Download Megaman in SMB1 ROM Hack

Megaman in SMB1 Game
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Parameter Info
Console: NES
Original Game: Super Mario Bros.
Type: Complete
Genre: Action > Platformer
Modifications: G,L,T,GP
Creator: willj168
Date Created: 06/30/2009
Last Modified: 04/24/2016
Parameter Info
File Name:
Downloads: 80
Requirements: No Special Requirements
Version: 1.0

Megaman in SMB1Description

Don’t think this is gonna be a 100% Gold Remake, it’ll have its differences. Extra battles (some’ll be optionals, tough but rewarding), Hoenn Pokemon (in every area, and hard to find) New areas, Remapped some dungeons (so your old guides wont work) , Extra recurring characters (some’ll hate you, some’ll help you)

Note that the hack is incomplete but feel free to enjoy the hack as-is.

Megaman in SMB1Read Me

Megaman in SMB1 (SMB1 Hack) Version 1.0
(c) 2009 by willj168


- All 32 levels and bonus rooms edited (report any errors or   glitches)
- Megaman graphics/sprites
- Text font from Megaman
- Fixed animations (limited to SMB's frames)
- Fireballs shoot straight rathen than bounce
- Correct Megaman palette scheme
- Dr. Wily(Bowser), Dr. Light(Toad), Roll(Princess) sprites

Upcoming features in later versions:

- Title screen
- New powerups
- Megaman music
- Life meter

If you have any questions or suggestions regarding features or anything related to the hack itself, contact me at

I am not responsible for any damages done to your computer so don't come complaining to me that this and that caused so-and-so's computer to crash and die from virus infection.