Download Pokemon Ultra Quartz - Lets Go! Blobbos ROM Hack

Pokemon Ultra Quartz - Lets Go! Blobbos Game
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Parameter Info
Console: GBA
Original Game: Pokémon: Ruby Version
Type: Addendum
Genre: Role Playing
Modifications: G,S,L,T,GP
Creator: Camerupt
Date Created: 06/18/2018
Last Modified: 06/18/2018
Parameter Info
File Name: Pokemon Ultra Quartz - Lets Go! Blobbos version
Downloads: 194
Requirements: No Special Requirements
Version: 2.0

Pokemon Ultra Quartz - Lets Go! BlobbosDescription

Don’t think this is gonna be a 100% Gold Remake, it’ll have its differences. Extra battles (some’ll be optionals, tough but rewarding), Hoenn Pokemon (in every area, and hard to find) New areas, Remapped some dungeons (so your old guides wont work) , Extra recurring characters (some’ll hate you, some’ll help you)

Note that the hack is incomplete but feel free to enjoy the hack as-is.

Pokemon Ultra Quartz - Lets Go! BlobbosRead Me

Pokemon Ultra Quartz - Lets Go! Blobbos

Originally created for the Le Ruse Bird drunken funtime twitch stream, this is a big improvement hack of the 2006 romhacking classic by BARO BOAR himself: Pokemon Quartz

In addition to the original game's classic spanglish glory, there are a number of major changes including:

>Completely unique new stats and movesets for all 386 of Baro's fakemon (in the original they just had the stats of whatever they had replaced in the dex)
>National Dex available from the start with nearly all of the Pokemon made available
>Every single trainer in the game edited, higher level curve and other enhancements
>Overworld tiles from Pokemon Emerald instead of RS
>Re-enabled Game Corner
>Re-enabled Battle Tower, take the ultimate challenge in Corna!
>several new quests including guest appearances by a certain group of blue afroed men from another famous romhack by The Cutlerine

and most importantly, a very special friend from Pokemon Clover: Blobbos!


included in the download are two separate patches:
>one to patch onto base Pokemon Ruby 1.0
>one to patch on top of the original Pokemon Quartz romhack
either will produce the same resulting ROM

Known bugs:
>some tile errors around the battle tower I don't know how to fix and most likely won't bother with

1.1 - fixed a crashing bug in white jungle
1.2 - several miscelaneous bugfixes
1.3 - fixed bugged movesets and added a few more legendary events
1.4 - new legendary event, fixed a bugged trainer, new postgame rematch, fixed a few TM learnsets
2.0 - added final area, bugfixes

Teh Baro/Baro Boar/BARO: Creating the original Pokemon Quartz hack
The Cutlerine: Creating content from Pokemon Snakewood including the Deadly Seven 

Camerupt: romhacking, writing, spriting, regular trainer balancing
Spherical Ice and /vp/'s /RHEG/: romhacking assistance and advice
Malicart and Ungracious: Creating all the new stats and movesets, gym leader and important battle teams
Highrool: wormhole sprite, moral support and beta testing
StarGazr: creating that pillow shaded blobbos sprite
PolandDev: mapping the final dungeon

special thanks to Le Ruse Bird

remember to drink water [DWN]