Download Final Fantasy III Maeson Mix ROM Hack

Final Fantasy III Maeson Mix Game
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Parameter Info
Console: NES
Original Game: Final Fantasy III
Type: Complete
Genre: Role Playing
Modifications: G,GP,Other
Creator: Maeson
Date Created: 05/30/2015
Last Modified: 01/13/2017
Parameter Info
File Name: FFIII Maeson Mix 1-23.rar
Downloads: 274
Requirements: No Special Requirements
Version: 1.2.3

Final Fantasy III Maeson MixDescription

Don’t think this is gonna be a 100% Gold Remake, it’ll have its differences. Extra battles (some’ll be optionals, tough but rewarding), Hoenn Pokemon (in every area, and hard to find) New areas, Remapped some dungeons (so your old guides wont work) , Extra recurring characters (some’ll hate you, some’ll help you)

Note that the hack is incomplete but feel free to enjoy the hack as-is.

Final Fantasy III Maeson MixRead Me


Final Fantasy III Maeson Patches:

First of all, Hi, I'm Maeson, a big noob at making romhacks. That's all I have to say really, you don't care about me, i'm sure.

This works with:
The original japanese game.
The well known translation made by Alex W. Jackson, Neill Corlett and SoM2Freak.

It also seems to work well with the expanded translation made by ad0220, although I haven't tested it entirely.

You will need a program like Lunar Ips to put this patches on your ROM. This mod should be patched after the translation,  
if you want to play it in english, of course... I hope the translators are not annoyed by this.

Anyway, let's start this thing:


FF3 Magic Changes & Magic Multiplier 1.1.ips

FF3 Class Stat Balance 2.3.ips

FF3 Command Changes 1.2.ips

FF3 Weapon Changes 2.6.ips

FF3 Armor Changes 1.6.Ips

FF3 Shop Changes.Ips

FF3 Monster HP & Changes 1.4.ips / FF3 Even Moar HP 1.1.Ips

FF3 Steal Changes 1.3.ips

Final Fantasy III Maeson Mix.Ips

Visual Patches


FF3 Magic Changes & Magic Multiplier 1.1.ips

This patch modifies the spells to improve how black magic and some white magic spells underwhelming they where; either by their low Spell Power
or because most of this spells have their final damage divided by the number of targets.

This are the changes::

Level 1:

Fire	Spell Power upgraded from 25 to 40
Ice	Spell Power upgraded from 25 to 40
Sleep	Now has higher chance to induce Sleep

White Magic No changes in level 1

Level 2

Bolt	Spell Power upgraded from 35 to 50
Venom	Spell Power upgraded from 20 to 65
Blind	No Changes

Aero    Spell Power upgraded from 45 to 60 (Is Wind AND Ice element!)
Toad	No changes
Mini	No changes

Level 3

Fire2   Spell Power upgraded from 55 to 80, they are now Full Damage Full Screen spells (Attack all enemies at maximum strength)
Ice2    Spell Power upgraded from 55 to 80, they are now Full Damage Full Screen spells (Attack all enemies at maximum strength)
Bolt2   Spell Power upgraded from 55 to 80, they are now Full Damage Full Screen spells (Attack all enemies at maximum strength)

Cure2	Spell Power upgraded from 125 to 150 (So it heals more)
Wash	No changes
Exit	No changes

Level 4

Shade	No changes
Ice3	Spell Power upgraded from 85 to 130, it is now Full Damage Full Screen spell
Break	No changes

White Magic No changes in level 3

Level 5

Bolt3	Spell Power upgraded from 110 to 140, it is now Full Damage Full Screen spell
Raze	No changes
Erase	No changes

Cure3	Spell Power upgraded from 180 to 215
Life1	No changes	
Safe	Now can Multi-Target Allies

Level 6

Fire3	Spell Power stays at 150, it is now Full Damage Full Screen spell
Bio	Spell Power upgraded to 200, it is now Full Damage Full Screen spell			
Warp	No changes

Aero2 	Spell Power upgraded from 115 to 150, it is now Full Damage Full Screen spell
Soft	No changes
Haste	No changes

Level 7

Quake 	Spell Power upgraded to 210, it is now Full Damage Full Screen spell
Brak2	No changes
Drain	Spell Power upgraded to 225, only single-target					

Cure 4	Spell power upgraded to 250, while it wont do anything as a single target, in Multi-Target it should heal more
Heal	No changes
Wall	No changes

Level 8

Flare	Spell Power upgraded to 255 Single Target
Death	No Changes
Meteo	Spell Power upgraded to 220, Full Damage Full Screen spell

WWind No changes
Life2	No changes
Holy	Spell Power upgraded to 200, it is now Full Damage Full Screen spell

And that's it for Mage Spells... But not the end of this patch!

Terrain Magic

Everybody knows that while Geomancers where kind of useful at some small parts (and that's just about it),  they didn't have that much to offer and it's damage is pretty low compared even to vanilla Black Magic.

That's why it has been improved. The biggest problem with Terrain was the AWFUL ACCURACY the spells have. Seriously, it's ridiculous. Why even bother to create an entirely new and unique way of doing magic if you're going to make it so bad...

Anyway, the Spell Power of  Terrain is now 175, accuracy has been improved, the variants that hit multiple enemies are now Full Damage Full Screen too! While it's still weaker than any other type of magic (compared to the highest levels), they never run out of magic points, so they needed to be less powerful.

But less powerful doesn't mean useless; their damage-all-attacks-with-zero-cost are great! Besides, Geomancers have other toys to play around and annoy evil dwelers. They become pretty fun all around.

A side-effect of this patch is, because now Terrain is muche more prone to hit than before, the chances of back firing are lower, making this more reliable, yet still random.

Summon Magic

This is the elephant in the room. Summon Magic has it too damn good in this game. The formula in this game benefits Summons much more than any other game i've played in my life. While Geomancy, and White/Black Magic have some severe formulas that makes the damage lower, Summon's is ridiculously forgiving.

That's why Summons are so powerful. And that's why I have nerfed High Summon spells. Bahamut and Leviathan are still the most powerful magic attacks in the game, but not as much as they were before. And even then don't expect the Sage to be that powerful as before in this mod.

I didn't nerf Normal Summon because you have a risk between two moves, and because there is a risk of wasting time/turns/getting damaged I think there should be enough reward; that and the Evoker is the only one that has it and being a less powerful Summoner I think is a decent trade-off. That's why normal summon Leviatan and Bahamut have been improved a little.

High Summon 

Bahamut,  Spell Power reduced to 140, still plenty of power.
Leviathan, Spell Power reduced to 115, still plenty of power. Curiously enough, this spell is Thunder Element.
Odin,         No changes
Titan,        Spell Power reduced to 25
Ifrit,	     Spell Power reduced to 10
Ramuh,     Spell Power reduced to 10

The rest are the same.

