Download Pokemon Throwback: FR251 Addendum ROM Hack

Pokemon Throwback: FR251 Addendum Game
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Parameter Info
Console: GBA
Original Game: Pokémon: FireRed Version
Type: Addendum
Genre: Role Playing
Modifications: GP,Other
Creator: Chronosplit
Date Created: 09/13/2018
Last Modified: 09/05/2020
Parameter Info
File Name: FRoback.rar
Downloads: 83
Requirements: No Special Requirements
Version: Complete

Pokemon Throwback: FR251 AddendumDescription

Don’t think this is gonna be a 100% Gold Remake, it’ll have its differences. Extra battles (some’ll be optionals, tough but rewarding), Hoenn Pokemon (in every area, and hard to find) New areas, Remapped some dungeons (so your old guides wont work) , Extra recurring characters (some’ll hate you, some’ll help you)

Note that the hack is incomplete but feel free to enjoy the hack as-is.

Pokemon Throwback: FR251 AddendumRead Me

This is an addendum patch which adds some minor parts of Fire Red 251 to Pokemon Throwback.  This is compatible with ALL Throwback configurations.  Including “custom” setups of separate Extra patch components using the source files.  Just apply what you want after applying all Throwback related content.

-Added all fixed/more difficult trainers of FR251, including Gym Leaders, Admins/Gideon, and SelfDestruct restoration.  There's a txt file with these changes lined out.
-The flashback feature, otherwise known as the journal, that pops up whenever you load a save has been disabled.
-When a new save is generated, the PC box system will cycle through all available wallpapers for every box as opposed to the first four.  This results in every box in the PC looking different.
-Zubat/Golbat/Crobat's Supersonic learning place has been restored to it’s earlier Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald spot.
-CoolTrainers are now Ace Trainers, Cool Couples are now Ace Duos.

Other patches:
-Alt Champion Rematch is the same as FR251, it uses a completely revamped rematch of the Champion.
-Cap Patch capitalizes Ace Trainer and Ace Duo, for those who aren’t using a Decapitalization patch.
-Anti-Float lowers Geodude, Voltorb, and Electrode’s sprites back down to the battlefield so they’re no longer hanging in air.  This is more of a nitpick and can be easily done by anyone, but Throwback has it’s own graphical fixes so why not?

Stuff not changing:
-No sprite updating will happen, due to Throwback having it’s own “feel” about them.  There’s an argument for an optional patch, but I feel that if you’re looking for FR251’s sprites you might as well use that patch.
-No script changes are present due to Throwback’s optional decapitalization patches.  Each change would require me to make two (if not more) patches.  This also means no uncensoring the old man and Celebi/Mew encounters.  Throwback has an event version for the latter, so you’re not missing much outside of the thrill of the fight.
-Due to how modular Throwback is, the Elite Four and Champion stick to the original FireRed levels (as they did in FR251 anyway).  You can possibly dig into Throwback’s source files and add back in the E4 levels, but this has been untested by me.  It shouldn’t break anything though.

Pokemon is owned by Game Freak, not me.
RichterSnipes created Pokemon Throwback
Fire Red 251 was created by me, Chronosplit.

Q: Why do this?
A: Both Throwback and FR251 set out originally to fulfill similar roles in a similar way.  RichterSnipes does some things way better than I did, I did some things he didn't.  Both are different interpretations.

With both hacks more-or-less finished, I figured why not port some of FR251's best parts to Throwback?  This is my  best attempt at such a project.

Q: How much more difficult does this actually make things?
A: I'd say the difference is comparable to a challenge mode, only a little more far reaching.  Most of what I did outside of Gym Leader enhancement and postgame is present in the Gameboy games.  That said, with the full Extras patch this is still easier than FR251.  (Personally, I use the source files to make my own extras patch that takes out a couple of things like Poison nerfing.  But that's only me, you do what you want.)