Download Conker's High Rule Tail ROM Hack

Conker's High Rule Tail Game
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Parameter Info
Console: SNES
Original Game: The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
Type: Complete
Genre: Action Adventure
Modifications: G,S,L,T,GP,Other
Creator: SePH
Date Created: 12/06/2017
Last Modified: 12/07/2017
Parameter Info
File Name:
Downloads: 1153
Requirements: No-Header (SNES)
Version: 1.2.7b

Conker's High Rule TailDescription

Don’t think this is gonna be a 100% Gold Remake, it’ll have its differences. Extra battles (some’ll be optionals, tough but rewarding), Hoenn Pokemon (in every area, and hard to find) New areas, Remapped some dungeons (so your old guides wont work) , Extra recurring characters (some’ll hate you, some’ll help you)

Note that the hack is incomplete but feel free to enjoy the hack as-is.

Conker's High Rule TailRead Me



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                                A complete overhaul of          ?%?%?%?%?%?%?%?%?%?%?%?%?%


                                 The Legend of Zelda             ?%?%?%?%?%?%?%?%?%?%?%

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                                  A Link To The Past

                                  by SePH, 2009-2017


                         Original game developed and published 

                       by Nintendo for the Super NES, ?1991-1992          


                       Conker is ?RARE, a subsidiary of Microsoft

 This readme is best viewed with Lucida Console 10pt font with word wrap turned off.


                          Conker's High Rule Tail *changelog*


  Patch Release v1.2.7b ~ December 6th, 2017


      - corrected hammer slash in desert area

      - inserted Erock's Interpretation of Bubble

  Patch Release v1.2.7 ~ December 4th, 2017


      - inserted Erock's Interpretation of Koka Kola fountain

      - Added some crucial hint to kick Deku Seed in monologue

      - added hard puzzle solution to spoiler section

  Patch Release v1.2.6 ~ November 15th, 2017


      - added witch at Tingle1 (Koka Kola fountain)

      - fixed hammer splashing in Hyrule Castle

      - disabled Hookshot grabbling at Ganon Master Sword barrier tree stump 

      - added room warp reset at Superskuj Twitch and SePH's Computer

      - fixed xenomrph joke monologue to understand it better

      - small fix in Erock's folder

      - speed can be used anytimes, also with full magic		

  Patch Release v1.2.5 ~ August 15th, 2017


      - added new item lift4 and a block for it to Triforce shrine

      - pots on pickup in D1 grey

      - removed non-accessible room in Parallel Ruins from map

      - fixed Bart to appear at Homer

  Patch Release v1.2.4 ~ August 8th, 2017


      polish ups of

	- gfx (small hearts, maps)

	- asm (msu problem, red tile when digging, etc)

	- HM (Parallel Ruins Tower concept fix)

	- monologue corrections

  Patch Release v1.2.3 ~ July 24th, 2017


      - quite small monologue fix

  Patch Release v1.2.3 ~ July 14th, 2017


      - Ganon has a dynamic life energy to make him defeatable also with L1 sword

      - fixed fastrom

      - small HM edits

  Patch Release v1.2.2 ~ July 11th, 2017


      - monologue fixes

      - game crashing on msu1 fixed

      - pebble/arrow switch fixed

      - new gfx (byrna, somaria, ice rod, hammer, fox tail, Jill, barrier)

      - Clock tower dungeon platform fix

      - bunny mode fix

      - waterfall and fish sprite added

      - shovel gfx fixed

      - Jedi Temple room fix

      - Tardis jump fixed

      - Tardis boss (Ganon) glitched gfx fixed

      - block penetrable by arrows fixed

      - Shortcut barrier breakable with hammer and all swords if Eden Crossbow in inventory

      - Ganon is defeatable after D7 and L1 sword

      - etc...

  Patch Release v1.2 ~ June 24th, 2017


     ASM fixes


      - nimbus problems at boss fight

      - Goldstar Voodoo

      - Tail when carrying something

      - noise fix that randomly appears on collecting ring

      - shortcut to Ganon remains shortcut also when batcave opened

      - vitreous 

      - fixed green windowing effect when switching off zsnes new gfx engine to enjoy desert hdma effect


     HM fixes:


      - Jedi Temple

      - Erock bumper fix

      - infinitive sign collect fix

      - retro dungeon shoot arrow through stone fix (only top right room, if I use too many opened chests in bg1 as blocker, game crashes)

      - removed double bosses in underverse, as they cause bugs

      - underverse doors fix

      - clocktower erock wall fixed

     monologue fixes


      - Deku seed

      - Koka Kola

      - Fairy

      - silver harp

      - hurricane spin

      - Whomps

     new item


      - silver harp

     gfx fixes


      - deku platform now green

      - alien babies

      - alien armos boss fight

      - 2 fairies (Sunflower&Rogue)

      - HC piece on collect now in blackwhite (consistent with out of chest HC piece)

      - Koka Kola replaces old floppy (chest and menu)

      - silver harp out of chest

      - thor's hammer and firerod

      - galaxy book

  Patch Release v1.1.2 ~ March 4th, 2017


      - Fixed glitch in the 1st dungeon preventing you to progress.