Normal Summon

Bahamut, If Rend (Offensive move) effect: Spell Power upgraded to 181, now attacks everybody with high damage instead of "maybe" killing one enemy.

Leviatan, if Tempest (Offensive move) effect: Spell Power upgraded to 151, it's actually both Wind and Thunder elemental! Who knew? Why is Leviathan not water element in any form of attack?

Note: Even if it says 25, 10, and 10, for Titan, Ifrit and Ramu, because of how the Summon Formula Damage works, the final damage it's pretty high, even more if you consider that they are low level spells.
Godly damage for "garbage magic points" after first half of the game it's too good for my taste.

So don't worry, your fire guy and your old man with magnificent beard are still good, just not as a cheap way of not wasting higher spell points than before.

Magic Attack Multiplier

If you didn't know, when you improve your Skill Class Level, it actually affects magical damage too. The more skill levels, the more damage and bigger number of hits
that spells do (This are not shown in battle, they are hidden, but they exist and are very important). So yeah, Skill level is very useful here too!

Or it should have been that way... The Magic Attack Multiplier formula is, originally, Int or spirit/16 + Level/16 Skill/32 for Black, White and Terrain Magic. This means that you get an upgrade at skill levels 33, 65 and 97. If you compare that to the Summon formula, you'll see that Summon get's quite a few more upgrades.

That's why I changed it. Thanks to the help of STARWIN, which is the one that found where this data was stored and who made me understand how this thing works I'm able to change the formula so intead of Skill/32, it's Skill/8. This affects every magic, so Terrain, Black and White will be easier to improve, much less grindy if you don't want to keep leveling skill up, and it will add some challenge with monsters that cast magic.

This part of the patch is all thanks to him.

And that's it for this patch!


FF3 Class Stat Balance 2.3.ips

This patch reason to exist is to give bad classes what they needed, better stats. No more ridiculously bad Scholar/Bard/Whatever it's not Ninja or Sage (Those two got nerfed, so yay)

The balance is made like this: I upgraded the base stats of each class, because each one has it's own growth and it would be too time consuming and annoying to be worth it.
And besides,  pretty much all the classes are unable to be used until you level up to X needed level (Depends on which crystal gives them to you), so you wouldn't see much of a difference as you progress through the game. If you see a class that seems too strong at one point, rest assured that as you level up and progress, those differences will get smaller and smaller.

This Patch also changes the starting HP to 50 instead of 32.

This is the list:

Class		 St  Ag Vi  In  Sp				 St  Ag Vi   In  Sp			
Onion  	   	  5  5  5  5  5		No Changes-      St  Ag  Vi  In  Sp                                     St  Ag  Vi   In   Sp -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Fighter  	10 10  5  2  3		Improved to	25 10 10  2  3		Total 	90 75 55 25 22 
Monk    	10 10  7  1  2		Improved to	11 10 19 10 10		Total 	99 75 85 10 10
White    	  5  6  4  5 10		Improved to	10   6 10   5 20		Total 	50 50 56 25 85 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Black 		  5  7  3 10  5		Improved to	 5  12 10  20  5		Total 	50 51 56 85 25 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Red      	  6  7  5  6  6		Improved to	16 12 15 16 16		Total 	60 75 40 60 60
Hunter  	  5 20  5  5  5		Improved to	15 17 10  5 20		Total 	85 95 80 25 40 
Knight  	10 10 10  3  7		Changed  to	16  6 20  3   7		Total 	90 80 90 25 24
Thief   	 	10 15  9  5  1		Improved to	20 16 19  5 15		Total 	85 99 60 75 15  
Scholar 	10 10  1 15  4		Improved to	15 15 31 15  5		Total 	80 80 45 98 35 
Geoman  	10 10 10 20  5		Improved to	30 10 30 25 15		Total 	70 75 70 80 60 
Dragoon 	20 10 10  5 10		Improved to	35 11 30  5 10		Total 	90 99 70 25 50 
Viking		15 10 20  5  5		Improved to	39 30 12  5  5		Total 	99 70 90 25 50 
BlackBelt  	23 10 20  1  1		Changed to  	15   2  7 30 30		Total	90 90 85 30 30 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
M.Kinght 	20 20 10  2  3		Improved to	40 35 30  2  3		Total 	95 90 70 50 50 
Conjurer 	10 10  5 15 15		Improved to	10 10 25 15 15		Total 	75 50 45 75 75 
Bard     	 5 15 15 10 10		Improved to	45 20 15 10 10		Total 	65 80 75 50 75 
Warlock 	10 15 10 30  5		Improved to	15 20 10 30  5		Total 	30 80 98 99 50 
Shaman	15 10 15  5 25		Improved to	20 10 25  5 25		Total 	55 75 85 50 99 
Summon  	20 15  5 15 15		Changed to	20 15 40  5  5		Total 	75 98 60 65 65 
Sage 		15 20 15 25 25		Nerfed to	15 10 10  1  1		Total 	50 65 70 75 75 
Ninja   		25 25 20 15 15		Nerfed to	11 25  5 10 10		Total 	85 99 83 45 45 

As you can see, some of them change quite a bit. 

For starters, Fighter gets a little more Str and Vit, but it's not that different, hes's still the same. Monk gets a little of Int and Spirit so items that cast magic get a little boost, but the Monk should be fighting.
Black and White mages get a nice boost to their Int/Spirit and some to their Vit, so they are not as bad and mediocre as in the vanilla game and you can level up without changing into another class because they get so few Hit Points, they should gain more or less (depending on your luck) the same as the fighter during the first levels. 

Red gets some visually strong starting stats, and he's quite efficient early in the game, but as always he ends up being the Jack of all, master of none, as his stats indicate.
But don't worry, a lot of weapons and armor are now avaiable for him, thus making him useful long after the early moments of the game.

Hunter gets more Strength, a few points less of Agility, but 15 more spirit! He may now heal a little more, but there are more changes than stats for this guy, he get's more equipment at his disposal and the oportunity to be a frong line fighter or keep fighting in the back row.

Knight is one of the classes that most people use , from the point you get the class to the point you get Ninja. Now, he has changed very little, he has more Strength, less Agility, and more Vitality. He is pretty balanced, and he will now be able to use more types of weapons. The thing is that the other classes that didn't reach his levels of awesome; now I hope they can with my patches, so beware, Knight, you have competition!

Thief, thief, thief... How sad it is that a game where you can steal things doesn't have any interesting things to steal? You may think that you can steal magic items and sell them for money, and early in the game it may be useful, but for the rest of the game is pretty dissapointing. I really want to change the steal index, but I can't understand how it works, it's a mess. So sorry, that's out of question for now, maybe give him some other command or something... Anyway, Thief gets more strength, Vit,  and Spirit. He gets better equipment too. He may have some use after all.

