Download MM4 deRNG ROM Hack

MM4 deRNG Game
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Parameter Info
Console: NES
Original Game: Mega Man 4
Type: Improvement
Genre: Action > Platformer
Modifications: T,GP
Creator: StagShot
Date Created: 08/24/2020
Last Modified: 08/25/2020
Parameter Info
File Name:
Downloads: 9
Requirements: No Special Requirements
Version: 2.0

MM4 deRNGDescription

Don’t think this is gonna be a 100% Gold Remake, it’ll have its differences. Extra battles (some’ll be optionals, tough but rewarding), Hoenn Pokemon (in every area, and hard to find) New areas, Remapped some dungeons (so your old guides wont work) , Extra recurring characters (some’ll hate you, some’ll help you)

Note that the hack is incomplete but feel free to enjoy the hack as-is.

MM4 deRNGRead Me

RNG in MM4 is dictated by 4 bytes @ $E4-E7 that are changed with each frame. In addition, there are certain points (i.e., boss fights) in the game that internally modify the bytes
to prevent timing attacks. Manipulation is not feasible outside of a TAS, so we must modify specific code segments to alter the use of RNG.

1. Dust man: Suck event has a 1/4 chance.						
  LDY #$03                 
  BNE $AD34                
  DEC $0468,X              
  BNE $AD4C                
  JSR $B71E                		; RNG
  LDA $AE42,Y              		; 14 15 14 13  	15 14 14 14		13 15 13 14 	14 13 13 15 	14 13 15 14 	13 14 15 13
  JSR $F446                		; 15 = suck, 6/24; 13 = dust shot, 14 = jump
  LDA $0558,X              
  AND #$03                 
  LDA $AE5A,Y              
  STA $0588,X              
  LDA $AE5E,Y              
  STA $05A0,X              


2. Skull man: Skull shield can vary from 0.5 - 4.25s.						
  LDA $E4                  
  ADC $E6                  
  STA $E6                  		; update RNG byte 3
  AND #$07                 
  TAY                      		; Delay table for skull shield:
  LDA $AA5C,Y              		; 40 FF A0 20 FF 70 30 5A
  STA $0468,X              		
  LDA #$E4                 
  STA $0588,X              
  LDA #$A8                 
  STA $05A0,X              


3. Drill man: Primary action table is 3 options, 2A/2F/30. Dive(2A) starts a timer of 210f (3.5s) once he disappears underground. Your x-coord is queried at 30f (0.5s) before he reappears.
  LDA #$B8                 
  STA $EF                  
  LDY #$01				; hardcoded initial dive            
  BNE $B055                		; skip RNG
  DEC $0468,X              		
  BNE $B06D                		
  JSR $B71E                		; RNG
  LDA $B28F,Y              		; 2F 2A 2F 30 	2A 2F 30 2F 	30 2A 30 2F 	30 2A 2A 30 	2F 2A 2A 30 	2F 2F 2A 2A
  JSR $F446                		; 2A = dive (9/24 chance), 2F = jump, 30 = bombs
  LDA $0558,X              		
  AND #$03                 		
  LDA $B2A7,Y              		
  STA $0588,X              		
  LDA $B2AB,Y              		
  STA $05A0,X              		


4. Square machine: Odds of a 1-1 pass are 1/64.
  LDA $E4                  
  ADC $E6                  
  STA $E6                  		; update RNG byte 3
  AND #$07                 
  TAY                      		; Pass table:
  LDA $BD4F,Y              		; 00 01 01 01 02 02 02 02
  STA $0468,X              		; 1 = 1/8, 2 = 3/8, 3 = 4/8
  LDY $0468,X              
  LDA $BD49,Y              		
  STA $03A8,X              
  LDA $BD4C,Y              		
  STA $03C0,X              


5. Met Man: Open/close duration

  LDA $E4                  
  ADC $E5                  		; update RNG byte 2
  STA $E4                  
  AND #$01                 
  TAY                      		; Open duration
  LDA $A354,Y              		; Look-up table: 3C 78
  STA $0468,X              		; Either 1 or 2s

  LDA $E4                  
  ADC $E5                  		; update RNG byte 2
  STA $E4                  
  AND #$01                 
  TAY                      		; Close duration
  LDA $A352,Y              		; Look-up table: B4 F0
  STA $0468,X              		; Either 3 or 4s


6. Tako Trash: Fireball/bomb

  LDA $E4                  
  ADC $E6                  		; update RNG byte 3
  STA $E6                  		; 50/50 chance
  AND #$01                 		; change #$01 to 00 for fireball, FF for bomb
  BNE $A559                		


7. Dr. Wily: Spawn location, hitbox duration, respawn delay

Spawn location

  LDA $E4                  
  ADC $E5                  		; update RNG byte 2
  STA $E4                  
  AND #$0F                 	
  LDA $B8AA,Y              		; Spawn location table: 01 00 01 07 02 06 03 05 04 03 05 02 06 01 07
  ASL A                    
  LDA $B890,Y              		; Load YX coords based on above value:
  STA $0378,X              		; YX pairs: 48 54 40 84 30 D4 70 44 88 7C 70 BC D0 34 C0 B4
  LDA $B891,Y              
  STA $0330,X              

Hitbox duration / Respawn delay

  LDA $E4                  
  AND #$01                 
  LDA $B912,Y             		; Hitbox duration table: 3C 5A 
  STA $0468,X              		; 1 or 1.5s
  LDA $E5                  
  AND #$01                 
  LDA $B914,Y              		; Respawn delay table: 3C 96
  STA $0480,X              		; 1 or 2.5s


v1: Initial release.
v2: Added support for Met Man, Tako Trash, Dr. Wily. Added javascript randomizer for customization: