Download Breath of Fresh Fire 2 ROM Hack

Breath of Fresh Fire 2 Game
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Parameter Info
Console: GBA
Original Game: Breath of Fire II
Type: Improvement
Genre: Role Playing
Modifications: T,GP
Creator: ludmeister
Date Created: 12/29/2011
Last Modified: 04/27/2016
Parameter Info
File Name:
Downloads: 122
Requirements: No Special Requirements
Version: 1.0, rev.1

Breath of Fresh Fire 2Description

Don’t think this is gonna be a 100% Gold Remake, it’ll have its differences. Extra battles (some’ll be optionals, tough but rewarding), Hoenn Pokemon (in every area, and hard to find) New areas, Remapped some dungeons (so your old guides wont work) , Extra recurring characters (some’ll hate you, some’ll help you)

Note that the hack is incomplete but feel free to enjoy the hack as-is.

Breath of Fresh Fire 2Read Me

***	The Breath of Fresh Fire modification 							  ***
***		for															  ***
***	  Breath of Fire 2 for Game Boy Advance							  ***

Version:	v1.0, rev.1 ? Released December 29th, 2011.
			Initially released on March 24th, 2011.
Author: 	ludmeister (aka Jeff Ludwig)

Notice, effective March 1st, 2012 

	For this release and all new releases, I am discontinuing the use of 
	IPS2EXE to create patches that can be applied without an IPS patching 
	program.  These executable patches set off certain virus and malware 


    The aim of this mod is simply to create a fresh Breath of Fire 2 experience,
	and to allow for more liberal use of Dragon powers.

Version 1.0 Revision 1 Changelog
	* Sten has been given the use of the Warp spell, so players may avoid some 
	  needless backtracking early in the campaign.
Version 1.0 Changelog

    * Spells are modified, especially their AP costs, names, and damage done.
	* Every character casts different spells, and some have different starting 
	  spells as well.
    * Starting stats, and level up progressions for all characters, including 
	  Bleu have been meticulously reworked. Some of the characters will play 
	  much differently than stock Breath of Fire 2, making your strategies 
    * Items have been renamed (no 2 character demarcation at the end of each 
	  item). This allowed for 8 characters for each item name (6 for stackable 
	  items). There are numerous items with different properties, and almost all 
	  non-equipable items are stackable.
    * Dragon Magic has been significantly changed. No more zero-ing out of the 
	  Dragonbrood's AP when using Dragon abilities! They have been given an AP 
	  cost, and do damage based off of hero level (not AP remaining).
    * Fixed a bug in the original code that prevented the Dragon abilities 
	  (Fire, Ice and Thunder Dragon) from inflicting damage according to their 
	  elemental classification.
    * I have meticulously realigned the Shaman combo system. The Holy and Devil 
	  shamans are more powerful on their own. In face, a bug in the original code 
	  (namely, Luck was not affected as it should have been) meant that the Holy 
	  shaman by itself was worthless. I bypassed this by allowing the Holy Shaman 
	  to increase other attributes. I have also added new Shaman combos. I may 
	  post the new Shaman Combo list as time permits. For now, I'll leave you with 
	  this teaser... Nina + Fire + Water... is very powerful!
    * The "Special" message when character's critically hit monsters always 
	  annoyed me. It has been changed to "Smoked!"
    * Of course, to compensate for the various nifty new powers your characters 
	  have, your enemies' power had to be increased proportionally. To keep things 

Installation instructions

The following applies this and all future releases of the Breath of Fresh Fire mod.

    * First of all, you will need to obtain a clean GBA ROM of Breath of Fire 2. 
	  The ROM title that you are looking for is "0510 - Breath of Fire II (E).gba". 
	  You are on your own for this step, as it is illegal to provide ROMs of 
	  copyrighted material. There are sites that do provide this ROM though, 
	  and you should be able to obtain it.
	* Note: This patch does not work with the "0403 - Breath of Fire II (U).gba" ROM!
    * When you get it, make a backup of it if you would want to play the vanilla 
	  version (or, in case I post an updated version of the mod here... I am not 
	  going to make version 1.0 to "version whatever" patches for my mods, for 
    * Download the Breath of Fresh Fire mod.
	* Use the IPS patching program of your choice to apply the .ips patch to the
	  correct ROM.  As I use IPS XP ( to
	  create my patches, I recommend using this program to patch your ROM.
    * I hope you enjoy it!