EDIT: Thanks to the amazing and constant help of STARWIN (A great member of the Romhacking.Net forums) I can say that now the Steal command is useful! I added random items like BombShards, Pillows, LilithKiss and similar items to pretty much all normal enemies, and you have access to a good ammount of  Late/End game equipment distributed to monsters during the second half of the game waiting to be robbed (Or dropped).

Scholar is one of those jobs that was really, really awful. Now he is a rather weird, but decent one. His Strength and Agility have been upgraded a notch, and his vitality is average now instead of just plain terrible.
His high Int may let him do more damage with spell casting items, and books now are better weapons than before, and have different spells that can be cast too. They also have more weapons to choose from.

Does anyone think that Geomancers look like Black Mages moments before going to sleep? Anyway... Yeah, they got some improvements. While they look like a mix of average and balanced at 99, that's because they get some rather curious changes to his bells, plus the improvment on Terrain and more equipment avaiable for him makes this class better, I hope.

Poor Dragoon, he is cool, but his stats where a little disappointing compared to the Knight. But look at them now! He's fast, his strength isn't low as before, and his vit has a nice upgrade without being too high.
He gets more equipment avaiable to him, so I hope he is more than a Garuda Killer now! It's also very fun to make him jump on the enemies with HP draining weapons, the ammount of Hp he recovers is crazy.

Viking... For how cool is to see what it looks like a Black Mage with a beard, he was pretty meh too. You would expect that someone who can wield big axes and hammers would be strong. But not that much.
Now he is this kind of tankish guy, highest strength, better agility, and high vitality. His equipment has been spreaded, with more options than before, and he has a new command at his disposal: Cheer.
Because he has no special command of his own, I thought that giving him something would be nice, and because there is no Provoke thing here, maybe Cheer would fit his character, because Provoke lowered the defense of monsters and Cheer gives attack to the party, it's kind of similar in the end... Sort of.

Black Belt, he was amazing, and still is. His equipment has some boosts and I improved his Spirit and Int stats. I guess the claws are still useless when he gets more damage from his BARE KNUCKLES at higher Skill levels, but I gave them better stats so you can use them while you're not as experienced.

Great series of games, by the way.

Mystic Knight, how sad I am that i'm unable to give you the Dark Command. I'm really bad at hacking, so I'm sorry to disappoint you. If I could hack some kind of "Terrain kind of thing" where he dishes dark damage to everyone and hurts himself after... BUT, look at those stats, now you're much better! While it doesn't have the same total as Viking/Dragoon, he has levels 1-2-3  of white magic, which can be useful here and there, and he gets more options of equipment than before.

Well, Conjurer/Evoker ended up being a weird job after my spell patch (First thing I did here). As you may have seen, he has more Int/Spirit than Summoner, but he's weaker in every other stat which should be normal. Thing is, because of the High Summon nerf, he is now this kind of "risk versus reward" kind of job. He can dish out more damage than anyone, but at the price of being random. He has more equipment options, so it may be fun to try!

Bard... That one word that meant useless in vanilla. Bards where supposed to be a support class, but they don't support that much. They had really bad stats and their equipment was poor. That's why I improved his Strength so much: Harps now do damage and can be used as an item for interesting spell effects, and each one has it's own status effect and recover HP to the Bard himself, he can equip other weapons and armor too, and I even managed to recover the dummied Dream Harp! His decent Spirit may come in handy when you need to use your new Dream Harp to heal your party (Although multitargeting kind of sucks anyway, if you think about Item casting spells), and you can "play your harps" to improve defenses, strength or send enemies to take a nap!

Who seriously thought that the Warlock should have 98 vitality? I want to hug him/her. There is no much to say about the Warlock. He's faster, and that's it. His Vit and Int are top notch, his spells are more powerful, he has more equipment at his disposal, he is your "go to" class for reliable magic damage dealer and utlity spells user. Because of the nerf of the Sage, Warlock (And Shaman) should be more useful than before.

Is that a cat hood or a bunny hood? Whatever, Shaman didn't change that much neither. She is stronger and has more vitality, she has more options on what gear she can use, and again, that's pretty much it. She will be more important now that Sage is not the big guy he was before.

Wow, I didn't know Summoner was that fast until I started to make this hack. I gave him more vit because he needs it, lowered Int and Spirit because of the High Summon thing, he can equip more things and with those Str and Agi he can bash bad guys with weapons and maybe try to petrify all that hits. Even then, spamming Bahamut or Leviathan is still good.

And here come the two guys that make every other class being thrown to the garbage. Or that's what everybody says.

While its' true that they're the best of the best because of their qualities, you get them so, so late, that I'll never understand why they are used. When you get them is the end of the game, and if you change into them you start with Class/Skill level 1. Even if they have better stats, you lose so many things that come with the skill levels like damage of your attack/spells, the number of hits you do (Both attack and magic), and other
hidden stats... 

Anyway, both have been nerfed. Mostly Sage because he is so broken it's not even funny. He gets lower Int, Spirit and Agility, and because other classes get more equipment, makes more fair the fact that he has so much magic to choose and High Summons. Ninja has been less nerfed because while he can use every piece of equipment, he doesn't have any special ability (And Shurikens have been nerfed).

I don't want to talk about these two that much, honestly.

And that's what this patch does. Stat Changing. Woo hoo.


FF3 Command Changes 1.2.ips

This is more of a convenience patch, but it may do battles less tedious! 

I rearranged the actions in battle so they are faster to use and you are required less button/directional pad presses to get through. 
I always found annoying how mages have Magic in the third slot when is the thing
you'll use most of the time (Unles you mash the A to attack weak monsters, of course!) or how the RUN command was in the middle, it made no sense.

That's why I made this patch! I also gave the Viking new commands.

Onion 		Rearranged to Attack Defend Item Run
Fighter		Rearranged to Attack Defend Item Run
Monk		Rearranged to Attack Defend Item Run
WhiteMage  	Rearranged to Attack  Magic Item Run
BlackMage	Rearranged to Attack  Magic Item Run
Red    	 	Rearranged to Attack  Magic Item Run
Hunter		Rearranged to Attack  Magic Defend Run
Knight		Rearranged to Attack Defend Item Run 
Thief		Rearranged to Attack Steal Item Escape 
Scholar		Unchanged,    Attack Scan Peep Item
Geomancer	Rearranged to Attack Terrain Defend Item
Dragoon	Rearranged to Attack Jump    Defend Item
Viking		Rearranged to Attack Cheer Defense Item. > Now has Cheer instead of Run as he lacks the Provoke from the DS version or anything unique here.
BlackBelt	Rearranged to Attack Build Up Defend Item
M.Knight 	Rearranged to Attack Magic Defend Item
Conjurer	Rearranged to AttacK Magic Item Run 
Bard    		Unchanged,    Sing Attack Cheer Item	Scare has been removed because it was pretty useless and now that he can equip other weapons needs Attack.
Warlock 	Rearranged to Attack Magic Item Run
Devout  		Rearranged to Attack Magic Item Run
Summon  	Rearranged to Attack Magic Item Run
Sage		Rearranged to Attack Magic Item Run
Ninja		Rearranged to Attack Defend Item Run

Very simple. That's all this patch does. 

