Download Mega Man 7 MSU-1 ROM Hack

Mega Man 7 MSU-1 Game
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Parameter Info
Console: SNES
Original Game: Mega Man 7
Type: Improvement
Genre: Action > Platformer
Modifications: S
Creator: DarkShock
Date Created: 09/18/2016
Last Modified: 09/19/2016
Parameter Info
File Name:
Downloads: 109
Requirements: No-Header (SNES)
Version: 1.0

Mega Man 7 MSU-1Description

Don’t think this is gonna be a 100% Gold Remake, it’ll have its differences. Extra battles (some’ll be optionals, tough but rewarding), Hoenn Pokemon (in every area, and hard to find) New areas, Remapped some dungeons (so your old guides wont work) , Extra recurring characters (some’ll hate you, some’ll help you)

Note that the hack is incomplete but feel free to enjoy the hack as-is.

Mega Man 7 MSU-1Read Me

Megaman/Rockman 7 MSU-1
Version 1.0
by DarkShock

This hack adds CD quality audio to Megaman 7 and Rockman 7 using the MSU-1 chip invented by byuu. It also works with the English translation of Rockman 7
The hack has been tested on SD2SNES, bsnes-plus 073.1b and higan 094.
The patched ROM needs to be named megaman7_msu1.sfc.

Note that there's no emulator patch because the volume has been normalized to work on both emulators and SD2SNES (using +12 dBFS settings for the MSU-1 volume on Rev. F boards).

The music pack can be found here:

Original ROM specs:
2097152 Bytes (16.0000 Mb)
Interleaved/Swapped: No
Backup unit/emulator header: No
Version: 1.0
Checksum: Ok, 0xf199 (calculated) == 0xf199 (internal)
Inverse checksum: Ok, 0x0e66 (calculated) == 0x0e66 (internal)
Checksum (CRC32): 0x2d947536

2097152 Bytes (16.0000 Mb)
Interleaved/Swapped: No
Backup unit/emulator header: No
Version: 1.0
Checksum: Ok, 0x44d1 (calculated) == 0x44d1 (internal)
Inverse checksum: Ok, 0xbb2e (calculated) == 0xbb2e (internal)
Checksum (CRC32): 0x31f18dda

= Using BSNES =
1. Patch the ROM
2. Unzip the .pcm
3. Launch the game

= Using higan =
1. Patch the ROM
2. Launch it using higan
3. Go to %USERPROFILE%\Emulation\Super Famicom\megaman7_msu1.sfc in Windows Explorer.
4. Copy manifest.bml and the .pcm file there
5. Run the game

= Using on SD2SNES =
Drop the ROM file, tmnt4_msu1.msu and the .pcm files in any folder. (I really suggest creating a folder)
Launch the game and voil?, enjoy !

The music pack has been edited to be played with the +12 dBFS settings.

= Credits =
* DarkShock - ASM hacking & coding, Music editing
* Krzysztof Slowikowski - Music reorchestration

Many thanks to Krzysztof who gave me in advance the whole soundtrack in WAV format, pretty cool on your part !

= Music =
01 = Opening Part 1 (No Loop)
02 = Title Screen (No Loop)
03 = Intro Stage
04 = Stage Select
05 = Freeze Man
06 = Cloud Man
07 = Junk Man
08 = Turbo Man
09 = Slash Man
10 = Spring Man
11 = Shade Man
12 = Burst Man
13 = Robot Museum Stage
14 = Boss Battle 1
15 = Wily Stage 1
16 = Wily Stage 2
17 = Wily Stage 3
18 = Wily Stage 4
19 = Boss Battle 2
20 = Wily Boss Battle
21 = Mega Man Jingle / Stage Selected Jingle (No Loop)
22 = Bass's Theme
23 = Protoman's Whistle (No Loop)
24 = Dr. Light Lab 1
25 = Dr. Light Lab 2 (Destroyed)
26 = You Get a Weapon
27 = Auto Shop
28 = Boss Defeated Jingle (No Loop)
29 = Dr. Wily Defeated (No Loop)
30 = Password Screen
31 = End Credits
32 = Dr. Wily Castle Jingle (No Loop)
33 = Bad Helmet (No Loop)
34 = Opening Part 2 (No Loop)
35 = Shade Man Alternate (Ghost 'n Goblins)
36 = Shade Man Alternate Stage Selected (No Loop)

= Compiling =
Source is availabe on GitHub:

To compile the hack you need

* bass v14 (
* wav2msu (

To distribute the hack you need

* uCON64 (
* 7-Zip (

make.bat assemble the patch
create_pcm.bat create the .pcm from the WAV files
distribute.bat distribute the patch
make_all.bat does everything