Baixar a Rom Hack do Final Fantasy ++

Final Fantasy ++ Jogo
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Parâmetro Informações
Console: NES
Jogo Original: Final Fantasy
Tipo: Complete
Gênero: Role Playing
Modificações: G,S,L,T
Criador: Grond
Data da Criação: 01/20/2007
Última Modificação: 12/02/2017
Parâmetro Informações
Nome do arquivo:
Downloads: 39
Requisitos: No Special Requirements
Versão: 1.5

Descrição - Final Fantasy ++

Don’t think this is gonna be a 100% Gold Remake, it’ll have its differences. Extra battles (some’ll be optionals, tough but rewarding), Hoenn Pokemon (in every area, and hard to find) New areas, Remapped some dungeons (so your old guides wont work) , Extra recurring characters (some’ll hate you, some’ll help you)

Note that the hack is incomplete but feel free to enjoy the hack as-is.

Leia-me - Final Fantasy ++

 Final Fantasy ++
 Version 1.5 (ninth release) - January 2007
 Hack by Grond
 Final Fantasy and all related indicia are copyright SquareEnix.
 Original English translation is copyright Nintendo.


 Final Fantasy ++.ips (the patch file that will let you play the hack.)
 Read Me ++.txt
 Enemy List.txt
 Equip List.txt
 Magic List.txt
 Final Fantasy ++.pal (can be used to optimize the game's colors.)


 Final Fantasy ++ (or Final Fantasy Double-Plus, or Final Fantasy Plus Plus) is a "re-imagining" of the very
 first Final Fantasy game. Of course, there isn't actually any game to be found in this archive; just an IPS
 file that can do wonderful things when combined with a Final Fantasy 1 ROM.


 You'll need a utility that can apply IPS patches. Go to,
 download "Lunar IPS" and use it to apply the patch to a clean (unaltered) Final Fantasy 1 ROM (U.S. release).
 Remember to make a back-up copy of your ROM first.


 A whole lot. This is easily one of the most extensive Final Fantasy hacks released to date.
 -Redone graphics. (Mostly ripped from later games in the series.)
 -Redone enemies. (Many are new; some are returning enemies with new properties.)
 -Redone magic spells. (Magic is now divided into White, Black, and Time Magic.)
 -Redone weapons and armor. (Some armors now increase evasion rather than lowering it! ^_^)
 -Redone maps. (Most are similar to the original game's; some are totally new.)
 -Redone character class system (see next two sections).
 -Two new pieces of music. (Adapted from Final Fantasy 4.)
 -Some other relatively minor stuff.



 >>> Fighter <<<
 Hit Point growth: High (731-999 at level 50)
 Hit Rate growth: 2 per level (108 at level 50)
 Magic Defense growth: 3 per level (170 at level 50)
 Pros: High damage rating, highest defense, high HP
 Cons: Cannot learn magic

 >>> Ninja <<<
 Hit Point growth: Moderate (542-886 at level 50)
 Hit Rate growth: 3 per level (157 at level 50)
 Magic Defense growth: 3 per level (170 at level 50)
 Pros: High number of hits, highest evasion, best running ablity, some magic ability
 Cons: HP are a little low

 >>> Moogle <<<
 Hit Point growth: Very High (always 999 by level 50)
 Hit Rate growth: 1 per level (69 at level 50)*
 *note that a Moogle's # of hits is double that of other classes (when no weapon is equipped).
 Magic Defense growth: 4 per level (200 at level 50)
 Pros: Good attack, can learn Temper spell, high MagDef, highest HP, high armor carrying capacity
 Cons: Low defense, very low MP, few equipment options

 >>> Time Mage <<<
 Hit Point growth: Low (379-721 at level 50)
 Hit Rate growth: 1 per level (52 at level 50)
 Magic Defense growth: 4 per level (200 at level 50)
 Pros: Only class that can use Time magic, high MagDef, can use any magic after Class Change
 Cons: Lower MP growth and total MP than other mages, lowest attack and HP of all classes

 >>> White Mage <<<
 Hit Point growth: High (666-999 at level 50)
 Hit Rate growth: 1 per level (56 at level 50)
 Magic Defense growth: 3 per level (170 at level 50)
 Pros: Healing/reviving/protecting/attack raising magic spells, high HP
 Cons: Damage-inflicting ability is somewhat lacking

 >>> Black Mage <<<
 Hit Point growth: Moderate (465-809 at level 50)
 Hit Rate growth: 1 per level (59 at level 50)
 Magic Defense growth: 3 per level (170 at level 50)
 Pros: Has many options for damaging and inflicting status ailments
 Cons: Physical attack power and HP aren't very high

 >>> Sage (Time Mage upgrade) <<<
 Hit Point growth: Low (379-721 at level 50)
 Hit Rate growth: 1 per level (52 at level 50)
 Magic Defense growth: 4 per level (200 at level 50)
 Pros/Cons: see Time Mage


 Class Change is, for the most part, no longer just a simple upgrade, e.g. Fighter becomes Knight. Instead,
 it will now change fighter-type classes to mage-types, and vice-versa. Exceptions: Time Mage and Moogle.
 It works thusly:
 -Fighter becomes White Mage.
 -Ninja becomes Black Mage.
 -Moogle stays a Moogle.
 -Time Mage becomes Sage.
 -White Mage becomes Fighter.
 -Black Mage becomes Ninja.
 Know that a Class-changed character will still be able to make use of any spells learned, and any weapons
 and armor equipped, prior to undergoing the process. However, the change is complete; that is to say that
 a fighter that becomes a mage can no longer equip heavy weapons and armor, and likewise a mage that turns
 into a fighter can no longer learn new spells. So, you would be advised to get all the stuff you think
 you'll be needing learned/equipped before confronting Bahamut.


 -When a Moogle gains a level with a claw equipped, Defense will not increase as it should.
  Simply visit the Armor screen and the Defense stat will update.



 -Dropped the icons from the front of weapons' and magic spells' names, in favor of longer names.
 -Renamed most spells so that they more closely follow the "-ra -ga -ja" naming convention.
 -Changed the Soft spell entirely, plus one or two other minor changes to spells.
 -Gave different graphics to many weapons, and altered the properties of a couple.
 -Weakened and cheapened Potions to 50 HP for 50 gil.
 -Tweaked the Earth Cave music slightly.
 -Made very minor changes to some NPC's dialogues.
 -Renamed some things that were otherwise unchanged.
 -Recolored a couple of things.
 -Some other changes of relatively little consequence.

 VERSION 1.45:
 -Eliminated screen (un)furling effect when changing areas.
 -Added support for 10-character enemy names.
 -Changed a few enemies' names.
 -Made Pirate enemy a little easier to kill.
 -Some minor palette changes; included a .pal file.
 Minor updates:
 -Changed the worthless Basna spell to Blind.
 -Subtle changes to the .pal file.

 VERSION 1.41:
 -Added Disch's flowing-ocean hack and used Dormento's method to disable the B-Select map.

 -Eliminated the Poison status affliction and reinstated the Darkness status instead.
 -Pure spell changed to Basna (i.e. "Battle Esuna"). It cures Darkness, Stun, Sleep, & Mute.
 -Gave the Remedy item the ability to cure Stone status, and changed the Needle item into a
  Revive item (cure Death status but HP remains at 0 until you heal the character).
 -Fixed a long-unnoticed bug that made the Warp spell's outside-of-battle effect be duplicated
  in another spell (fix achieved by swapping Warp&Slep2 and Exit&Brak2. Sloppy, but it works).
 -Altered MP growth somewhat, and gave the TimeMage/Sage class 1 more max MP per Magic Level.
 -Removed the Moogle's ability to learn Cure1/2/3 & Life, but now it can learn Sabre.
 -Gave the Moogle class 5 more starting Hit%.
 -Gave the TimeMage/Sage class slightly better HP growth.
 -Removed White Mage's ability to equip the Cursed and Force shields.
 -Lefein's "secret" Magic Shops were moved to Onrac.
 -Cut the 0-Bahamut and Philosophr enemies, and added the new Skuldier and DarkSoul.
 -Made fairly minor changes to a few maps, enemies (including GFX), and spells.
 -Made further attempts to optimize the colors for the default NES palette.
 -Altered the font a bit in hopes of making it more readable.
 -A few other minor tweaks.

 -Ditched the .pal file and attempted to optimize colors for the default NES palette.
 -Added Disch's bulk item-buying feature.
 -Implemented Dormento's B-button dash feature.
 -Used Paulygon's method to stop party-reordering when poisoned/petrified/slain.
 -Weakened Potions slightly, and made them a bit cheaper.
 -Made very minor changes to a few maps, enemies, and spells.
 -Gave the Flamberg sword added effectivity against regenerative enemies.
 -Enabled usage of Disch's flowing-ocean hack (while leaving the descision whether
  to actually implement it to the player, since it breaks the B-select map screen).
 -Several other minor changes, of course.

 -Made lots of tweaks to maps, enemies, spells, and equipment, improving overall game balance.
 -Changed one set of purple colors to nice browns (so use the .pal file or things'll look weird).
 -Added two new enemies (MadOgre and DarkGoblin).
 -Renamed several enemies.
 -Increased weapon elemental/category damage bonus to 14 from 5.
 -Defense Ring should now resist poison as well as stun and sleep.
 -Sped up dialogue window open/close.
 -Running from battle is now slightly more difficult.
 -Re-drew character battle graphics to make better use of available colors.
 -Let White Mage and Ninja equip the Force Shield.
 -Gave the Moogle more Magic Points.
 -Added a "power-level"-ing spot (just to the right of the Inn east of Elf Castle).
 -Placed an exit in the final dungeon, so you won't need Warp/Exit/a Save Crystal to leave.
 -Some other minor tweaks.

 VERSION 1.15:
 -Enabled weapon elemental/category damage bonus.
 -Fixed weapon critical hit values.
 -Changed some weapons a bit to better utilize the aforementioned bugfixes.
 -Changed the Safe spells into Sabre spells (increase attack power).
 -Moogles can now learn the Life(1) spell.
 -Using a Tent will now give you MP _before_ saving.
 -Implemented a few other relatively minor bugfixes.
 -One or two other very minor changes.

 -Changed the properties of several enemies, and the graphics of a few.
 -Adjusted a few spells and monster abilities.
 -Slightly altered several maps and their treasures.
 -Added a new airship graphic, and made a few other minor graphical changes.
 -Made gaining levels go more quickly in the early part of the game.
 -Tweaked character Magic Defense growth.
 -Powered-up the Masmune katana a bit.
 -Some other minor things not worth mentioning.

 -Initial release.


 Disch - for his FFHackster utility, his Item Shop and Ocean hacks, and for overall slickness
 Paulygon - for his FFHackster Companion utility, his Game Genie codes, for making me reconsider
            character Magic Defense growth, and for his bugfixes posted at GameFAQs
 Alex Jackson - for revealing info about various in-game formulas
 Y Dienyddiwr Da - for his FFBytes documents
 Goongyae - for his FinalFacelift patch
 Dragonsbrethren - for help in removing the enemy-window border in battles
 Gavin & Vystrix Nexoth - for info about the dialogue window
 Dormento - for his sweet B-button dash hack and for disabling the B-Select map
 ...and everyone else who's into FF1.


 This archive and its contents are offered freely and "as-is". The author of the hack assumes no responsibility
 if it causes anyone any kind of grief. The author is not affiliated with SquareEnix, Nintendo, or anyone else.
 This hack is not licensed or endorsed by anyone. The author does not approve of, or wish to encourage the usage
 of, illegally-obtained ROM files. Etc., etc....