Note: Viking's Cheer and Bard's Attack give Skill Experience, if you're curious. Cheer seems to give less Skill Exp 
to the Viking as it does for the Bard (12 to the Bard and what seems to be 8 to the Viking, but I'm not sure), 
but you can level up Skill levels just by spamming Cheer (Although you may want to have him bare handed and slap enemies 
in the face for faster Skill Exp gain). The same happens with the Bard, if you want him to use daggers or boomerangs 
instead of Harps and leave the instruments for stat inducing or item-casting.

There will be two aditional patches that will change between Attack Sing Cheer Item and Sing Attack Cheer Item, 
in case you want to focus on Harps or another weapons and just want it to be the first option.


FF3 Weapon Changes 2.6.ips

And here it comes, one of the longest patches, and one of the most time consuming ones. Discovering where they were,
getting every single weapons' values, trying to know what each value meant in each part... Jesus christ. And that's 
just learning them, modifying them was long too. But it's done so no more complaining.

One of the few problems I saw with the game os how restrictive is with equipment, it basically can make of break classes. 
I wanted to spread weapons and armor more so everyone gets a little of variety, and I did just that, but it's a little limited, 
I have to work with already existing "equipment usability groups", like for example, a Claw can only be equipped by Black Belts, 
so thats one group.

The knife can be used by Onion Knight, Warrior,  Black Mage, Red Mage, Knight, and Thief, that's just another group. 
So, I needed the values for every group possible, and while it's not perfect I can spread items well
enough thanks to some very decent groups!

But I guess nobody cares about that, so here's the list of changes:

Changes to Weapons are in bold letters


Kaiser Knuckles

Attack from 36 to 66, 100% Hit, Equipped by:
Black Belt
Cat Claws

Attack from 42 to 60, 100% Hit,  Equipped by:
Black Belt
Wyvern Claws

Attack from 48 to 75, 100% Hit, Fire+Thunder Element, Cast Aero, Equipped by:
Black Belt
Faerie Claws 

Attack from 37 to 90, 100% Hit, Cast Confu, Equipped by:
Black Belt
Hellish Claws

Attack from 60 to 115, 100% Hit, Dark Element, Poison status, Equipped by:
Black Belt

They're not that important as Black Belt uses his hands at higher levels and ninja, but I wanted to change them anyway...


Attack from 12 to 17, 70% Hit, Equipped by:


Attack from 20 to 30, 80% Hit, Equipped by:

Three Section Staff

Attack from 25 to 35, 70% Hit, Equipped by:

Like Claws, these don't count that much, but they can be useful early.

Mythril Rod 

Attack from 5 and 60% Hit, to 8 and 80% + 5 Int, Equipped by:
White Mage, Black Mage, Red Mage, Scholar, Geomancer, Evoker, Magus, Devout, Summoner, Sage
Fire/Ice/Light Rod

From 12 to 16 Attack  , Hit to 75% +5 Int +5 Agi, Fire Up/Bolt Up/Ice Up (Improves damage of that element) Equipped by:
Black Mage, Red Mage, Evoker, Magus, Summoner, Sage 
Omni Rod

Attack from 20 to 50, +5 Agi +5 Int +Spirit, 80% Hit, Air/Earth/Fire/Holy/Ice/Lightning Element (Seriously, it is!) Equipped by:
White Mage, Black Mage, Red Mage, Scholar, Geomancer, Evoker, Magus, Devout, Summoner, Sage



Attack from 3 and 50% Hit to 8 and 70% Hit, +5 Spirit

Fire/Ice/Light Staff

Attack from 8 and 50% Hit to 10 and 70% Hit, +5 Spirit +5 Vit, Cast Fire/Ice/Bolt

Golem Staff

Attack from 16 and 70% to 60 and 75%, +5 Vit + Str, Cast Break, Partial Petrification status, Earth Element, Equipped by:
White Mage, Black Mage, Red Mage, Scholar, Geomancer, Evoker, Magus, Devout, Summoner, Sage

Rune Staff

Attack from 20 to 50, 80% Hit, Confusion Status, +5 Int +5 Spirit, +5 Vit, Fire Up, Equipped by:

Elder Staff

Attack from 30 to 55, 90% Hit, Fire Up/Ice Up/Bolt Up, Equipped by:
White Mage, Black Mage, Red Mage, Scholar, Geomancer, Evoker, Magus, Devout, Summoner, Sage


Thor's Hammer

Attack from 30 and 70% Hit to 85 and 80% Hit, Thunder Element, +5 Vit, Equipped by:
Onion Kid, Warrior, Red Mage, Dragoon, Viking and M.Knight


Attack from 45 and 60% Hit to 65 and 70% Hit, +5 Str, Equipped by:
Onion Kid, Warrior, Red Mage, Dragoon, Viking and M.Knight

Great Axe

Attack from 75 to 115,  80% Hit, Recovery Element, +5 str +5 Agi, Equipped by:
Onion Kid, Warrior, Red Mage, Dragoon, Viking and M.Knight

Morning Star

Attack From 50 and 70% Hit, to 85 and 75% Hit, +5 Str + Vit, Poison Status, Equipped by:
Onion Kid, Warrior, Red Mage, Dragoon, Viking and M.Knight

Dual Tomahawk

Attack from 60 and 80% Hit to 130 and 90% Hit, Recovery Element, +5 Str +5 Vit, Equipped by:

Triton Hammer

Attack from 85 to 155, 80% Hit, +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Vit, Bolt Up, Cast Thundara, Air and Thunder Element, Equipped by:


Thunder Spear

Attack from 35 to 65, 80% Hit, +5 Agi, Bolt Up, Wind and Thunder Element, Equipped by:
Warrior, Ranger, Knight, Dragoon, Viking  

Wind Spear

Attack from 50 to 75, Hit 80%, +5 Str, Equipped by:
Warrior, Ranger, Knight, Dragoon, Viking  

Blood Lance

Attack from 70 to 115, 80% Hit,  +5 Str +5 Agi , Air and Recovery Element, Poison Status, Equipped by:
Warrior, Ranger, Knight, Dragoon, Viking  


