Download Brandish Name Restore ROM Hack

Brandish Name Restore Game
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Parameter Info
Console: SNES
Original Game: Brandish
Type: Improvement
Genre: Role Playing > Action RPG
Modifications: T
Creator: ZeLoz (akaBill)
Date Created: 12/09/2009
Last Modified: 04/23/2016
Parameter Info
File Name: Brandish Name
Downloads: 8
Requirements: No-Header (SNES)
Version: 1.5

Brandish Name RestoreDescription

Don’t think this is gonna be a 100% Gold Remake, it’ll have its differences. Extra battles (some’ll be optionals, tough but rewarding), Hoenn Pokemon (in every area, and hard to find) New areas, Remapped some dungeons (so your old guides wont work) , Extra recurring characters (some’ll hate you, some’ll help you)

Note that the hack is incomplete but feel free to enjoy the hack as-is.

Brandish Name RestoreRead Me

Brandish Name Change
(version 1.5)
December 9, 2009
ZeLoz (akaBill)

Version History:
1.5 (Current): Changes "Gadobistall" and "Btowls" to "King/God Bistall" and "Bytohl" to maintain continuity with Synchronicity's Brandish 2 English Translation. Also fixed a few embarrasing slip-ups in the previous patch (There were two instances of "Berymiya" still, among other things). Thanks goes to Denpa no Sekai, who led the translation of Brandish 2 and kindly pointed out the differences between our two works. 
1.0 (11/14/2009): Original Release

What it does: 
Takes any instances I could find of "Varik", "Alexis", "Berimya", and "Berebus" and changes them to "Ares", "Dela", "Bytohl", and "God/King Bistall" respectively. I thought about changing Dela's outfit to match the Japanese version, but I couldn't find the graphics data. Actually, I guess I could find the graphics data if I would just sit down and look for it, but I have other real life things to deal with at the moment. Sorry, dood.

How to use: 
Use your favorite IPS patcher to patch an unaltered American Brandish rom (GoodSNES: Brandish (U) [!]). Depending on the rom, you must use either the "Header" patch or the "NoHeader" patch.

Roms to be used with the "Header" patch have a file size of 1,573,376 bytes (The actual rom file, or "smc").
The "NoHeader" patch will only work with the rom that's 1,572,864 bytes.

Stuff I used: 
GoldFinger for HexEditing
TileLayerPro for changing "BERIMYA" on the gameplay screen to "BTOWLS," and then to "BYTOHL."
A table file accredited to Neil_ and found on the Snakeyes Gaming Corp. website.

Disclaimer Stuff: 
I don't own Brandish, Falcom does. Support the official release and import yourself a copy of Brandish - The Dark Revenant if you have a PSP and decent Japanese literacy. I hear it's pretty good.

If ya gots any issues (which, being my first rom hack, you probably do), feel free to e-mail me at Of course, whether or not I'll actually help you is another thing entirely, but just assume I will as long as you ask politely. Also, if anyone finds out where all of Dela's graphics are (sprite, cutscene, etc.), I would gladly accept any help with that.