Parameter | Info |
Console: | NES |
Original Game: | Super Mario Bros. 2 |
Type: | Complete |
Genre: | Action > Platformer |
Modifications: | G,L,T |
Creator: | BMF54123 |
Date Created: | 09/20/2002 |
Last Modified: | 09/10/2013 |
Parameter | Info |
File Name: | |
Downloads: | 55 |
Requirements: | No Special Requirements |
Version: | 2.0 |
Rating: |
Don’t think this is gonna be a 100% Gold Remake, it’ll have its differences. Extra battles (some’ll be optionals, tough but rewarding), Hoenn Pokemon (in every area, and hard to find) New areas, Remapped some dungeons (so your old guides wont work) , Extra recurring characters (some’ll hate you, some’ll help you)
Note that the hack is incomplete but feel free to enjoy the hack as-is.
RuSteD ROM Hacks presents... +-----------------------------------------------------+ | L E G E N D O F T H E B L O B B R O S . 2 | +-----------------------------------------------------+ version 2.0 - (C)2002 BMF54123 Original "Super Mario Bros. 2" program and audiovisuals (C)1988 Nintendo What? It's DONE? How can this be?! ---------------------------------- Yep...more than 4 years after the project's start, Legend of the Blob Bros. 2 is finally complete! (It feels SO GOOD to say that.) So much has been done between the last release (v2.0 Demo) and this one, it would be impossible to list all the changes. Levels, graphics, program name it, it's been either vastly improved or completely redone from scratch. Forget 2.0 Demo ever existed--this is the real thing, the finished product! NOTE: This file contains only basic information, such as what programs and files you'll need, and instructions for applying the IPS patch. For more detailed information about this hack, please visit the Legend of the Blob Bros. 2 webpage, located in the "ROM Hacks" section of RuSteD LOgIc ( The stuff you'll need --------------------- - BB2Patcher.exe (or BLOBBRO2.IPS and an IPS patcher). - A Super Mario Bros. 2 NES ROM (PRG-0, CHR-0, 262160 bytes). NOTE: The PRG-1 revision will NOT work with this hack! - A decent NES emulator. loopyNES is best for DOS users, while FCE Ultra is best for Windows users. Other good emulators include fwNES, SMYNES, and nester (or one of its clones). NOTE: I *do not* recommend using NESten to play this game. As of v0.61 Beta 1, the emulator contains bugs that may cause odd glitches, rendering certain levels impassable, or even crashing the game. If you must use NESten, please don't use savestates. - For the best visual experience, I recommend downloading the latest version of BMF's NES Palette (available at my website) and loading it into your emulator. This palette closely simulates the colors output by a real NES, and was the primary palette used during this hack's creation. Many "older" NES palettes (especially NESticle's) are *very* inaccurate and will make the graphics look all yucky. =P - A good amount of free time. =) Applying the silly little patch ------------------------------- ** BACK UP YOUR ROM FIRST! ** - Windows users: Just run BB2Patcher.exe, enter the location of your SMB2 ROM, then click "Patch". Piece of cake! - Non-Windows users: Download an IPS patcher for your particular OS, and apply BLOBBRO2.IPS to your SMB2 ROM. Please don't ask me how to use a patcher--read the instructions! Hacking assistance provided by... --------------------------------- Super Mario Bros. 2 Discombobulator v0.96 - level and various data editing Tile Layer v0.50b, Tile Layer Pro v1.1, NESticle x.xx - graphics editing XTree Gold, Translhextion 1.6c - hex editing X-Late 3.0 - graphical tile-based hex editing IPS2EXE v1.5 - executable ROM patcher Credits ------- Hacking: BMF54123 Graphics: BMF54123, DarKnight13, Toma, Nintendo Testing: Acmlm, Ballz, Scoutboy, Neil Adler Special Thanks: Acmlm, Scoutboy, DarKnight13, the authors of the aforementioned programs, everyone who gave me support and helpful info during the project, and anyone else I forgot... probably far too many. =( Contact me, BMF54123 -------------------- E-mail: bmf54123(at)rustedmagick(dot)com Website: RuSteD LOgIc Disclaimer/Legal stuff ---------------------- I will not be held responsible for any damages caused by using this patch and/or the program(s) included with it. You use the patch/program(s) at your own risk. You may freely distribute this patch (BLOBBRO2.IPS), as long as this file (README.TXT) is included with it, and the contents of both are unchanged. This patch may not be distributed as a pre-patched ROM, or included with a ROM collection of any sort. Super Mario Bros. 2 is (C)1988 Nintendo. Contents of the patch (BLOBBRO2.IPS) and this file (README.TXT) are (C)2002 BMF54123, excluding small amounts of artwork by Toma, DarKnight13, and Nintendo. This patch is not sponsored, endorsed, or approved by Nintendo. That's all ---------- Have fun!