Parameter | Info |
Console: | GBA |
Original Game: | Pokémon: Ruby Version |
Type: | Complete |
Genre: | Role Playing |
Modifications: | G,L,T,GP |
Creator: | Baro |
Date Created: | 03/23/2006 |
Last Modified: | 11/27/2014 |
Parameter | Info |
File Name: | |
Downloads: | 3257 |
Requirements: | No Special Requirements |
Version: | 1.0 |
Rating: |
Don’t think this is gonna be a 100% Gold Remake, it’ll have its differences. Extra battles (some’ll be optionals, tough but rewarding), Hoenn Pokemon (in every area, and hard to find) New areas, Remapped some dungeons (so your old guides wont work) , Extra recurring characters (some’ll hate you, some’ll help you)
Note that the hack is incomplete but feel free to enjoy the hack as-is.
??POK?MON QUARTZ - full release for god's sake Made by BARO You can MP me in these forums: Acmlm's Board, StudioPok?mon Foros, Pok?community ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Okay, this is full release of Pok?mon quartz, I expect last. If it's the last one, means that it has no great bugs. You can catch up to 237 different pok?mon created by me in this hack. Why have I done 386 pokemon, then? I'm going to make another hack, this time over fire red or leaf green. This means you will start with the equivalent to kanto pokedex (from 0 to 151), and in the islands you will catch the rest of the jotho dex ones. Beetween both hacks, all new 386 Pok?mon will be caught. Using a certain emulator you can emulate link cable, so you will be able to complete the pokedex if you have that emulator and a lot of free time. So here is it. Enjoy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Don't mind about orrTojref? or mistakes grammar in the game, just try to understand what I mean. I did my best (but sometimes I saw mistakes and don't correct them) This shouldn't hurt your poor PC, anyway, it isn't my fault if this crashes your ROM, your emulator, your computer or even your brain---this last can be done by any Pok?mon Game Need a clean POK?MON RUBY English ROM and a ips patcher. I generously add one (patcher) to the zip, lips. hit apply patch and go. Modifications without my consent are absolutely fordibben, so don't do it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Okay, you've loaded your savegame from beta 3.1 outside in white port town and you're still locked, aren't you? I told you to save indoor! Well, get into the Pok?mon Center and exit, changes will be loaded now. So, this is the last release (I think). The game is complete, if you get stuck, contact me (in forums above or in Whack-a-hack: Maybe you patched wrong or something is lost by there. that would help us both. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ?%?%?%?%?%?%?%?%?%?%?%?%?%?%?%?%?%?%?%?%?%?%?%?%?%?%?%?%?%?%?%?%?%?%?% -->red This hack was proudly made in Spain -->yellow ?%?%?%?%?%?%?%?%?%?%?%?%?%?%?%?%?%?%?%?%?%?%?%?%?%?%?%?%?%?%?%?%?%?%?% -->red ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What's new all What's left none [isn't it great to finish a hack 100%?] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ????????The proof of what can the boredom do???????? SUPER SECRET IN QUARTZ! How to catch Karendi? You may find some people in the game that just tell you something aout their lives... okay, then try to fulfill their aims, all they are chained. The first one is the old man at the cauldron... something dry, uh? Well, the thing you need is sold nearly. ______ __ _|_Nice_|__/ |__ _#| _______________________________________ (?) (?) / \ ( .. )uuu <� Peacock's cock is not a pea - yours is | \_O__/ | \_______________________________________/ ___|____/ / | \__O| But the butthole surfers said that it's better to regret something you did than something you didn't do ---I love this lirics--- God made the earth -laughs at that stupid belief-, Dutchs made Holland Okay then... God made humans -laughs at that stupid belief-, Alvaro made Baro ????As the boredom did this, it also did QUARTZ!????