Holy Lance

Attack from 100 to 135, Hit 80%,+5 Str +5 Vit +5 Agi, Cast Cure, Holy and Air Element, Partial Petrification 1/3, Equipped by:



Attack 6, 85% Hit


Attack from 8 to 13,  85% Hit

Mythril Knife

Attack from 10 to 23, 85% Hit, +5 Agi

Main Gauche

Attack from 30 to 70, 100% Hit, +5 Str, Poison Status

Attack from 45 to 105, 100% Hit, Recovery Element,  +5 Str +5 Agi, Paralysis Status

Air Knife

Attack from 60 to 120, Cast Confu, +5 Str,+5 Vit +5 Agi, Confusion Status, Air Element

ALLTHE DAGGERS can be Equipped by:
Warrior, Monk, Red Mage, Ranger, Knight, Thief, Scholar, Geomancer, Dragoon, Viking, Black Belt, Bard

-Monk and Black Belt come with the AA index, and the possibility to give daggers to Rangers,
 Scholars, Geomancers and Bards is more important. Sorry if it bothers you....


Long sword

Attack 10, 80% Hit, Equipped by:
Onion Kid, Warrior, Knight


15 Attack, 80% Hit, +5 Vit, Equipped by:
Onion Kid, Warrior, Red Mage, Knight Dragoon, Viking, M. Knight.

Golden Sword

Attack from 5 and 20% Hit to 20 and 60% Hit, Poison Status, Equipped by:


Mythril Sword 

Attack from 17 to 20, 85% Hit, Equipped by:
Onion Kid, Warrior, Knight

Serpent Sword

Attack from 25 to 30, 80% Hit, Thunder Element, Equipped by:
Onion Kid, Warrior, Knight, Thief

Freezing Blade

Attack 40, 80% Hit, Ice Element, Equipped by:
Warrior, Knight


Attack 29, Hit 80%, Equipped by:
Onion Kid, Warrior, Red Mage, Knight Dragoon, Viking, M. Knight

Salamand Sword

Attack from 32 to 35, 80% Hit, Fire Element, Cast Fire, Equipped by:
Warrior, Knight

Royal Sword

Attacl from 50 to 85, 80% Hit, +5 Str +5 Vit, Equipped by:
Knight, Mystic Knight

Blood Sword

Attack from 35 to 80, +5 str +5 Agi, Equipped by:
Onion Kid, Warrior, Red Mage, Knight, Viking, Dragoon, Mystic Knight

Ancient Sword 

Attack from 5 to 70, 80% Hit, Holy Element, +5 Vit Equipped by:
Onion Kid, Warrior, Red Mage, Knight, Dragoon, Viking, M.Knight 


Attack from 95 to 100, +5 Agi +5 Vit, Equipped by:
Onion Kid, Warrior, Red Mage, Knight, Dragoon, Viking, M.Knight

Break Blade

Attack from 120 to 105, 80% Hit, Partial Petrification status, +5 Vit, Equipped by: 
Onion Kid, Warrior, Red Mage, Knight, Dragoon, Viking, M.Knight


Attack from 160 to 130, 80% Hit, Holy Element, +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Vit, Equipped by:

Attack from 180 to 155, 100%, Dark Element, +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Vit, Equipped by:
Knight, Mystic Knight

Dark Swords


Attack from 65 to 70, 80% Hit, Dark Element, +5 Agi, Equipped by:
Onion Kid, Warrior, Red Mage, Knight, Thief, Dragoon, Viking

Attack from 105 to 90, 90% Hit, Dark Element, Cast Blind, Equipped by:
Mystic Knight

Kiku Ichimonji

Attack from 125 to 110, 100% Hit, +5 Agi +5 Vit, Dark Element, Cast Confu, Sleep status, Equipped by:
Mystic Knight


Attack from 160 to 140,  90% Hit, Dark Element, +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Vit, Poison status, Equipped By:
Mystic Knight


Book of Fire/Ice/Light

Attack from 32 to 40, 75% Hit, Fire/Ice/Thunder Element, +5 Str +5 Vit, Cast Fire/Blizzard/Light, Equipped by:
Scholar, Sage

Tome of Fire/ICe/Light

Attack from 65 and 70% Hit to 105 and 80%, +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Vit, Fire/Ice/Thunder Element, Cast Fira/Blizzara/Thundara, Equipped by:



Attack from 35 and 70% Hit to 80 and 80%, +5 Str +5 Agi, Wind Element, Equipped by:
Warrior, Monk, Red Mage, Ranger, Knight, Thief, Scholar, Geomancer, Dragoon, Viking
Black Belt, Bard. I also changed the palette of it.

Moonring Blade

Attack from 160 to 115, +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Vit, Equipped by:
Warrior, Monk, Red Mage, Ranger, Knight, Thief, Scholar, Geomancer, Dragoon, Viking
Black Belt, Bard. I also changed the palette of it.


Attack from 200 to 150, 100% Hit


Diamond Bell

Attack from 25 to 60, 80% Hit, Cast Protect, Equipped by:

Earthen Bell

Attack from 30 to 80, 80% Hit, Paralysis status, +5 Agi, +5 Vit +5 Int, Cast Toad, Equipped by:

Rune Bell

Attack From 40 to 115, 100% Hit, Confusion Status, +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Vit +5 Int, Cast Mini, Recovery Element, Equipped by:


Madora Harp

Attack from 40 to 140, 70% Hit, +5 Agi +5 Vit, Cast Protection, Poison status, Recovery Element,  Equipped by:

Dream Harp

Attack from 0 to 120, 70% Hit, +5 Spirit +5 Agi +5 Int, Cast Cure3, Paralysis status, Recovery Element, Equipped by
Bard - This is a dummied weapon that has been put back into the game.  It didn't have any stat before.

Lamia Harp

Attack from 0 to 150, 80% Hit, +5 Agi +5 Vit, Cast sleep, Sleep status, Recovery Element,  Equipped by:


Attack from 60 to 185, 100% Hit, +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Vit, Cast Haste, Confusion Status, Recovery Element, Equipped by:



Attack from 5 to 12, Hit 90%,  Equipped by: 
All classes but Mystic Knight

Great Bow

Attack from 8 to 25, 85%, Equipped by: 
All classes but Mystic Knight

Killer Bow

Attack from 15 to 60, 85% Hit, +5 Agi, Equipped by:
Warrior, Monk, Red Mage, Ranger, Knight, Thief, Scholar, Geomancer, Dragoon, Viking, Black Belt.

Rune Bow

Attack from 25 to 100, 90% Hit, +5 Spirit, Equipped by:
Warrior, Monk, Red Mage, Ranger, Knight, Thief, Scholar, Geomancer, Dragoon, Viking, Black Belt

Yoichi Bow

Attack from 50 to 180, 100% Hit, +5 Str +5 Vit +5 Agi, Equipped by:

Wooden Arrow
Attack  	6, 90% Hit,  Equipped by: 
All classes but Mystic Knight

Holy Arrow
Attack 13, 85% Hit, Holy Element  Equipped by: 
All classes but Mystic Knight
Iron Arrow
Attack 17, 85% Hit,  Equipped by: 
All classes but Mystic Knight

Light Arrow
Attack 30, 85% Hit, Thunder Element, Equipped by:
Warrior, Monk, Red Mage, Ranger, Knight, Thief, Scholar, Geomancer, Dragoon, Viking, Black Belt.

Fire Arrow
Attack 30, 90% Hit, Fire Element, Equipped by:
Warrior, Monk, Red Mage, Ranger, Knight, Thief, Scholar, Geomancer, Dragoon, Viking, Black Belt.

Ice Arrow
Attack 30, 90% Hit, Ice Element, Equipped by:
Warrior, Monk, Red Mage, Ranger, Knight, Thief, Scholar, Geomancer, Dragoon, Viking, Black Belt.

Medusa Arrow
Attack 20, 100% Hit, Earth Element, Petrification status, Equipped by:
Warrior, Monk, Red Mage, Ranger, Knight, Thief, Scholar, Geomancer, Dragoon, Viking, Black Belt.

Yoichi Arrow
Attack 70, 100% Hit, Equipped by:
Ranger	-

Arrows stay the same

And that's what this patch does. 


FF3 Armor Changes 1.6.Ips

Just like Weapons, armor was pretty limited to some classes, and some of the items were kind of disappointing.
So I changed it, now they are overall more powerful, more classes not only can equip more things,
but they have choices depending on what each player has, like, now most magical classes can equip Black and White robes,
each one gives a different bonus, or Crystal and Genji,where the first gives more defense and the second 
more magic defense for different situations. I hope this works out.

Leather Shield

Defense from 3 to 5, Evasion 3% to 5%, Magic Defense from 2 to 5, Resist Petrification, Sleep, Equipped by:

Onion Shield 

Defense 48, Evasion 48%, Magic Defense 48 Equipped by:
Onion Kid

Mythril Shield	

Defense from 5 to 8, Evasion from 7% to 8%, Resist Thunder, Magic Defense 7, Equipped by:
Onion Kid, Warrior, Red Mage, Knight, Thief, Dragoon, Viking

Ice Shield

Defense from 8 to 10, Evasion from 9% to 10%, Magic Defense 8, Resist Fire, Equipped by:
Onion Kid, Warrior, Red Mage, Knight, Thief, Dragoon, Viking

Heroic Shield

Defense from 10 to 14, Evasion from 10% to 12%, Magic Defense 12, Vit +5 Equipped by:
Usable by Onion Kid, Warrior, Red Mage, Knight, Dragoon, Viking and M.Knight

Demon Shield

Defense from 12 to 15, Evasion from 14% to 10%, Magic Defense 18 +5 Vit, Equipped by:
Mystic Knight

Diamond Shield

Defense from 13 to 19, Evasion from 14% to 19%, Magic Defense from 15 to 20, Resist Thunder, Equipped by:
Onion Kid, Warrior, Red Mage, Knight, Dragoon, Viking and M.Knight

Aegis Shield

Defense from 16 to 24, Evasion from 16% to 24%, Magic Defense 30, +5 Agi +5 Vit, Equipped by:

Genji Shield

Defense from 20 to 28, Evasion from 18% to 24%, Magic Defense 25, +5 Agi +5 Str, Equipped by:
Onion Kid, Warrior, Red Mage, Knight, Dragoon, Viking and M.Knight

Crystal Shield

Defense from 20 to 33, Evasion 16% to 27%, Magic Defense 30, +5 Vitality, +5 Str +5 Agi, Equipped by:
Onion Kid, Warrior, Red Mage, Knight, Dragoon, Viking, Mystic Knight

Leather Cap

Defense From 1 to 2, Evasion from 1% to 2%, Magic Defense 2, Equipped by:
Everybody but Mystic Knight

Onion Helm 	

Defense 48, Evasion 48%, Magic Defense 48, Equpped by:
Onion Kid

Mythril Helm

Defense from 2 to 4, 4% Evasion, 4 Magic Defense, Equipped by:
Onion Kid, Warrior, Red Mage, Knight, Thief, Dragoon, Viking

Shell Helm
Defense from 3 to 8, Evasion from 5% to 7%, Magic Defense 6, Resist Earth, Equipped by:
Onion Kid, Warrior, Red Mage, Knight, Dragoon, Viking, Mystic Knight

Ice Helm

Defense from 4 to 6, Evasion from 6% to 7%, Magic Defense 6,  Resist Fire, Equipped by:
Warrior, Red Mage, Ranger, Knight, Thief, Dragoon, Viking


Defense from 4 to 7, Evasion from 6% to 8%, Magic Defense 6, +5 Str, Equipped by:

Scholar Hat

Defense from 5 to 6, Evasion 10%, Magic Defense 7, +5 Int +5 Spirit,  Equipped by:
White Mage, Black Mage, Scholar, Magus, Devout/Shaman, Sage

Black Cowl
Defense  from 5 to 9, Evasion from 10% to 13%,  Magic Defense 5, +5 Str, Equipped by:

Chakra Band

Defense from 6 to 16, Evasion from 10% to 14%, Magic Defense 12, +5 Vit, Resist Dark, Resist Confusion, Toad, Equipped by:
Monk, Black Belt

Viking Helm

Defense from 7 to 18, Evasion from 10% to 12%, Magic Defense 12, +5 Str, +5 Vit, Equipped by:
Dragon Helm

Defense from 7 to 16, Evasion from 10% to 15%, Magic Defense 10, +5 Str +5 Agi, Resist Petrification, Sleep, Equipped by:
Feathered Hat

Defense from 7 to 14, Evasion from 10% to 13%, Magic Defense from 8 to 20, +5 Agi, Resist Conf. Mini, Petrif. Sleep and Toad, Equipped by:
Ranger, Scholar, Geomancer, Evoker, Bard, Magus, Devout/Shaman, Summoner, Sage

Diamond Helm

Defense from 8 to 18, Evasion 12%, Magic Defense 10,  +5 Agi, Resist Thunder, Equipped by:
Onion Kid, Warrior, Red Mage, Knight, Dragoon, Viking, M.Knight
Genji Helm

Defense from 10 to 20, Evasion from 15% to 16%, Magic Defense 20, +5 Str,  Equipped by:
Onion Kid, Warrior, Red Mage,  Knight, Dragoon, Viking, M.Knight

Crystal Helm

Defense from 12 to 25, Evasion from 10% to 16%, Magic Defense 15, +5 Vit, Equipped by:	
Onion Kid, Warrior, Red Mage, Knight, Dragoon, Viking, M.Knight


Defense from 9 to 18, Evasion from 10% to 18%,  Magic Defense 25, Resist Fire, Ice, Earth, Wind, Recovery (?),  Immune to All Status Effects,
+5 to All Stats, Equipped by:




Defense 1, Evasion 1%, Magic Defense 1, Equipped by:
Everybody but Mystic Knight

Leather Armor

Defense from 2 to 3, Evasion from 1% to 2%, Magic Defense 2,  Equipped by:
Everybody but Mystic Knight

Onion Armor

Defense 48, Evasion 48%, Magic Defense 48 Equipped by:
Onion Knight

Mythril Armor

Defense from 3 to 5, Evasion 3% to 4%, Magic Defense 3, Equipped by:
Onion Kid, Warrior, Red Mage, Ranger, Knight, Dragoon, Viking

Caparace Armor

Defense from 4 to 10, Evasion from  4% to 6%, Magic Defense 5, Resist Thunder, +5 Vit, Equipped by:
Onion Kid, Warrior, R.Mage, Knight, Thief, Dragoon, Viking.

Ice Armor

Defense from 5 to 8, Evasion from 6% to 9%, Magic Defense 5, Vit +5, Resist Fire, Equpped by:
Warrior, Ranger, Knight, Dragoon, Viking

Flame Mail

Defense from 5 to 8, Evasion from 6% to 9%, Magic Defense 5	, +5 Vit, Resist Ice, Equipped by:
Warrior, Ranger, Knight, Dragoon, Viking

Kenpo Gi

Defense from  6 to 10, Evasion from 8% to 11%, Magic Defense 4, +5 Str, Equipped by:
Monk, Black Belt

Black Garb

Defense from 8 to 12, Evasion 70%, Magic Defense 6, Resist Dark, +5 Agi, Equipped by:
Mage Robe

Defense from 9 to 10, Evasion 7%, Magic Defense 12, +5 Int +5 Spirit, Equipped by:
White Mage, Black Mage, Red Mage, Evoker, Magus, Devout/Shaman, Summoner, Sage

Viking Mail

Defense from 10 to 18, Evasion from 8% to 12%, Magic Defense 10, +5 Vit, Resist Thunder, Equipped by:

Black Belt Gi
Defense from 11 to 18, Evasion from 10% to 12%, Magic Defense 10, +5 Vit, Equipped by:
Black Belt

Knight Armor

Defense from 12 to 20, Evasion 10%, Magic Defense 10, +5 Vit, Equipped by:
Knight, Mystic Knight

Dragon Mail

Defense from 15 to 17,  Evasion from 12% to 15%,Magic Defense 10, +5 Vit, Resist Thunder, Equipped by:

Bard Vest

Defense from 15 to 16, Evasion from  12% to 18%, Magic Defense 14, +5 Spirit, +5 Agi,  Equipped by:
Ranger, Scholar, Geomancer, Evoker, Bard, Magus, Devout, Summoner, Sage

Scholar Robe

Defense 15, Evasion from 12% to 18%, Magic Defense 16, +5 Int +5 Spirit,  Equipped by:
White Mage, Black Mage, Scholar,  Magus, Devout/Shaman, Sage

Gaia Vest

Defense from 16 to 18, Evasion from 12% to 16%, Magic Defense 13, +5 Vit, +5 Str, Equipped by:
Ranger, Scholar, Geomancer, Evoker, Bard, Magus, Devout, Summoner, Sage

Demon Mail

Defense from 17 to 23, Evasion from 12% to 18%, Magic Defense 12, +5 Vit, Equipped by:
Mystic Knight

Diamond Mail

Defense from 18 to 25, Evasion from 10% to 15%, Magic Defense 12, +5 Vit, Equipped by:
Onion Kid, Warrior, R.Mage, Knight, Thief, Dragoon, Viking  

Reflect Mail

Defense from 20 to 22, Evasion from 12% to 18%, Magic Defense 20, Equipped by:
Onion Kid, Warrior, R.Mage, Knight, Dragoon, Viking, M.Knight,  

White Robe

Defense from 20 to 26, Evasion from 12 to 18%, Magic Defense 35, +5 Vit +5 Spirit, Resist Confusion, Partial Petrification, Petrification, Poison, Sleep, Toad, Equipped by: 
Ranger, Scholar, Geomancer, Evoker, Bard, Magus, Devout, Summoner, Sage

Black Robe

Defense from 20 to 26, Evasion from 12 to 18%, Magic Defense 35, +5 Agi, +5 Int, Resist Confusion, Partial Petrification, Petrification, Poison, Sleep, Toad, Equipped by:
Usable by Ranger, Scholar, Geomancer, Evoker, Bard, Magus, Devout, Summoner, Sage

Gengi Armor

Defense from 24 to 32, Evasion 20%, Magic Defense 25,  +5 Str, +5 Agi, Resist Confusion, Partial Petrification, Petrification, Poison, Sleep, Toad, Equipped by:
Onion Kid, Warrior, R.Mage, Knight, Dragoon, Viking, M.Knight,  

Crystal Mail

Defense from 28 to 36, Evasion 20%, Magic Defense 20, +5 Str, +5 Vit, Resist Confusion, Mini, Petrification, Sleep, Toad, Equipped by:
Onion Kid, Warrior, R.Mage, Knight, Dragoon, Viking, M.Knight,  

Rusty Mail	WHO CARES?
Nah, i'm kidding, they do something now!

Defense 5, Evasion 50%, Mdef 40,  Resist Confusion, Petrification, Sleep, Toad Equipped by Everybody! Let's get weird!


Bronce Bracers 

Defense 1, Evasion 2%, Magic Defense 3, Equipped by:
White Mage, Black Mage, Red Mage, Scholar, Geomancer, Evoker, Magus, Devout/Shaman, Summon, Sage

Onion Gauntlets

Defense 32, Evasion 32%, Magic Defense 32%, +5 Vit +5 Agi +5 Str, Resist all status ailments, Equipped by:
Onion Knight.

Mythril Gloves

Defense from 1 to 4, Evasion 5%, Magic Defense 2, Equipped by:
Onion Kid, Warrior, Red Mage, Knight, Dragoon, VIking	

Mythril Bracers

Defense from 2 to 3, Evasion 7%, Magic Defense 3, Equipped by:
White Mage, Black Mage, Red Mage, Scholar, Geomancer, Evoker, Magus, Devout/Shaman, Summon, Sage

Thief Gloves

Defense 3, Evasion 9, Magic Defense 4, +5 Strength,  Equipped by:


Defense from 2 to 5, Evasion 8%, 3 Magic Defense, +5 Vit, Equipped by:
Onion Kird, Warrior, Red Mage, Knight, Dragoon, Viking, M. Knight.

Power Bracers	

Defense from 4 to 6, Evasion 11%, Magic Defense 3, Resist Confusion, Toad, Equipped by:
Warrior, Monk, Red Mage, Ranger, Knight, Thief, Scholar, Geomancer, Dragoon, Viking, Black Belt, and Bard.

Rune Bracers

Defense 5, Evasion from 10% to 15%, Magic Defense 6, +5 Int +5 Spirit, Resist Confusion, Toad, Equipped by:
White Mage, Black Mage, Red Mage, Scholar, Geomancer, Evoker, Magus, Devout/Shaman, Summon, Sage

Diamond Bracers

Defense from 6 to 8, Evasion from 12% to 11%, Magic Defense 10, +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Int +5 Spirit, Resist Confusion, Toad, Resist Thunder, Equipped by:
Ranger, Scholar, Geomancer, Evoker, Bard, Magus, Devout, Summoner, Sage

Diamond Gloves

Defense from 6 to 10, Evasion from 10% to 11%, Magic Defense 8, +5 Str +5 Vit, Resist Confusion, Toad, Resist Thunder, Equipped by:
Onion Kid, Warrior, R.Mage, Knight, Dragoon, Viking, M.Knight  

Protect Ring

Defense from 7 to 16, Evasion 15%, Magic Defense 15, +5 Vit, Equipped by:

Genji Gloves

Defense from 9 to 11, Evasion 15%, Magic Defense 9, +5 Str +5 Agi +5 Vit +5 Spirit, Resist Confusion, Partial Petrification, Petrification, Poison, Sleep, Toad, Equipped by:
Onion Kid, Warrior, R.Mage, Knight, Dragoon, Viking, M.Knight

Crystal Gloves

Defense from 10 to 12, Evasion 15%, Magic Defense 8, Resist Confusion, Mini, Petrification, Sleep, Toad, Equipped by:
Onion Kid, Warrior, R.Mage, Knight, Dragoon, Viking, M.Knight

And that's it for this patch!


FF3 Shop Changes.Ips

This is a rather simple patch, here, this is what it does:

Fenix Down can be bought in Canaan, Tozus and Viking Hideout instead of Soft (You can buy them in Kazus and Ur) in the Potion Shop. So it will sell Potion, FenixDown and Antidote.

Fenix Down And Carrot can be bought in Ancient's Village and Dwarf Cave, in the Shop in the Inn. FenixDown replaces the Potion, Carrot replaces Antidote.
I added the Carrot because you are unable to find them until you defeat Medusa and restore the Tower of Owen, 
and you get too many things before that point, but you may want to store them with the Fat Chocobo instead of selling them. And you can buy antidotes in other places.

FenixDown cost is 3000.
I was also able to recover the Dream Harp, wich was dummied for no reason. It is now a weapon sold in the Bard's and Geomancer's Village, Duster/Dastar.
It's also possible to buy Wind and Thunder Spears, so you can equip your characters with them if you want to without losing your ship going to Saronia the first time...

And that's it for this patch. Rather small, but I guess it has it's own importance. Maybe. Sort of.


 FF3 Monster HP & Changes 1.4.ips / Even Moar HP 1.2.Ips

You only have to put one of these, you can choose which one you want.You can change one for another if you want.

FF3 Monster HP & Changes 1.4.Ips Will increase the HP of pretty much all monsters in the game and change resitances and weaknesses around. The hp boost is significant for making up for all the upgrades on the enemies, but is not like this is a difficult hack.

FF3 Even moar HP 1.2.ips 
This one will increase the HP even more for those that want a little more challenge, certain bosses have more hp too, and are some small changes to add a little more power to some enemies, but that's a small thing. 

A small Note:

Bahamut, Leviathan and Odin.
These three had a big improvement over their HP, 15.000 for Bahamut and 14.000 for the other two (Or in Even Moar HP, 17000 for Odin, 20000 for Leviathan, and 25000 for Bahamut).

I did this because these are supposed to be this strong deity-like beings, not fragile glasses of wine. For me, the fight ends way too fast.
And because you are rewarded with this three summons, the most powerful spells in the game after you win, I think it would make you feel a little more satisfaction after you defeated them.

Although they are still kind of easy if you are well prepared.

Anyway, you can see the changes in the FF3 Monster HP text file. 

FF3 Steal Changes 1.3.ips

If you read the Stat Changes section you most probably saw my Thief comment. This patch will change pretty much all that can be stealed from enemies.

In the original game, most creatures carry potions (Well, actually, they carry "nothing", but "nothing" always has a potion). Only a few monsters have something, less boring items, but overall it was a disappointment. You couldn't even get FenixDowns (They are actually tied to a dummied monster, what a slap in the face!), and of course, not even a dirty Knife to get from enemies.

After looking for each value of the enemies and what items were in each group, STARWIN pointed to me several things that I didn't understand, and after a lot of trial and error, I managed to create this patch.

Here are the changes:

Normal items:

Added the items HiPotion, Magic Key, Pillow to normal enemies.

Added the items Potion, BombShard, BombShard, Pillow, to normal enemies.

Added the items Potion, SouthWind, SouthWind, Midgbread to normal enemies.

Added the items Potion, Zeus Rage, Zeus Rage, Devil's Sigh to normal enemies.

Added the items BombShard, SouthWind, Zeus Rage to normal enemies.

Added the items Potion, MaidKiss, EchoHerb, LuckMallet to normal enemies.

Added the item Hi Potions to normal enemies.

Added the items Potion, BombShard, BombShard, Pillow to  normal enemies.

Added FenixDown to a lot of enemies, some of them are, for example, Zombie, Helcan, Dirai. 

In few words, all the enemies will drop and carry items, all but the later bosses at least.

Stealable Equipment:

Garb Now has Genji Gloves, Genji helm, Elixir, HiPotion.

Haniel Now has Genji Armor, Genji Shield, FenixDown, HiPotion.

Balfrey Now has Kiku Ichimonji, Break Blade,FenixDown.

DeathClaw Now has Blood Sword,Kotetsu, FenixDown.

Acheron, D. General, Gt.Demon Now have Excalibur, Defender, Masamune.

Ion/Aeon, FlameDevil Now have Holy, WWind, Elixir.

Ouroboros, Grashara  Now have Meteo, Flare, Elixir.

Kenkos, Pterosaur,Sea Lion Now have Aegis Shield, Protect Ring, Rune Bell.

King Behemoth, Abai Now have Holy Lance, Yoichi Bow, Elixir.

Pyralis Now has Blood Lance, Moonring Blade FenixDown.

QumQum, Eater Now have Omni R