Download New Super Mario Bros. 5: Clone Tag Team 2 ROM Hack

New Super Mario Bros. 5: Clone Tag Team 2 Game
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Parameter Info
Console: NDS
Original Game: New Super Mario Bros.
Type: Complete
Genre: Action > Platformer
Modifications: G,S,L
Date Created: 07/17/2014
Last Modified: 01/30/2016
Parameter Info
File Name: NSMB5 Clone Tag Team 2 -
Downloads: 1416
Requirements: Requires Custom Patcher
Version: 1.0

New Super Mario Bros. 5: Clone Tag Team 2Description

Don’t think this is gonna be a 100% Gold Remake, it’ll have its differences. Extra battles (some’ll be optionals, tough but rewarding), Hoenn Pokemon (in every area, and hard to find) New areas, Remapped some dungeons (so your old guides wont work) , Extra recurring characters (some’ll hate you, some’ll help you)

Note that the hack is incomplete but feel free to enjoy the hack as-is.

New Super Mario Bros. 5: Clone Tag Team 2Read Me

-A NSMB Hack by MarioFanatic64-

Version 1.0, first released 17 July 2014.



Thank you for downloading this full-length custom made modification for New Super Mario Bros. DS! This hack took a lot of hard work to make, being in development for two years. This mod contains 81 Brand New levels for New Super Mario Bros. DS as well as the implementation of a 'clone', which mimics Mario's actions in almost half of the levels contained in this mod.

As suggested by the hack's title, this is a sequel to a previously made NSMBDS hack. That hack was released in 2012 and today has reached over 10,000 downloads (That's almost 1 in 7,000 people! Amazing, right?). It might be a bold statement, but that hack may have been a resource for Nintendo themselves who have recently implemented their own kinds of 'clones' in more recent games like Super Mario 3D World, Yoshi's New Island and the NES Remix series. If you haven't tried Clone Tag Team 1, why not give that a shot too? Search for it on the internet.

Oh, and be sure to support Nintendo in their tough times and make sure you've purchased a legitimate copy of New Super Mario Bros. DS and the proper Nintendo DS/DS Lite/DSi/DSiXL/3DS/3DSXL/2DS hardware!

This hack runs from the original New Super Mario Bros. DS ROM (The USA version). This means that if you wish to play this mod, you'll need to aqcuire the ROM for New Super Mario Bros. DS from the internet. Due to legal reasons, a direct link to a ROM file cannot be provided, so you'll have to search for it yourself.

You'll know if you have the right file if it is named "0434 - New Super Mario Bros. (U).nds", or something similar.

Once you have obtained the ROM, you'll also need to download a copy of the New Super Mario Bros. Editor, which can be found at the New Super Mario Bros. Hacking Domain ( You'll also need the patch file for Clone Tag Team 2 (which is packed in this .zip file as "CLONE_TAG_TEAM_2_V1.0.nmp")

Once you have all this, here are your instructions:
-Extract "CLONE_TAG_TEAM_2_V1.0.nmp" from the .zip folder.
-Run NSMBe and open the New Super Mario Bros. DS ROM you obtained earlier.
-Click on the "Tools/Options" tab in the editor's Main Menu.
-Click "Import Patch", and select "CLONE_TAG_TEAM_2_V1.0.nmp".
-After the Editor has finished patching the ROM, the hack should be ready to play, so close the Editor.
-Your NSMBDS ROM should now be modified to play Clone Tag Team 2. You'll be able to play it using an emulator (such as No$GBA for low-end computers and DeSmuME for high-end computers) or using a Nintendo DS/3DS flashcart like R4DS or Supercard DSTWO.


-This music is, like, super annoying!
Not your taste? That's fine. In the .zip file is an alternate patch named "CLONE_TAG_TEAM_2_ALT_(OLDMUSIC).nmp" which you can apply to your ROM if you're down with the original NSMBDS music instead.

-What is a ROM?
A ROM file contains a game- it's the file in the cartridges that your Nintendo DS console runs whenever you play a game. These can be ripped and uploaded to the internet, and there are various ways to run them as they are. You'll be able to play ROMs using an emulator (such as No$GBA for low-end computers and DeSmuME for high-end computers) or using a Nintendo DS/3DS flashcart like R4DS or Supercard DSTWO.

-I have an Apple Computer, NSMBe won't work...
There are some solutions to getting NSMBe to run on a Mac. Try browsing around at the New Super Mario Bros. Hacking Domain to see what you can do to help.

-It's not working. What am I doing wrong?
If you don't know what you're supposed to be doing, patching and playing Clone Tag Team 2 may be difficult. If you need more information about ROMs, emulators or flashcarts there is a lot of information to read on Google.

-I found an error. What do I do?
Don't worry, errors happen. Every now and then, you might encounter something weird in the hack like missing sound effects, or something that doesn't seem to be working right. If you want something done about it, feel free to report the error at the official Discussion Thread of Clone Tag Team 2 at the New Super Mario Bros. Hacking Domain. Alternatively, you could also report the error at the Discussion Thread at GBATemp.

If errors are fixed, a new revision of the mod will be released. For example, with the current version of the mod being v1.0, you may want to look out for v1.1 in the future if fixes are needed.

-I can't play Mario vs. Luigi!
This is a known problem that comes with most NSMBDS hacks. ROMs modified in NSMBe cannot work with Download Play, and while it is a fixable error it reduces flashcart compatibility, which may stop the hack from running on your flashcart.

If you're using an emulator there is no way to play Mario vs. Luigi mode at all.

-Is this a virus/some sort of scam?
Don't worry, this isn't harmful. You may have to be cautious of the websites where you download the New Super Mario Bros. DS ROM, but this hack itself is perfectly fine and risk free. It's 100% free to play and download, so if you did pay money to download this file you have been scammed and I urge you to do something about it! Remember, you should only have downloaded this hack from the OFFICIAL SOURCES such as File Trip, MediaFire and the New Super Mario Bros. Hacking Domain.

-Can I get in legal trouble if I play this hack?
As long as you currently own a legitimate copy of New Super Mario Bros. DS and a Nintendo DS system, you should have nothing to worry about. I do not condone Video Game Piracy, this is a not-for-profit fanmade project. However, use this at your own risk as this is a legal grey area and laws are subjective depending on your region.

And with that note, I hope that you enjoy this hack and look forward to my future fan projects. This is my third NSMBDS project and there are two more yet to be announced projects that will be on the way in the future.

'Till next time,