Pokémon White 2 - Swap Curtis and Yancy
Mush Mush - Toad and Toadette
Spekkio Lufia
Batman Unmasked
A Link To the Past - "Pretty Redux"
Alex Kidd in Radaxian Rumble
Gacha Hack
Super Mario World: The Pit of 100 Trials
Final Fantasy IV: The Darkness Within
Super Mario World: Death Land
Super Mario Bros. - Goomba Attack
Mario Evolution
Samurai Shodown - Enhanced Colors
Super Soccer - Copa America Centenario
F-Zero Parallel Dimension
Bowsette / Boosette
Alien 3: Assembly Cut
Castlevania - Legends: Speed Hack
Mario Gives Up 1
Megaman Battle Network 'Operation Patch'
Megaman Wily Wars SRAM Save Hack
Le Avventure di Mario 2
Communist Mario
Final Fantasy VI: Revised Old Style Edition
Pokemon Ruby Destiny II - Rescue Rangers
Prince Of Persia - 30th Anniversary Port
Strider 1 & 2 Restorations
Red Falcon War
Final Fantasy 3: Divergent Paths
TO-TKOL Rebalance