  Patch Release v1.1 ~ March 3th, 2017




     - Bouncing against walls in overworlds disabled (caused hdma glitches)

     - Ganon batcave event fixed (bat graphics didn't appear properly)

     - Restored Trixie dialogue after releasing bees on her.



     - Stormtrooper Falling Animation added

     - Fixed Roc's Feather softlock when using it against spike blocks

     - Changed the Deku Seed platform into green like it was supposed to be

     - If you fall in a hole as a bunny, you will now reset as a bunny again

     - Vaati despawning out of bounds glitch fix

     - Added Patty message about swords

     - Jedi Academy exploits fixes when using the boomerang

     - Parallel Tower ruins swimming through walls fix

     - Added exit to Underverse (instead of always spawning inside with no way out)

     - Underverse bosses rush now all respawn properly after dieing (yep)

     - Underverse mouldrum fix if you move down in screen and kill him

       (if you killed him at the bottom of the screen, his head didn't die properly)

     Other notable changes:


     - Added [Name] tag for first boss dialogue (instead of always being named Conker)

     - Longer ending screens timer between slides and new msu-1 voiceovers

     - Better Star Wars intro scrolling msu-1 voiceover

     - Disabled hdma effect when using the tardis key

     - Disabled item switch on shovel and hookshot use (to not let the tail vanish @_@)

     - Changed tons of enemies graphics and many other miscellaneous graphics

     - An Electric Barrier now lies next to Ganon's hole in The Lost Woods

      (You'll now need at least the green light saber to annihilate it and go through)

   Public Release v1.0 ~ October 27th, 2016


   - Initial release on zeldix[dot]net


              /\                                               /\

             /  \      ,% %%%%,%%,%%%%%%%,%%,% ,%%%%%,%%,%%%%%%%      /  \

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           /\    /\    4% %%% 4% 4%%%%%%%4%%%%%%%% 4% 4%%%%%%%    /\    /\

          /  \  /  \                                       /  \  /  \


             %%%                                                   %%%

          __ %%$%                                                    %%

             4% 4% re you ready to play a brand new Zelda 3 adventure . 


                               __ %4%%

                                  %%%etter yet ...

             %%%                                                   %%%

          __ %%$%                                                    %%

             4% 4% re you ready to play a brand new Conker adventure  . 


    %                                                                        %

    %                                                                        %

    )        Initially built as a spiritual sequel to Parallel Worlds,       %

   (    ()   this project has evolved so much overtime that eventually       %

    )        it became an unofficial sequel to an M Rated game that          %

   (         was released late in the Nintendo 64 lifespan, none other       %

    )        than Conker's Bad Fur Day!                                      %

   (                                                                         %

    )        Including all the same crude humor found in that Conker game    %

   (         and the many references to movies and games we've come to love. %

    )                                                                        %

   (         For obvious reasons, it is also rated ''AO for Adults Only''!   %

    )                                                                        %

   (         It also includes, but not limited to, new worlds to explore,    %

    )        dungeons with amazing puzzles like in those Zelda games,        %

   (         new items, upgrades, graphics, ten different characters to      %

    )        play as, a completely new intro to the game inspired by those   %

   (         Star Wars movies, five different endings and an epic MSU-1      %

    )   ()   soundtrack composed of about one hundred songs!                 %

   (                                                                         %

    )        More than twice the replay value Parallel Worlds had,           %

   (         minus all the frustration of course!                            %

    )                                                                        %

   (         The difficulty of this new hack has been thoroughly adjusted    %

    )        over the course of the eight years that I've worked on it       %

   (         so that it should be suited to just about everyone that         %

    )        is going to play it!                                            %

   (                                                                         %

    )        There's of course some harder rooms and secrets                 %

   (         in the game, but nothing impossible to do that needs you        %

    )        to master every LTTP secret out there!                          %

   (                                                                         %

    )                                                                        %

   (                                Have fun!!!  ;-)                         %

    )                                                                        %

   (    ()                                             %%%%%%%%% ,% ,%         %

    )                                                  %%%%%%%%% %%$%         %

    %                                                  %%%%%%4%   4% 4%         %

    %                                                                        %



        /\                                                             /\

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      /____\     %%%%%$% % %  %%$%%%%%% ,%   % %%$%%$%   % ,%%%$%%%%%$%      /____\

     /\    /\    4%  4% 4% 4% %%%4% 4%4%%%%%%%   4% 4% 4%%%%  %%%4% 4%4% 4%%%%    /\    /\

    /  \  /  \                                                     /  \  /  \


	To be able to play Conker's High Rule Tail you will need:

	1. The included patch

	2. A patching program such as LunarIPS

	3. A copy of Zelda A Link To The Past [U][!] WITHOUT HEADER

           CRC32: 777AAC2F

           MD5: 608C22B8FF930C62DC2DE54BCD6EBA72

           SHA-1: 6D4F10A8B10E10DBE624CB23CF03B88BB8252973

           SHA-256: 66871D66BE19AD2C34C927D6B14CD8EB6FC3181965B6E517CB361F7316009CFB

           (Don't bother asking for the rom!)

	You can find a guide on how to use LunarIPS at romhacking[dot]net


               /\                                                /\

              /  \     %,%%%%%,% ,%   ,%  %,%%%%%%,%%%%%,% ,%  %%%      /  \

             /____\    %%%%%%% %%%%%   %%%$%  % %%$%% %  %%%     /____\

            /\    /\   4% 4%%%%%%%   4%  %4%%%%% 4% 4% 4%4% 4%%%%%%    /\    /\

           /  \  /  \                                        /  \  /  \


        This hack fully supports MSU-1, therefore enhancing the game amazingly.

        Here's a link for a pdf readme that contains all the details you need 

        to know in order to get the Conker MSU-1 Enhancement fully working:

        Another link for the MSU-1 Pack Final v1.1:

        And the password you'll need to decompress the archive: !conkermsu1!


               /\                                                /\

              /  \      ,%%%%%%%%%,% ,%%%%  ,%%%%%%%,% ,%%%%%%%       /  \

             /____\     %4%%%%%% %%%%%%%  %%%%%%%% %%$% %%%      /____\

            /\    /\    4% 4%%%%%%%%4%%%%%  4%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%     /\    /\

           /  \  /  \                                        /  \  /  \


         ZSnes has TROUBLE displaying the HDMA effects in the desert.

         In that case go to config -> options and uncheck "use new gfx engine".

         The HDMA effects will then be displayed correctly.


               /\                                                /\

              /  \           %%%,%%%%%%,%  %%%%%%,% ,%%%%           /  \

             /____\          %%%%,%%% %%  % %% ,%% %%$%           /____\

            /\    /\         4%  4%%%%%%4%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%         /\    /\

           /  \  /  \                                        /  \  /  \


                   "A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...."

                                   EPISODE XCVII

                                   A LINK BEYOND

                                   TIME & SPACE

                   It is a chaotic period in time.

                   After having to watch his wife painfully die 

                   under %$&@* disastrous circumstances and avoided 

                   being turned into a side table leg, an alcoholic

                   squirrel named Conker still managed to become 

                   a crowned king! 

                   He had a somewhat unsuccessful tenure as a King.

                   He spent all the treasury money on beer, parties

                   and hookers and was eventually thrown into

                   prison... faced with the prospect of execution.

                   On the day his sentence was due, an event

                   of incalculable proportions happened and freed

                   him from his schackles...

                   A certain time-traveller called ''The Doctor''

                   had done the irreversible!

                   His spaceship had exploded and as a result it had

                   created a rift between many alternate realities.

                   Pursued by a wide variety of enemies from other

                   worlds, Conker races though the rift in "A New Hope"

                   to change his fate and also restore freedom to

                   the Parallel Universes!


               /\                                                /\

              /  \              %%%,%%%%%%%,%%,%%,%%%%%             /  \

             /____\             %  %,%%%$%  %%% % %%%            /____\

            /\    /\            %%%4%%%%%%%4%%4% 4% %%%           /\    /\

           /  \  /  \                                        /  \  /  \


                              CONKER'S HIGH RULE TAIL

                                    VERSION 1.1

                                 ROM HACKING TEAM


                             LEAD HACKER, NEW STORYLINE,

                         OVERWORLD & DUNGEONS MAIN DESIGNER



                              OTHER DUNGEONS DESIGNERS




                                    ASM HACKS


                               Euclid     Reshaper256

                               Conn       MathOnNapkins

                               XaserLE    Wiiqwertyuiop


                                 NEW MUSIC (NATIVE)




                                 NEW MUSIC (MSU-1)


                        Trovsky    Ensigettard     Bensound

                        Veneox     Rahmemhotep     Jeff Ball

                        Freqrexy   Kevin MacLeod   Killerx20

                And many many more... (see track list for the rest)

                                VOICEOVERS (MSU-1)



                                  EXTRA GRAPHICS


             Charmander106       Kerberos  Bidbood

             Steven Donegani     Daisuke   Hyperben2  PhazonWebb16

             superkaminappa9001  Pollux    Ghillie    Bucketboy

             heSpritersResource  Sean NG   Matiz1994  froese-david

                                   BETA TESTERS


              Euclid       PhazonWebb16    Spane      Superskuj

              Conn         Charmander106   XaserLE    ChristosOwen

              Puzzledude   SunGodPortal    Jeimuzu    Fechdog

              Erockbrox    Moegami         Zanak      Tompa

              Trovsky      TylerDurden     Zorazer0   StaceyBee

                                  SPECIAL THANKS


                           SunGodPortal    Qwertymodo

                           Chris Seavor    Al Lowe

                           Thanatos-Zero   Sephiroth3

    This readme was created using two ASCII Art Generators found at: