Baixar a Rom do Metal Gear Solid 3 - Subsistence (Disc 1) (Subsistence Disc) ROM

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Nome do arquivo: Metal Gear Solid 3 - Subsistence (USA) (En,Es) (Disc 1) (Subsistence Disc).7z
Região: US Country (US)
Gênero(s): Action, Adventure
Console: PS 2 (Get Emulator)
Tamanho do Arquivo: unknown
Downloads: 2682
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Sobre o Jogo Metal Gear Solid 3 - Subsistence (Disc 1) (Subsistence Disc)

Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence is an expanded release of Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater. New features include a new camera angle, and the addition of the first incarnation of Metal Gear Online, which is currently discontinued. It was released in Japan on December 22, 2005; North America on March 14, 2006; Europe on October 6, 2006; and Australia/Asia on October 13, 2006. There are two versions of Subsistence, the basic edition and a limited edition version. The one difference is the inclusion of a third disk (Existence) in the limited edition version. Whilst this is the case for the Japanese and North American versions, the European and Australasian versions has no limited edition. Instead, to make up for the long delay, they contain all three disks. They also feature the signature of Hideo Kojima printed on the bottom right corner of the cover.

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