Parameter | Info |
Console: | SNES |
Original Game: | Chrono Trigger |
Type: | Complete |
Genre: | Role Playing |
Modifications: | G,S,L,T,GP |
Creator: | Kajar Laboratories |
Date Created: | 12/25/2007 |
Last Modified: | 11/29/2015 |
Parameter | Info |
File Name: | |
Downloads: | 323 |
Requirements: | No-Header (SNES) |
Version: | 1.00 |
Rating: |
Don’t think this is gonna be a 100% Gold Remake, it’ll have its differences. Extra battles (some’ll be optionals, tough but rewarding), Hoenn Pokemon (in every area, and hard to find) New areas, Remapped some dungeons (so your old guides wont work) , Extra recurring characters (some’ll hate you, some’ll help you)
Note that the hack is incomplete but feel free to enjoy the hack as-is.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHRONO COMPENDIUM Chrono Trigger: Prophet's Guile December 25, 2007's_Guile.html ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTENTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.) History and Foreword 2.) Installation 3.) ROM hacking & EP 4.) Credits ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.) History and Foreword ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2007-12-25 V 1.00 -First release! WARNING: Right now, PG freezes SNES9x during a certain part, making the game impossible to finish. The latest version of ZSNES works. Chrono Trigger: Prophet's Guile is a fan game following the story of Magus's rise to power in the Kingdom of Zeal after arriving in 12000 B.C. thanks to the distortion at his lair. In his bid to stop Lavos at the Ocean Palace, Magus must gain the trust of Queen Zeal and abolish all opposition. It's about two regular Chrono Trigger chapters long, and full of surprises. Work on Chrono Trigger: Prophet's Guile began in January 2007. ZeaLitY suggested that the Crimson Echoes team, sidelined for the moment, develop a short ROM hack to be released in a couple months. Unfortunately, other matters came into play and after the backbone of the game was coded, work halted and shifted back to Crimson Echoes. In December 2007, Chrono'99 revived the project and thanks to a collaborative effort with his leadership, Prophet's Guile now stands complete. The only casualty of the development process was a plan to resprite Magus as the Prophet, which would have involved exhaustive work. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.) Installation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prophet's Guile comes in the form of an IPS patch, which will be applied to your US Chrono Trigger ROM. Please do not ask me where to get a ROM; it is assumed that you have one. Google it. Once the patch is applied, it cannot be undone. Also, you need to determine which patch to apply. If you aren't sure what to do, just apply the one that is named "CTPG-Headered.ips". Here's the process: 1. Make a copy of your ROM. This patch can't be undone, so you probably want to keep your old ROM untouched. 2. Use Lunar IPS or a program of your choice to select the patch and the ROM you would like to patch it to. If you aren't sure what to do, just open Lunar, hit 'Apply IPS Patch,' then find the Prophet's Guile headered .ips file. 3. It will then ask you to specify the rom you wish to modify; use the copy of your CT rom. You can also rename the patch to the name of your rom and run it in ZSNES, and the emulator will automatically apply it. They must be in the same folder or specified in the Paths options. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.) ROM hacking & EP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you'd like to create your own game or story with Chrono Trigger, it's not too hard! Check out and download Temporal Flux. Tutorials and other helpful documents are available there, and you can pose questions about editing and hacking in the Compendium's Kajar Laboratories forum at,19.0.html Don't miss out on the Prophet's Guile EP (the soundtrack). There are musical spoilers if you listen before playing, however, so go ahead and complete the game before listening. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.) Credits ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DIRECTOR AND PROGRAMMER== Chrono'99 ==WRITER AND CREATOR== ZeaLitY ==MAPPERS== Chrono'99 ZeaLitY nightmare975 ==MUSIC IMPORTING AND REMIXING== JCE3000GT Vehek ZeaLitY ==GRAPHIC HACKING== FaustWolf Chrono'99 ==MENU ART== CuteLucca ==ENDING ART== Julie Dillon ==CONTRIBUTORS== Vehek Kyronea justin3009 Shinrin Kae I'd like to thank everyone who has contributed or hung around the Chrono Compendium. Whether you're a tomato, pirate, Guru, or just a plain old awesome ROM hacker, you've come together with many other fans to make the site the true center of the universe. If you can translate and have some free time, we'd love to find out what's in a few Japanese interviews, Missing Piece, and Ultimania. Just drop us a line. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MaS22Z8Z8MW8S7r002@0ZaS2aZaS:MSZ7rrrS2SM2,7SX7ri2M MMiZBW0Z8SMri;SM0SZM2ZS7SZSrS.M;80;28ZZ,MM 7XSX7; 2M rM,8B0B8ZaBM;XBWBBZaM22Sa27SXa M2XMS7Saar.MZ,r7Sr7r 7MZ MMrBB008a2MMi0@00WBB@X7SS7XS2Z MMiW@XrXXS WM,;rXSXX2iZMM MXaZZ2XZaMMMSW8ZW0ZMa7;77r;irr WM,ZMS;SS2r M8X;7777Z;;.MM MZ2822MSMM@S2aB8888W .iZMMM@MMX2M8raa22 MMrZr7X82rX MMX MW22aM0MMM7aZBB80S aMMMMMMMM0i MM0Z8Zi;r22 ZMSZ2ir8aSXSX.SMM MSS2M0MMSXZB808SiBMMM: MM7SZBii7aXi MMX0rraX22XX;:,MM rMZX8MWM0Xa8BW0S;8MM Sa8M@S2ZM2i;72X MM82ZXaa80ZZX2r ZMM MaXMMZa2S88W@272MMr BMMMMMMM MM;XaZB2ir;7X MMMZZMaZS72Z2SS7,,MM iM:S28X0B0B@ZXXMMW :MMM8;;i,ZW MiX8ZSW7;S7r7 2MMMXWZXr22S72aSS; MM 8Mia220W0Z@arXMM MMWa8MMMMMMaW@;28S2BiXXXSXi7MMMZZW8X280a2X;;S7 M, MM;0MMB0B0ai8MM MMMMMMMMMMMMM@M, i77XS ,::iXriMMMZSaBS7XZ0ZXS2X2 MM MM;ZZ0aX;iZMMi ,MMMMMMMMMMMMMMSWMMMM0S2a8a7. 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MMMMMMMMMMMMMSMM @MMX MM7XZX:;BMMMMa:,:7ZWMMMMMMM8X, ,:i;77 M@,X28M @MMMMMMMMMM2 rMM MMMM :MMMM;;,iBMMMMa7XMMMMMMMWXi, ,i;rXX77rr MM0XZZBMX ;MMMM@B22WMMMMM: SMMMW;. ,8MMMMaSa8Z7002rr,i;;;;7ZWMMMMBZ800Z2 MMMWMMSMi2MM: WMMMMMMMM2 MMMi .rSXSWMMMW8827;XX77SX777X28BM@08BBBWB0ZZ8Z a22,@MXM27X0MMMS ;MMMi MMW X8W@BWMMMW2:.,::rX22ZZ7;8B0B0SZZSSZa7;i;SBMMM 8Z8SMM2MZX778Z2MMMB ;MS,XMM@SWMMMM0WWZr..:rSaZaSSa8aZB@WB8Za0BZZZ8BMMMMMM02r SERGE ~RADICAL DREAMERS~ This is the first time I've ever seen his true face. Even for a guy like me, I'm taken aback by his looks. His hair sways in the moonlight, as his piercing blue eyes survey the environment below. His beauty is different than a woman's... there's some sort of a fierce, intrepid quality about him. He is truly... a beautiful person. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------