Download N64 NTSC Patches ROM Hack

N64 NTSC Patches Game
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Parameter Info
Console: N/A
Original Game: Multiple Games
Type: Improvement
Genre: Unknown
Modifications: Other
Creator: GhostlyDark
Date Created: 08/24/2019
Last Modified: 05/28/2020
Parameter Info
File Name:
Downloads: 208
Requirements: No Special Requirements

N64 NTSC PatchesDescription

Don’t think this is gonna be a 100% Gold Remake, it’ll have its differences. Extra battles (some’ll be optionals, tough but rewarding), Hoenn Pokemon (in every area, and hard to find) New areas, Remapped some dungeons (so your old guides wont work) , Extra recurring characters (some’ll hate you, some’ll help you)

Note that the hack is incomplete but feel free to enjoy the hack as-is.

N64 NTSC PatchesRead Me

== Updates ==

== Instructions ==

1) Copy all ROMs you want to patch into the folder "Z64". They need to be in the .z64 format.
2) Get flips.exe and put it in the same folder as this text file:
3) Execute "patch.bat" to patch 'em all!
4) Optional: Use "rename.bat" to add "[60Hz]" to every file name. You can undo this by executing "undo-rename.bat".

== Notes ==

ROM names must follow the naming scheme of No-Intro.
Z64 to *.ips are patches to only change the region code of the ROM header. They do not affect checksums.

BPS patches that are 33 bytes in size are basically the same as "Z64 to NTSC.ips".

BPS patches that are >33 but <100 bytes change the region code, remove the region protection and are fixing the checksums (except "Turok 3 - Shadow of Oblivion (Europe) (Beta) (2000-06-06).bps", which originally has a bad checksum but no region lockout).

BPS patches that are >100 bytes are patches which rely on PALadin to work around the region protection without removing it (plus corrected checksums). This is inferior to the protection removal and can cause issues when loaded in emulators due to emulation inaccuracies. Read below on how to fix these.

== Troubleshooting ==

- Project64 -

As soon as the checksums had to be recalculated due to the region lockout removal or the injection of the PALadin method, games may or may not work with Project64 out of the box. Banjo-Tooie for example needs 16-kbit EEPROM as save type (otherwise: No Controller message), which is automatically set by the emulator as a game specific setting. However, such settings do not load if the hash values are different from the original file, which is what the emulator is using to recognize the ROMs. One needs to either add the modified ROM file into the database or manually set the game specific settings for the altered ROM after looking up the settings by loading the original file.

- Mupen64Plus -

Mupen64Plus may not run ROMs that have been patched with PALadin. Under core settings, set the R4300 Emulator to Pure Interpreter (0) to fix this.

== Credits ==

- Aroenai -

Regional lockout removal patches for:

F-1 World Grand Prix II (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es)
Premier Manager 64 (Europe)
Shadow Man (Europe) (En,Es,It)


- Mezmorize -

Regional lockout removal patches for:

40 Winks (Europe) (En,Es,It) (Proto) (1999-10-07)
Aidyn Chronicles - The First Mage (Europe)
Army Men - Sarge's Heroes (Europe) (En,Fr,De)
Batman of the Future - Return of the Joker (Europe) (En,Fr,De)
BattleTanx - Global Assault (Europe) (En,Fr,De)
Blues Brothers 2000 (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl)
Body Harvest (Europe) (En,Fr,De)
Buck Bumble (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
Carmageddon 64 (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es)
Carmageddon 64 (Europe) (En,Fr,Es,It)
CyberTiger (Europe)
Daffy Duck Starring as Duck Dodgers (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl)
Destruction Derby 64 (Europe) (En,Fr,De)
F1 Racing Championship (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
Fighting Force 64 (Europe)
Gex 3 - Deep Cover Gecko (Europe) (En,Es,It)
Gex 3 - Deep Cover Gecko (Europe) (Fr,De)
Hercules - The Legendary Journeys (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl)
Hot Wheels - Turbo Racing (Europe) (En,Fr,De)
HSV Adventure Racing! (Australia)
Hydro Thunder (Europe)
Hydro Thunder (France)
In-Fisherman - Bass Hunter 64 (Europe)
International Superstar Soccer 2000 (Europe) (En,De)
International Superstar Soccer 2000 (Europe) (Fr,It)
Mario Party 2 (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It) (Wii Virtual Console)
Mario Party 2 (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
New Tetris, The (Europe)
Paperboy (Europe)
Ready 2 Rumble Boxing (Europe) (En,Fr,De)
RR64 - Ridge Racer 64 (Europe)
Shadowgate 64 - Trials of the Four Towers (Europe) (Es,It)
Shadowgate 64 - Trials of the Four Towers (Europe) (Fr,De,Nl)
Shadowgate 64 - Trials of the Four Towers (Europe)
Tonic Trouble (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
Top Gear Hyper Bike (Europe)
Xena - Warrior Princess - The Talisman of Fate (Europe)


- PALadin v3.1 -

Workaround for region protection:

== PALadin usage ==

The patches included in this pack that are >100 bytes have been created in the following way:

1) PALadin can't handle file names with spaces in them. You might have to rename your files.
2) Grab the vanilla ROM and use the command line version of PALadin to patch it: paladin /f romname.z64
3) Only now change the region code at offset $3E to 45. This will set the ROM to NTSC region and make the game run at 60Hz.
4) Since PALadin can only do CRC calculation for bootcode 6102 (=7101), the checksum might need to be fixed with rn64crc or uCON64.

For ROMs using bootcodes 6103 and 6106 you will need to do the following:

1) Subtract a hex value of 100000 (200000 for 6106) from the 4 byte value starting at $8 (RAM Entry Point).

[6103] Paper Mario (Europe): 80 12 5C 00  =>  80 02 5C 00
[6103] Super Smash Bros. (Europe): 80 10 04 00  =>  80 00 04 00
[6106] Yoshi's Story (Europe): 80 20 04 00  =>  80 00 04 00

2) Patch with PALadin: paladin /f romname.z64
3) Revert the RAM Entry Point starting at $8 to its original value.
4) Change the region code at offset $3E to 45.
5) Fix checksums.


- Changing header values does not affect checksums, so changing the region code after CRC correction is safe.
- PALadin lists bootcodes with wrong numbers.
- PALadin changes the line at offset $1000 and writes itself to the end of the ROM.

- Expanding the ROM is not necessary with the exception of Michael Owen WLS 2000 (Europe), RTL World League Soccer 2000 (Germany) and Telefoot Soccer 2000 (France), which are all basically the same game, just different territorial releases. Since important game data at the end of the ROM files exists, the files have to be expanded at least slightly. Pretty much any number will work, but for the created patches the ROMs have been expanded by 32 MBits (4 MBytes) to match retail cartridge sizes: paladin /f /i32 romname.z64

- The RAM Entry Point for 6103 and 6106 ROMs needs to be corrected before using PALadin because the bootcodes relocate RAM by an offset of 100000 (6103) or 200000 (6106). Alternatively, a ROM that has been patched using PALadin without modifying the entry point beforehand can be fixed by changing 3 values near the end of the ROM, by subtracting 100000 (6103) or 200000 (6106) from the 4 bytes long values.

[6103] Paper Mario (Europe):	A0 12 35 08  =>  A0 02 35 08 ($3FFFF82)
				A0 12 35 08  =>  A0 02 35 08 ($3FFFFCA)
				80 12 35 08  =>  80 02 35 08 ($3FFFFDA)

- 6103 games are:
  -- 1080 Snowboarding
  -- Banjo Kazooie
  -- Diddy Kong Racing
  -- Excitebike 64
  -- Ken Griffey Jr's Slugfest
  -- Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards
  -- Kobe Bryant in NBA Courtside
  -- Major League Baseball featuring Ken Griffey Jr.
  -- Paper Mario
  -- Pokémon Snap
  -- Pokémon Stadium
  -- Pokémon Stadium 2
  -- Super Smash Bros.

- 6106 games are:
  -- Cruis'n World
  -- F-Zero X
  -- Yoshi's Story

== Compatibility ==

Information about supported games can be found here: