (UE) (Super Mario Bros. 2)


Here's an old patch I had laying around. No idea if I'll ever have
time to work on it again, feel free to finish them, just leave me some

SMB2 is almost a year newer than the 081122 version, but still pretty
far from complete. One day!!


Old info: 

SMB2 is all sorts of crazy. I've changed some of the custom palettes,
so the growy plant/hill thing, flying mask, 1up bubble, and scores
should all be set.

TODO: The sprite palettes are in totally different order from the SNES
      ROM, so I just have to hunt them down as I find them during
      playtesting. There's probably a few of those left to fix, I've
      been working on it on and off. Flashy player palettes (charging
      the jump, growing Super) are a pain, I'll try to fix those
      later...maybe. Dunno what I'll do about the new jar stuff. I might
      try to figure something out for the "choose a player"/slot
      machine/level warp screens, maybe. Maybe.


I'm going to assume you know how to use IPS patches. I'm also going to
assume you know how to obtain a ROM to patch. Please don't ask me.

Patches have not been tested with different regions.


Special thanks/programs used:

   HackMew for the wonderful Advanced Palette Editor
   creaothceann for vSNES
   Christian Maas's dandy hex editor, XVI32
   ETK's tutorials at
   JASC's ever-useful Paint Shop Pro 3.12
   MrClick's TilEd
   FuSoYa's Lunar IPS
   ZSNES team for their emulator
   VBA team for VisualBoy Advance
   and Nintendo, of course ;)
   ...and Capcom, and Activision...


lordasaki (at) hotmail (dot) com