Baixar a Rom Hack do Pokemon - Crystal Version (Emu Edition)

Pokemon - Crystal Version (Emu Edition) Jogo
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Parâmetro Informações
Console: GB
Jogo Original: Pokémon: Crystal Version
Tipo: Improvement
Gênero: Role Playing
Modificações: Other
Criador: LocksmithArmy
Data da Criação: 02/22/2014
Última Modificação: 08/21/2018
Parâmetro Informações
Nome do arquivo: Pokemon - Crystal Version (Emu Edition) (v1.3B).rar
Downloads: 695
Requisitos: No Special Requirements
Versão: 1.3B

Descrição - Pokemon - Crystal Version (Emu Edition)

Don’t think this is gonna be a 100% Gold Remake, it’ll have its differences. Extra battles (some’ll be optionals, tough but rewarding), Hoenn Pokemon (in every area, and hard to find) New areas, Remapped some dungeons (so your old guides wont work) , Extra recurring characters (some’ll hate you, some’ll help you)

Note that the hack is incomplete but feel free to enjoy the hack as-is.

Leia-me - Pokemon - Crystal Version (Emu Edition)

Pokemon - Crystal Version (Emu Edition) is a hack of Pokemon - Crystal Version for GameBoy Color. This game has been modified so that one person can complete the Pokedex without trading.

All the unobtainable Pokemon have been added in one way or another... a list of their locations is provided below:

Vulpix- Route 7, & 8, in the Morning
Mankey- Route 22, during the Day
Mareep- Route 42, & 43, in the Morning
Girafarig- Route 43, at Night
Remoraid- Route 44, in the Water

Bulbasaur- Route 21, at Night
Charmander- Safari Zone, during the Day
Squirtle- Fuchsia City, in the Water

Chikorita- Route 39, at Night
Cyndaquil- Burned Tower, in the Morning
Totodyle- Ecruteak City, in the Water

Omanyte- Safari Zone, in the Morning
Kabuto- Safari Zone, at Night
Aerodactyl- In-Game Trade

Articuno- In-Game Trade
Zapdos- In-Game Trade
Moltres- In-Game Trade
Mew- In-Game Trade
Mewtwo- In-Game Trade
Celebi- Take the GS ball from the goldenrod PC To Kurt then the Illex Forest Shrine.

Alakazam- Evolve Kadabra at Lv36
Machamp- Evolve Machoke at Lv48
Golem- Evolve Graveler at Lv45
Gengar- Evolve Haunter at Lv45

Politoad- Evolve Polywhirl at Lv45
Slowking- Evolve Slowpoke with a Water Stone
Steelix- Evolve Onix at Lv35
Kingdra- Evolve Seadra at Lv52
Scizor- Evolve Scyther at Lv25
Porygon2- Evolve Porygon at Lv35

There are a few other minor changes, I hope you can catch them all ;)


For to patch this IPS file you only need the contents of this .rar file and your origional copy of Pokemon - Crystal Version (UE) (V1.1) [C][!].

Unzip this .rar archive (I use WinRAR) to any location on your computer.
Add your Pokemon Gold Version rom to that folder.
Double click the "Lunar IPS.exe" application
Once it is opened click "Apply IPS Patch"
Then select the "Pokemon - Gold Version (Emu Edition).ips" file
Next you will be prompted to select your clean copy of Pokemon Crystal Version... 
After you select your rom the patch will be applied... 

Enjoy it!

Special Thanks goes to JuanMamaril for the inspiration to make this hack. You ask and you shall recieve.